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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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از جمعیت 2 میلیونی تک سمی های ایران %75 آنها الاغ هستند. علیرغم این فراوانی اطلاعات کمی درباره آلودگی های انگلی و اثرات آن بر کارایی این حیوان وجود دارد. در بررسی حاضر در کالبدگشایی 45 راس الاغ (اکوئوس آزینوس)، آلودگی کرمی آنها مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. محتویات قسمت های مختلف لوله گوارش هر الاغ بطور جداگانه شست و شو شد و کرم های موجود در آن جدا گردید. کبد به قطعات 1×3 سانتی متر تقسیم شد و پس از له کردن در آب ولرم تکه ها برداشت شد و از محتویات باقیمانده کرم ها جدا شدند. بقیه اندام ها پس از قطعه از نظر آلودگی انگلی بررسی گردید. علاوه بر این، چشم، پوست و سطوح خارجی هم چنین اندام های داخلی از نظر آلودگی کرمی تحت بررسی قرار گرفت. از میان اندام های آلوده در لوله گوارش، محوطه بطنی و کبد تعدادی انگلی جدا گردید. مجموعا 22 گونه نماتود، یک گونه سستود، دو گونه ترماتود و یک گونه گاستروفیلید در خانواده و دون خانواده های تریکوسترونژیلیده (×1)، آسکاریده (×1)، آتراسیده (×1)، هابرونماتیده (×3)، اکسیوریده (×1)، استرونژیلینه (×3)، سیاتوستومینه (×12)، اسپیروریده (×1)، آنوپلوسفالیده (×1)، فاسیلولیده (×1)، دیکروسلیده (×1) و گاستروفیلیده (×1) تشخیص داده شدند. کرم های دون خانواده سیاتوستومینه از همه شایع تر و از میان آنها سیلیکوسیکلوس ناساتوس و سیاتوستوموم تتراکانتوم شایع ترین و فراوان ترین گونه ها بودند. در میان استرونگل های بزرگ، استرونژیلوس ولگاریس از سایر گونه ها شایع تر بود. در بین گونه های برونما، هابرونما موسکه بیش از سایر گونه ها دیده شد و بعد از آن ها برونما ماژوس و دراشیامگاستوما قرار داشت. پروبستمیریا از %20 الاغ ها جدا شد و از یک راس بیش از 450 هزار کرم جدا گردید. گاستروفیلوس اینتستینالیس در %66.6 الاغ ها مشاهده شد. میزان شیوع و فراونی کرم ها در این بررسی کم بود اگرچه آلودگی مختلط و با چند انگل که در بررسی حاضر 1-4 عدد بود می تواند بر سلامتی دام تاثیرگذار باشد. مطالعات بیشتری در این زمینه مورد نیاز است.

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روش ردیابی باندهای پروتئینی پس از وسترن بلات با استفاده از پادتن های نشاندارشده با فلئورسنت در این مطالعه به تفضیل شرح داده شده است. با استفاده از پادتن های نشاندار شده با فلئورسنت، می توان پروتئین هایی را که پس از الکتروفورز به غشا پلی وینیلیدن فلوراید (PVDF) منتقل شدند را در پرتو اشعه ماوراء بنفش آشکار کرده و تصویر آن را به دقت ثبت نمود. نشان گذاری فلئورسنت بدون نیاز به مراحل اضافی جهت رنگ آمیزی، امکان ثبت تصاویر دقیق را فراهم می کند. برای ارزیابی این روش، پادگن های توموری لکوزانزئوتیک گاوی به عنوان مثالی از پروتئین های ایمونوژنیک مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. نتایج این بررسی مشخص کرد که نشان گذاری پادتن ها با فلئورسنت جهت ردیابی پروتئین ها یک روش جایگزین بسیار حساس و قابل اطمینان نسبت به روش های متداول بررسی پروتئین ها در وسترن بلات است.

