The genus Salsola is one of the largest plant genera that has spread worldwide. This genus belongs to the family of Chenopodiceae, which recently joined the family Amaranthaceae. In Iran, there are 41 species often grow in saline and arid country. Identification of Salsola species, for the morphological similarities among species, diverse habitats and strong apparent differences between young and mature plants, difficulted for Botanist In this invistegation with plant samples collectition from different parts of the province, detected from 19 species of Salsola 16 species, which there were one of the main elements of the vegetation ranges and for these samples preapered identification key. Important distinguish of seperated for the species, in these of key were related to 17 qualitative and quantitative traits from vegetative and reproductive structures. Quantitative traits were included such as leaves, perianth with wings, style, stigma, plant height and canopy cover and too quality traits included of growth form, the crack, leaf shape, leaf tip, leaf arrangement, the leaf base shape, type of inflorescence, flowering time, the perianth parts, status of wings of perianth and embryo shape. From among these species were 7 species of annual and 9 perennial species. The genus Salsola with have deep root systems, high osmotic pressure and water use efficiency of different life forms as an important forage crop in the arid lands and for cultivation in saline soils where other crops do not good produce or regions that irrigation carry out only with saline water can be important.