Introduction: The present research aimed to determine the epidemiology of enuresis and the related factors in primary school students in the city of Semnan.
Method: In this research 1200 students of 7-11 years of age were selected from 26 schools using randomized cluster sampling, and their parents were asked to fill in the questionnaire of enuresis.
Study data were analyzed using Fisher's exact test, Hest, and the chi-square.
Results: This study estimated the overall prevalence of enuresis was 15.5% (18.4% in boys and 13.1% for girls). The peak age was 8 years of age (25.3%) and the figure decreased at older age. Factors such as socio-economic level, parents' education and occupation, size of family, breast feeding, history of stress in prior 6 months, frequency of voiding, waking disorder and prior year's school performance were significantly related to enuresis. Of 186 students with enuresis, 30 (16.1%) had diurnal enuresis, 52 (21%) had day wetting, and 3 (1.6%) had encopresis.
Conclusion: The prevalence of enuresis in primary school students in Semnan seems higher than the results of other similar studies.