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خرچنگ های ماده بالغ Potamon persicum (تعداد (65 از رودخانه جاجرود واقع در شرق تهران تهیه شدند.قطع دو طرفه پایه های چشم در خرچنگ های با وزن 27.6±2.1 گرم، انجام شد. تغییرات در میزان قند، پروتئین و تعداد هموسیت های همولنف، اندیس تخمدان و غده کبد - لوزالمعده، همچنین وزن بدن و طول کاراپاس مورد بررسی و اندازه گیری قرار گرفت.میزان قند همولنف در خرچنگهای با قطع پایه های چشم، کاهش معنی داری را در پایان هفته اول و افزایش معنی داری را در پایان هفته های دوم و سوم پس از قطع پایه های چشم در مقایسه با گروه های کنترل نشان داد (P<0.05).میزان پروتئین تام همولنف در خرچن گهای با قطع پایه های چشم، افزایش معنی داری را در مقایسه با گروه کنترل، در پایان هفته سوم پس از قطع پایه های چشم نشان داد (P<0.05). همچنین تغییرات معنی داری در میزان اجزای پروتئین تام همولنف در خرچنگ های با قطع پایه های چشم در مقایسه با گروه کنترل، در پایان هفته سوم مشاهده شد (P<0.05).میانگین تعداد کل هموسیت های همولنف در خرچنگ های با قطع پایه های چشم افزایش معنی داری را در مقایسه با گروه های کنترل، در پایان هفته های دوم و سوم نشان داد (P<0.05).اندیس های تخمدان و غده کبد - لوزالمعده، در خرچنگ های با قطع پایه های چشم، به ترتیب افزایش و کاهش معنی داری را در مقایسه با گروه کنترل در پایان هفته های دوم و سوم نشان داد (P<0.05).میانگین وزن بدن خرچنگ های با قطع پایه های چشم، افزایش معنی داری را در مقایسه با گروه های کنترل در پایان هفته های دوم و چهارم نشان داد (P<0.05).میانگین طول کاراپاس در خرچنگ های با قطع پایه های چشم تغییر معنی داری را در مقایسه با گروه کنترل در پایان هفته دوم نشان نداد در حالیکه افزایش معنی داری را در پایان هفته چهارم در مقایسه با گروه کنترل نشان داد (P<0.05).خرچنگ های گروه تیمار، چهار هفته پس از قطع پایه های چشم، پوست اندازی کردند در حالی که در گروه های کنترل، پوست اندازی زودرس مشاهده نشد.

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در طیور، کبد ارگان اصلی سنتز تری گلیسرید (TG) و ترشح آن به داخل پلاسما می باشد. ترشح TG از کبد طیور وذخیره آن در بافت چربی محوطه بطنی باعث کاهش تولید گوشت می شود. گزارشات متفاوت و متناقضی از تاثیر سیر بر لیپیدهای سرم و کبد ارایه شده است. در این پژوهش اثرات جیره های حاوی مقادیر مختلف پودر سیر بر میزان TG کبد، سرم ووزن لیپید محوطه بطنی بررسی شده است. برای این منظور به جیره های 4 گروه 36 قطعه ای جوجه نر گوشتی 3 هفتگی به ترتیب صفر، %1، %2 و %4 پودر سیر اضافه شد. در پایان هفته های پنجم و هفتم 15 جوجه از هر گروه انتخاب و خونگیری شده، سپس کشته شده و از کبد و بافت چربی محوطه بطنی نمونه برداری شده است. TG کبدی و سرمی استخراج و با روش اسپکتروفتومتری اندازه گیری شدند. نتایج نشان داده که تا پایان هفته پنجم هیچکدام از جیره های حاوی مقادیر مختلف سیر نتوانسته اند تاثیر معنی داری بر TG سرمی و لیپیدهای محوطه بطنی نسبت به گروه کتنرل ایجاد نمایند ولی جیره های %2 و %4 پودر سیر به ترتیب باعث کاهش معنی دار TG کبدی نسبت به گروه کنترل شده اند (p<0.05). در پایان هفته هفتم جیره های حاوی %2 و %4 پودر سیر به ترتیب باعث کاهش معنی دار TG کبدی نسبت به گروه کتنرل شده اند (p<0.05). در مورد چربی های محوطه بطنی فقط جیره حاوی %4 پودر سیر توانسته است سبب کاهش معنی دار این چربی ها نسبت به گروه کنترل شود (p<0.05). در مجموع چنین نتیجه گیری شده که پودر سیر با یک روند وابسته به دوز سبب کاهش لیپیدهای سرم و کبدی می شود.

