The main objective of this research was to evaluate reliability and validity of Recovery Stress Questionnaire for Athlestes (Rest Q-Sport). Professional and semi-professional athletes of handball and basketball constitute statistical population of current work. Some 510 athletes were chosen in random as statistical samples. Measurement tool used was a Rest Q-Sport comprised of 76 questions with 19 sub scales (general stress, emotional stress, social stress, struggle/strain, fatigue, energy deficiency, physical problems, success, social recovery, physical recovery, general health, sleep quality, impaired relaxation, emotional fatigue, injury, physical fitness, personal problems, self-efficacy, self-regulation). The scoring method was based on a 5-choiced Likert scale. Face and content validity of the questionnaire was verified after being translated by expert professors of physical exercise. Statistical methods applied were descriptive indexes for description of data, Cronbach’s alpha for reliability assessment, confirmatory factor analysis, and t individual samples for studying difference with average values. Research findings were indicative of a=0.98 reliability for Rest Q-Sport. All questions showed significant relations with the factor in terms of structure validity and based on the extent of relations and T-values. Indexes of x2/df=2.03, RMSEA=0.052, NFI=0.97, NNFI=0.93, IFI=0.98, RFI=0.91, GFI=0.93, AGFI=0.90 also demonstrated fitness of the model altogether. Moreover, regarding the relation between factors and concept of improved stress for athletes, the obtained results indicated that all factors were able to predict the concept of improved stress well. Therefore, internal and external validities of the model “improved stress for athletes” were confirmed as well.