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In recent decades, the liberal homogeneous pattern that is clearly manifested in modern states has come under a serious criticism, because this pattern ignores ethnic, racial, linguistic, religious, cultural diversity, and minority ties to particular groups. Direct consequence of this social policy is that racial and cultural conflicts not only unresolved, rather, have been developing and deepening. Political thinkers have raised the pattern of "multiculturalism" to resolve or reduce the current problems of multicultural and multi-ethnic phenomenon. In this sense, the liberal homogeneous pattern can be equipped to a potential egalitarian force for the usage of disadvantaged groups; because all citizens share equally in rights and duties of citizenship. Some liberal theorists have proposed some patterns of liberal multiculturalism against the liberal homogeneous pattern. In this regard, we can note the thinkers like Robert E. Godin, Will Kymlicka and Marion I. Young. The main question of this paper is whether the patterns of liberal multiculturalism have ability to overcome the adverse consequences of the application of the liberal homogeneous pattern? In response, the claim is that the multiculturalism, despite the diversity and the extend of the proposed patterns, does not have ability to overcome the adverse consequences of the application of the liberal homogeneous pattern and respond to the issue of individual simultaneous allegiance in different levels to different social groups and status.

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The principle of non-interference one of the founding principles of the United Nations including the fundamental rights and duties of states is rooted in the principle of the sovereign equality of States. Despite efforts by the universal community after the formation of the United Nations Towards definition of the principle of non-interference and the resignation of the states use of force in international relations, unfortunately once again are witness returns to the practice of some states to former and recognize the principle of intervention. In such circumstances, the legitimate use of force and violated the principle of national sovereignty in international transformations of the great powers universal peace and security will be faced with serious challenges.

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The relationship between subject and object relations arising out of vacuum or resulting from non-neutral ideas. The critique of contemporary society is not only epistemology but it is also epistemological mission as well. This research is trying to study the impact of post-Zionism as a critical discourse on the evolution of Israeli society. The author of the research on this issue, using the dialectic of negation Adorno's critical approach follows the signs on the nodes that advocate and support a certain type of relationship between the Subject and Object. In response to the question whether post-Zionism thought and movement as a critical approach can be considered a fundamental break in Zionism thought and have a devastating impact on the community and the State of Israel. This hypothesis has been proposed that Contrary to the supposition of some Israeli scholars or Arabic and Muslim scholars, Critical approach to post-Zionism cannot create such a challenge. This problem is caused by two issues: First, in terms of cognitive and practical, the nature of post-Zionist thought is something analogy and contradiction which leads to a diversity in this discourse. Secondly, lack of attention to the post-Zionist approach and its application to the social change in the context of defined historical forms leads to the historical process and abstract negation.

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Region of the Middle East, more than anything else, shows crisis and conflict. This region's past is symbolized by insecurity. World War II, war between Arabs and Israel, three wars in Persian Gulf, frequent civil wars, all of which have contributed to the rise of Islamic fundamentalists in the Middle East. Thus, security constituted the core of discourse in the Middle East. However, most of the security approaches for the study of this strategic region has failed to give a true understanding of dilemma. Thus, it seems that the study of the present dilemma in the Middle East requires another approach which directs us towards post-modern approach. The purpose of this study is to employ post-modern approach in studying the Middle East dilemma. So, main question raised in this research is how Post-modern approach can solve security dilemma in the Middle East. This study, by the use of Foucault's genealogy, leads us to a new discourse which equips us with a better understanding of present dilemma. This new discourse concentrates on the security of identity instead of resorting to violence for solving or preventing conflict among diverse ethnic groups or people in the Middle East.

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Since the formation of national government in Iran the intellectuals' concerns have been the threats of South Caucasus, Caspian and Central Asia against the sovereignty and territorial integrity of this country. The Azerbaijan due to its specific geopolitical position is more important to the security of Iran. Neglect of the current Islamic Republic of Iran by the regional countries, and non-regional super power as the USA could have a negative impact on national security in the wake of America's military presence in the neighboring countries. Hypothesis in this study states that presence of USA's military in Azerbaijan poses negative impact on the security and territorial integrity of Islamic Republic of Iran.

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Web logs, weblogistan and blogtopia have become the main subject of study in social sciences. Why weblogs are important? There are many approaches that could address this question one of which is the role of weblogs in achieving materialization of democratization program and democratization process. In this article, author on the base of critical theory, capabilities of weblogs for democratization, test the effect of multidimensional and extra territory situation in internet age. The main aim of this article is to provide explanation about abilities of weblogs and internet in public sphere. Author believes that weblog create multidimensional abilities. So, these expand new colony or new public sphere. The focal point in this article is on democracy, human right and political development.

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Undoubtedly, election of executive and political officials is the fundamental pillar of popular sovereignty and the legitimacy of the system, especially for those in which the atmosphere of contemporary liberalism dominates. Such a viewpoint leads the writer of the present study to consider the monitoring of the presidential election. Discussion regarding elections and its monitoring are considered as important issues for the people, political parties, and destiny of the country; therefore, there should be institutions which monitor the proper election. Clean election can be a mechanism for strengthening the legitimacy of a political system can pave the way for a peaceful turnover of the power, dynamic political space, and appropriate link between people and government. This research is based on the assumption that monitoring elections is an inevitable and inviolable issue and is considered as a sort of weapon which permits the legitimacy of government. It is of noteworthy to mention that supervisory bodies (e. g. legislative, executive, judiciary, electoral commission, military, and etc. ) vary in different countries. The aim of the present research is to recognize a variety of performances different countries used to monitor the process of election in Iran and other countries. In this research basis of comparative study is type axel and tried in enumerating types of supervisory bodies on presidential elections, an example of its countries are to be introduced. In the end, Iran’ s monitoring model for presidential elections is introduced as an innovative method which can be adopted as an appropriate and efficient model for the contemporary Islamic world. It should be mentioned that this statement does not mean that other described models are ineffective and not accountable to the democratic needs of the modern nations.

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This paper aims to investigate the diffusion of Human Rights Norms from the Viewpoint of IR Theories with Case Study of Responsibility to protect doctrine. It seems that there are five main mechanisms for Diffusion of Human Rights Norms: "Coercion" to mean legal and physical imposition, "instrumental rationality "refers to the impact on utility calculations, "imitation" to mean behavior ideas and norms use of peers for Problem solving and to enhance legitimacy, "normative rationality" refers to the response to social (not material) pressures and "persuasion" to mean non-coercive discursive interventions to promote mutual understanding and normative changes. Various documents related to the doctrine of "responsibility to protect" also showed that most of Human rights regimes emphasize on Persuasive, voluntary and Preventive mechanisms that based on internalization of Human Rights Norms for national, regional and international crisis management and this regimes less Focus on coercive mechanisms in the early stages of the crisis.

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