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A study with a duration of 42 days was conducted to evaluate the influence of fish oil inclusion on performance parameters, serum lipid content, antibody responses to sheep red blood cells (SRBC) and the composition of antigen and meat fatty acids in broilers. Two hundred and sixteen 1-day-old broiler chicks from a commercial hybrid (Cobb 50 ) were allocated randomly to four groups, which received feed supplemented with 1.5%, 3.0% and 6% fish oil or feed that was not supplemented (control group). The differences among the groups were significant with regards to their performance, so that a low level of fish oil (1.5%) led to higher feed intakes and an improvement in the efficiency of feeding in comparison to the control group (p<0.01). The results of the omega-3 fatty acid evaluation indicated significant differences among groups (p<0.01) and the birds in the 6% fish oil-fed group had the highest level of n-3 fatty acid in their meat. The n-6:n-3 ratio of polyunsaturated fatty acids was lower in the fish oil-fed groups compared to the control group (p<0.01) Broilers that were fed with diets rich in omega-3 fatty acid had higher levels of anti-SRBC titers and lower levels of serum cholesterol and triglycerides than those fed with the control diet (p< 0.05).

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One of the main limitations of glucocorticoid therapy is its negative effects on bones. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of concurrent administration of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and alendronate on bone changes induced by glucocorticoid treatment in rats. Thirty six maleWistar rats, who were 2.5 months of age, were divided equally into six groups and treated with normal saline (controls), 7 mg/kg methylprednisolone (MP), MP with 20 mg/kg alendronate, MP with alendronate and 80 mg/kg EPA, MP with alendronate and 160 mg/kg EPA, and MP with alendronate and 320 mg/kg EPA for a six-week period. At the end of the experiment, serum and urine samples were collected and the left tibia and femur were removed from each animal for histomorphometric studies. There were no significant differences with regards to the levels of serum calcium, phosphorus, creatinine, osteocalcin, carboxy-terminal telopeptide of collagen type I (CTX), alkaline phosphatase, urinary calcium and creatinine, and the phosphorus:creatinine ratios among all groups. Epiphyseal and metaphyseal trabecular widths, and the area of epiphyseal bone and the entire femur in the MP group decreased significantly in comparison to the control group (p<0.001). There were no significant differences in the cortical parameters of the tibial bone between these groups. The groups treated with alendronate and alendronate with 80 mg/kg EPA had increased epiphyseal trabecular widths compared to the MP group (p<0.001) that were statistically similar in both groups. The groups treated with alendronate with 80 mg/kg EPA and alendronate with 320 mg/kg EPA had increased metaphyseal trabecular widths compared to the MP group (p<0.001). The groups with alendronate treatment alone and alendronate with 80 mg/kg EPA had significantly increased bone areas and tissue areas compared to the MP group (p<0.001). In conclusion, concomitant administration of EPA and alendronate may improve the known beneficial effects of alendronate on changes in the bone due to MP administration in rats.

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Conventional methods for the propagation and preservation of parasites in vivo or in vitro have limitations, which include the need for labor, the initial isolation and loss of strains, bacterial and fungal contamination, and changes in the original biological and metabolic characteristics of the organism. All of these disadvantages are reduced considerably by cryopreservation. In this study, we examined the effects of different concentrations of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and glycerol on the survival rate of Both of the two cryoprotectants examined at different concentrations showed a protective effect of T. gallinae When DMSO was used as the cryoprotectant, a maximum survival rate (70%) was achieved at a concentration of 10% over a short-term duration of freezing (24 h). Glycerol at a concentration of 10% had the highest effect on cryoprotectivity after 70 days, while DMSO 20% showed the lowest cryopreservation T. gallinae. For in conclusion, DMSO and glycerol are appropriate protective materials for the cryopreservation of T. gallinae. The solutions of DMSO 10% and glycerol 10% could be the best choice of cryoprotectant for short-term (24 hours) and long-term (70 days) protection, respectively.

