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The Main objective in this project is to find out how much of consensus and social integration exists among three following ethnic groups: Turkmen, Sistani and the so-called Fars who have had many years of nearby living and continuous socioeconomic interactions. To achieve this objective, the acceptance gap among these three ethnic groups on the economic, social, culture and political dimensions were examined. A questionnaire was constructed and the people's attitude in each ethnic group toward the people of other two ethnic groups was evaluated. By using Frequency Distribution Tables and appropriate statistical techniques, the collected data were then analyzed and the following conclusions emerged: 1) Turkmen showed the wider acceptance gap with Sistani' s people and narrower one with the Fars; 2) Sistani ethnic group expressed wider acceptance gap with Turkmen and narrower one with Fars; 3) Fars showed wider acceptance gap towards Sistani people than toward Turkmen. In general, economic dimension, in comparison to other four dimensions, showed the least acceptance gap and political dimension showed the widest acceptance gap among ethnic groups.

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The principal premise of Global System is that the new world is comprised of a global capitalist economy and the local governments are parts of a whole. Furthermore, in order to realize the inner contradictions between classes and political conflicts of a particular government, it is necessary to get familiarized with the global economy. Hence, Wallerstein raises this research question that what the effects of global economy were on the central, peripheral and non-peripheral developments from sixteen century up to the present time. Paving the way for its proponents, this view point played a prominent role in the literature of development. In the middle of 1970s, however, the Global System theory was accused of introducing a harsh picture of global system, neglecting particular cases of development and highlighting the social classes analysis on the part of a group of critics such as Zeitlin and Linz.Some of these accusations have been answered by Wallerstein. In this study, in addition to criticizing and assessing the Global System Theory, an attempt has been made to investigate the proponents and opponents views regarding this theory.

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Culture is a prominent and significant concept which has been the subject of investigation by many theoreticians of Critical Theory and Frankfort School.Hence, the main objective in this research is to apply the following concepts as the tools of investigating the political culture in the contemporary Iran.These concepts are: "alienation and self-estrangement; "legitimacy crisis", "authoritarian personality", "cultural repression and control", "personal and interpersonal actions", group actions", and "communicative rationality".

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Phenomenological analysis has been focused on investigating the conscious experiments and is aimed to describe the life experiments as they occur in real life. Therefore, in response to the phenomenological nature, role, and function in analyzing the political phenomena, the present study intends to introduce phenomenology as a method to conduct qualitative researches and also to represent its fundamental elements and processes.

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Understanding the origin of Islamic movements is subject to determining the theories concerning the roots and causes of these movements formation in the recent three decades.The main question of the present study is how the origins of Islamism can be determined from the Western theorists view points. As a reply to this question, two categories of nature-oriented and reaction-oriented theories are presented.Theories considering Islamism from nature-oriented attitude regard current Islamism in the Islamic World as the result of values and principles inherent in the nature of Islam; furthermore, theorists like Maw ׳ dud and Sayyid Qutb have a positive view towards it, while the Western thinkers have a completely negative view points towards the intrinsic Islamism and equate it with violence. The second category of theories concerning Islamism includes a large group of Western and Muslim thinkers who regard the present Islamism a reaction to the domestic and foreign problems of Islam; in fact, they consider Islamism as a transient and ephemeral phenomenon resulting from modernism.

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Nietzsche assumed instinct (nature) as the only human real stimulant. He believes that distance vigor causes will to power. The existence of hierarchy emerges vigor for making distance from equality and same-levelness. Human being for its language factor sees a subject in any objects; and supposes that there is a willing in any affairs. While the world has changeable procedure and by denying the free determination should return back the innocence to the universe in order that the human being transfer to the child and recreate. The basic of the society should be like a scaffold that can lift the superhuman to the high. This philosophy that draws the macro-panorama of the human being life and it is an introduction for the future, can’t fit in the shape of a system. In the present article it is aimed to learn about the origin and the sources of Nietzsche' s thought on the hierarchy classification of Values. It has been tried, in five sections, to show that the origin and sources of his thought on the man and the hierarchy of values lies in his deep conviction of the will to power and passion.

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Iran 's current situation particularly in the economic field at the international level is not satisfactory. One of the most significant factors able to lead Iran from the present situation to an ideal one is the economic diplomacy. Iran's economic diplomacy requires four prerequisites-four actions at the national level and also four actions at the international level. The four prerequisites consist of the exact recognition of the present situation, consensus among the elite, recognition of the play rules and commitment to action not words at both national and international levels. Four actions at the national level are diplomacy redefinition, redefinition of diplomatic administration duties as well as diplomats`, collaboration among economic and political administrations, creating a desired atmosphere for the private section and deep concern towards it in the economic activities. Six actions at international level are adopting appropriate strategies, considering Iran's unique geopolitics, an appropriate relationship with the economic international organizations, recognizing the target markets and planning to win them, considering the Iranians abroad and attracting the foreign investments. As a result of these actions Iran status would be altered in the international system particularly the international economy.

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The post-colonial studies as one of the most serious new studies areas concerning culture of the developing countries is focused on relationship between culture and imperialism in these countries at the end of colonial reign age by particularly western governments. The cultural imperialism had fundamentally influenced the identity, life style and cultural life of people throughout the world. The most principal characters in the field of post-colonial studies and psychological-cultural approaches towards imperialism are Frantz Fanon, Edward Said and Homi Bhabha. This field of study emphasizes more on the cultural and cognitive factors rather than economic ones; furthermore, it highlights not only the economic factors of imperialistic dominance but also the role of discourse and ideology. Moreover, a field of study is as much an analysis of knowledge as a cultural phenomenon. The present study while discussing the postcolonial studies, investigates the thoughts of Fanon, Said and Homi Bhabha and their influences.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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