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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This research comprises comparison of I. R Iran’ s TVE graduates and human resources requirement in this sector and considering external efficiency and rate of graduate occupation based on fields of studies, faculties and graduate self-employment and their challenges. In conducting this research have benefit from descriptive and survey methods. The research questionnaires for tracer study have developed in corporation of CPSC (Colombo Plan Staff College). For this assessment we used Statistical population from TVE Colleges and faculties. In sampling, in country level we selected 24 fields of studies from 69 centers. According to the research findings, 76% of graduates could find a job appropriate to their field of study. And only 22% of practitioners on the job are self-employ. Also the research finding shows that for materializing occupations for all graduates in TVE it is require having additional 63% of occupational vacancies for 163000.

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By development of technology and extensive changes arising from it, countries have to turn the approach from ‘ resource-based economy’ to ‘ knowledge-based economy’ approach. Due to the integrating theoretical and practical training, Technical Vocational Education and Training have much capacity in human capital formation and training. Nowadays, establishing small businesses and their quick impact on economic systems across the world has been accepted as a necessity. So the aim of this study was to examine the role of technical vocational education and training in creating opportunities and capacities ahead, in relation to home jobs in Qazvin city. Research method is based on documentary and field studies of a population of 100 members. The research instrument was a questionnaire whose validity and reliability have been confirmed. The chi-square test was used to analyze the inferential statistics. Results were analyzed by SPSS software and indicated that the significance level of the critical value is lower supporting significant impact for technical and vocational training on home jobs. Also, the significant impact of the goals of technical and vocational education has been confirmed on creating more opportunities in relation to home-based businesses. But reaching this goal requires more attention from relevant authorities in this regard.

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The present paper aims to construct, validate and estimate the reliability of the questionnaire of technology competencies of student-teachers at Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University (SRTTU) in Tehran. To do so a questionnaire was developed after a systematic review of literature on theories of technology competencies. Through a random cluster sampling a sample of 60 student teachers of SRTTU was selected and the questionnaire was administered among them. The instrument included 49 items. Item analysis such as item discrimination and loop, construct validation (factor analysis) and reliability analysis (Cronbach Alpha) were utilized. In factor analysis, three factors were identified as: technology knowledge, knowledge consolidation and knowledge production. The reliability of the questionnaire turned out to be. 98. The results indicate that the instrument is both reliable and valid and can be readily used to assess student-teachers’ technology competencies.

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Stress is a special relationship between a person and their environment. In this case, a person assesses the environment either as beyond their resources or as posing a risk to their health. Several factors cause stress. One of these factors is the environmental factor. The current study has been done with the aim of investigating the effect of natural daylight on students’ stress reduction in the classroom. This research is a correlational study and in terms of purpose is an applied research. The research method is survey and the data collection instrument includes the standard questionnaire for measuring stress, anxiety, and depression (DASS-21). The reliability of the questionnaire was approved with the Cronbach’ s alpha of 0. 897. The questionnaires were analyzed by SPSS software version 22. Hypothesis testing was done by t-statistic, Pearson correlation coefficient, and regression. The Levin test was also used to verify the research hypotheses. The results of this study indicate that there is a relationship between daylight and stress, anxiety, and depression with correlation coefficients of 0. 634, 0. 742, and 0. 698 have been found respectively (p< 0. 01).

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Acquiring new and specialized knowledge is a necessity because of rapid changes, therefore lifelong learning literacy and its promotion are considered as an essential capability for employees. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of knowledge management process on lifelong learning literacy of secondary school teachers in Birjand city. This is a quasi-experimental study which used pretest-posttest control-group design. The sample group included 40 English teachers of secondary school in Birjand City, were selected by convenience sampling method. Experimental group receiving needed instruction, applied knowledge management according Jashpara (2004) model and the control group have not the activity. Lee and Tasay's Lifelong Learning Literacy Questionnaire, (2007) was used as a tool and the data was analyzed using covariance analysis method. According to the results, knowledge management process had a significant effect on lifelong learning literacy among teachers. Also, knowledge management process had a significant impact on the components of lifelong learning literacy (input, process and output). It is recommended to use knowledge management process in order to develop teachers’ lifelong learning literacy.

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The aim of the present study was to identify the flipped classroom educational outputsvia a synthesis research method. Therefore, the analysis unit consisted of all related scientific studies, which were based on systematic searches in internal and external databases based on the inclusion criteria of 1298 scientific researches was identified and finally, based on the inclusion criteria, 106 studies were selected for the final analysis. To collect the required data, a researchermadeworksheet was employed and to ensure the used coding, two examiners were asked to reencode the findings. For analyzing the data, Roberts’ six-step synthesis model was used via open and axial coding methods in Nvivo-8 software. Results indicated that applying flipped classroom instruction totraining led to the occurrence of 119 types of educational outputs, which according to the classification of efficiencies in the overall axis of those outputs, including 7 temporal, interaction, skill, personal, group, educational, and teaching dimensionsamong whichthe individual dimension achievedthe highest educational output.

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The main purpose of this study was designing curriculum electronic-content for sustainable development education in the higher education system. The research project was qualitative and in particular ’ qualitative case study‘ ; The statistical population of the study consisted of three groups: 1: All members of the faculty of civil engineering, architecture, agriculture; 2: All members of faculty of educational psychology of Shiraz University And 3: all experts, scholars, and researchers in the field of electronic curriculum planning; To collect data questionnaire and interview were used. To analyze the data, a consensus-based approach and the Bowl technique were used; Also, open-ended interview was used. The data obtained were analyzed by the software Nvivo version 8 using Thematic analysis technique and content design curriculum for sustainable development education in Iran's higher education system As a comprehensive Thematic, 4 organizing themes and 73 basic themes were identified and the content network was extracted. Curriculum framework for sustainable development education at higher education level designed in the form of twelve elements: goal, content, role of instructor, learner role, teaching method-learning, evaluation, teaching materials, type of curriculum, level of education, participants in the design and implementation of curriculum, place of training, and time of training. The curriculum was compiled in five chapters, five titles and sixteen chapters. As such, this curriculum can be taught in the form of an instructional book as a two-unit course in a variety of disciplines, including civil engineering, architecture, and agriculture.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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