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In the present study was performed to evaluate the follicular growth and hormonal changes after ovarian artery ligation in rats. Fifty six virgin 90-day–old female rats were used. The rats were chosen from 100 female rats by a vaginal smear, which showed that they were synchronized in estrous phase of the menstrual cycle. Animals were kept in seven cages (n=8 in each) at a temperature of 22 ± 2°C and 12/12 hr light/dark conditions. The rats were divided into a treatment and control groups. On days 8, 14, 21, 30 and 60, after ligation of the right ovarian artery by laparotomy, nine rats were sacrificed for each test group on mentioned days and both ovaries were collected from each rat. Histological studies were the carried out on the ovaries. The ovaries on the ligated side had a significantly lower rate of ovulations (p £0.01) than the ovaries in the control group on the intact side. The right-sided ovary had small pea–sized follicles, which indicated polycystic ovarian syndrome, but no polycystic follicles were observed on the intact side and in the control group ovaries. There were no corpora lutea or corpora albicantia within the ovary subjected to ovarian artery ligation, which indicated that there had not been any recent ovulation. Furthermore, there was a greater degree of atresia in the ligated ovary than the control group. However, no abnormalities were detected in the left ovaries of the experimental group. Blood sampling was performed directly from the heart for hormonal analyses on days 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 after ovarian artery ligation. In the experimental group, the serum analyses showed a significant (p<0.01) increase in the levels of estrogen and luteinizing hormone (LH), while the levels of progesterone and follicular stimulating hormone (FSH) decreased by the time in serum of the test group. Glucose levels were measured and found to be increased, as is seen in polycystic ovarian syndrome, which suggested the presence of insulin resistance.

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There are over two million equine animals in Iran, of which approximately 75% are donkeys. Despite this, very little is known about their parasite status and the impact of this on their work output. Usually, it is the alimentary canal, body cavity and liver that harbor parasites in equine species. In this study, 45 donkeys were examined at necropsy. The contents of the stomach, small intestines and large intestine were washed separately and examined for helminth parasites. Their livers were sliced into 1×3 cm pieces, squeezed in warm water and examined for helminths. The skin, eyes and all other internal organs underwent a search for parasites. Twenty-two species of nematodes were identified, which included one species of cestode, two species of trematodes and one species of gastrophiliid. The species included ascaridae(×1), atracidae(×1), oxyuridae(×1), trichostrongylidae(×1), spiruridae(×1), anoplocephalidae(×1), fasciolidae(×1) dicrocoeliidae (×1), gastrophiliidae(×1), strongylinae(×3), habronematidae(×3), and cyathostominae(×12). The most abundant group with regards to the number of species and their intensity of infection was Cyathostominae (small strongyles), in which cylicoclusnassatus and  cyathostomum tetracantum were the most prevalent and abundant species. Was the commonest species among the large strongyles. Of the three species of was the most prevalent species. Strongylus vulgaris was the commonest species among the large strongyles.of the three species of habronema, H.muscae was the most prevalent species, followed by H.majus and D.megastoma. probstmayria vivipavra was collected from 20% of donkeys, and more than 450,000 worms were collected from a single animal. Gastrophilus intestinalis was collected from 66.6% of the donkeys that were examined in this study. The prevalence and intensity of the other helminths were low. The presence of mixed infections was the rule in this study, as this was found in all 45 donkeys. The consequent effect of such infections on the health of donkeys needs further investigation.

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In poultry, the liver is the main organ for the synthesis of triglycerides (TG) and their secretion into the plasma. Secretion of TGs from the liver and their storage in adipose tissue of the abdominal cavity reduces the meat yield. There are controversial reports about the effects of garlic on the levels of TG in the serum and liver of poultry. In this study, different diets that contained various levels of garlic powder were assessed with regards to their effects on the levels of TG in serum and the liver, and on the abdominal fat pad. For this purpose,144 3male Ross broilers who were three weeks old were assigned into four groups of 36 birds each, and fed on diets that were supplemented with 1, 2 or 4% of garlic powder, or with a diet that was not supplemented with garlic (the control group). At the end of the fifth and seventh weeks of the study, 15 chicks of each group were bled and then sacrificed. The livers and abdominal fat pad were removed. Liver and serum TG were extracted and measured by spectrophotometry. The TG levels of serum and the abdominal fat pad were not affected by diet by the end of the fifth week, but diets that contained 2% and 4% garlic powder had a significantly decreased hepatic TG level in comparison with the control group (p<0.05). At the end of the seventh week, a significant decrease in serum and hepatic TG levels was found in the birds that were fed a diet that contained 2% and 4% garlic powder, respectively (p<0.05). Also, the diet with 4% garlic powder significantly decreased the weight of the abdominal fat pad in comparison with the control group (p<0.05). It is concluded that garlic powder has the potential to decrease the levels of TG in the serum and liver in broilers in a dose–dependent manner.

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This report describes the detailed procedures for Western blot analysis using fluorescent antibodies. After electrophoresis and subsequent electroblotting, the fluorescentlabeled antibodies were visible upon ultraviolet illumination of the polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) membranes and could then be photographed to give an accurate record of the blots. Fluorescent labeling allows for photographic records of the blot without the need for subsequent staining steps. In an effort to evaluate this method in the study of immunogenic antigens, this study describes a study on BLV (Bovine Leukemia Virus) tumor antigens. The fluorescent labeling of antibodies for detection by immunoblotting was found to be a very sensitive and reliable alternative to the conventional methods of Western blots.

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Thirty-two lactating Chall ewes were assigned to eight groups and received one of eight dietary treatments for ten weeks as follows: control diet (CON); a fish oil-supplemented diet (20 g/kg dry matter intake (DMI); FO); a safflower oil-supplemented diet (20 g/kg DMI; SO); a monensin-supplemented diet (15 mg/kg DMI; MO); a diet supplemented with fish oil (20 g/kg DMI) and safflower oil (20 g/kg DMI; FS); a diet supplemented with fish oil (20 g/kg DMI) and monensin (15 mg/kg DM;I FM); a diet that contained safflower oil (20 g/kg DMI) and monensin (15 mg/kg DMI; SM); and a diet that contained fish oil (20 g/kg DMI), safflower oil (20 g/kg DMI) and monensin (15 mg/kg DMI; FSM). During the experimental period, ewes were kept in individual pens and the amounts of feed that were offered to individual ewes were recorded daily. Milk samples were collected weekly and analyzed for their composition. Rumen fluid and plasma samples were obtained from each ewe on the final day of the trial and stored at -20°C before analysis. Results showed that the SO diet had no significant effect (p< 0.05) on DMI, However, other diets reduced the DMI significantly. Milk yield was significantly lower for ewes that were fed diets supplemented with monensin compared to the other groups (p<0.05). The milk fat percentage was relatively low for all treatments, although only FS, FM and FSM treatments were significantly different from the control group. The yield of milk fat was significantly reduced in the MO, FS, FM, SM and FSM groups. The percentage of protein in milk was significantly reduced in the FS and FSM diets. However, the milk protein yield was reduced significantly as a direct result of the decreased milk yield in ewes that were fed the MO, FS, FM, SM and FSM diets. The MO diet increased significantly the concentration of urea nitrogen in milk. Fish oil and safflower oil-supplemented diets with or without monensin resulted in decreased numbers of infective protozoa, and a decreased acetate-to-propionate ratio in rumen fluid when compared to the CON group. The concentrations of plasma glucose and urea were not affected by any of the treatments, but the plasma concentrations of triglycerides, total cholesterol, and HDL-cholesterol were higher in ewes that consumed the oil-containing diets than the other groups. It was concluded that dietary supplementation with a combination of fish oil, safflower oil and monensin could alter the composition of milk from ewes and, in particular, cause a reduction in the percentage of fat in the milk. This may make this milk more suitable for human consumption.

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Aphanius isfahanensis Diplostomum spathaceum is a new endemic killifish species that has been described in the Zayandeh River of the Isfahan basin in Iran. During a study on the biology of nine fish from this species, the parasite Diplostomum spathaceum was observed in the aqueous humor of the eye of a single individual. It was visible as a white mass with a diameter of 0.38 mm. This is the first report on the infection of A. isfahanensis with D.spathaceum metacercaria. They are pathogenic to fish and cause opacities in the optical lens (worm star) and blindness. Since A.isfahanensis is an endemic species, this discovery may be useful information to inform strategy with regards to the conservation of this fish.

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Dirofilaria immitis, which is otherwise known as heartworm, is an important parasite in dogs and other carnivores. It lives in the right ventricle of the heart, the pulmonary artery and the posterior vena cava, and its microfilaria can be found in the peripheral circulation. This is the first report of Dirofilaria immitis Infection in stray dogs in Khuzestan, a province in South- Western Iran. Blood samples from 119 stray dogs were collected randomly from different districts of Khuzestan. The samples were examined by the modified Knott's method. Blood microfilaria of Dirofilaria immitis were observed in 15 samples (12.61%). The most severe infections were seen in 7-yr-old male dogs and also those in the Dezfool district. However, statistical analysis by the Chi-square method did not show a significant relationship between the rate of infection and other factors, which included age, sex and geographical distribution. As this parasite can infect humans, the infection of dogs with D.immitis in Khuzestan should be controlled by the removal of the dogs and the vectors of D.immitis are insects including flies.

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The aim of this study was to assess the antibacterial effects of silver nanoparticles (Nanocid®) on 30 isolates of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria that are pathogenic to fish, which consisted of strains of , The inhibitory effect of silver nanoparticles on the bacterial fish pathogens, Streptococcus iniae Lactococcus garvieae, Yersinia ruckeri Aeromonas hydrophila. We used the liquid dilution method to find the minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) using sub-culturing on the blood agar 30, 60 and 90 minutes after the inoculation of these bacteria. Isolates were prepared in sterile phosphate buffered serial dilutions of silver nanoparticles. For (14 isolates) the results showed that the MBCs were in a range of 5 to 0.15 mg/ml 30-90 minutes post-inoculation. For (14 isolates) the results showed that the MBCs were in a range from more than 10 mg/ml to 0.62 mg/ml 30-90 minutes post-inoculation. Also, the range of MBCs for A.hydrophilia was 0.31mg/ml to less than 0.15 mg/ml, while the range of MBCs for Y.ruckeri was from 2.5 to 0.62 mg/ml 30 to 90 minutes post-inoculation, respectively. Generally, the bacterial growth for these bacterial species was reduced from 1 × 101 cells/ml to no growth compared to initial inoculums of 107cells/ml during 90 minutes after exposure to silver nanoparticles. No remarkable change was found in the bacterial count for the control samples (PBS without silver nanoparticles) during the experiment.

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Adult female crabs (Potamon persicum; n=65) were collected from the Jajrood River in the east of Tehran, Iran. Both eyestalks were removed in crabs that weighed 27.6 ± 2.1 g. Changes in the levels of glucose and protein titers in the hemolymph, the number of hemocytes, gonadal and hepatic indices, body weight and carapace length were determined. The level of glucose in the hemolymph was significantly decreased at the end of the first week following eyestalk ablation and significantly increased by the end of the second and third weeks following eyestalk removal compared to the control groups with intact eyestalk (p < 0.05). A significant increase was observed in the total protein level of the hemolymph of destalked crabs at the end of the third week compared to those in the control group (p < 0.05). The fractions of total protein showed significant changes at the end of the third week compared to the control group (p < 0.05). The mean total hemocytes count (THC) in the hemolymph was significantly increased in ablated crabs at the end of the second and third weeks compared to the control group (p < 0.05). The gonadal and hepatic indices of the ablated crabs were significantly increased and decreased, respectively, at the end of the second week compared to the control groups (p < 0.05). The mean body weight of the ablated crabs was increased significantly at the end of the second and fourth weeks compared to the control group (p < 0.05). No significant change was observed in the mean carapace length of the ablated crabs at the end of the second week, but it had increased significantly by the end of the fourth week compared to the control group (p < 0.05). The ablated crabs moulted four weeks after the removal of their eyestalks, but no precocious moulting was observed in the control group.

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