The study was conducted to determine suitable characters for separating brown trout (Salmo trutta fario) populations from Tajan River and Babolrud River in autumn 2006. Using electrofishing, one hundred two specimens were collected in two rivers (forty one from Shirinrud, thirty one from Ashekrud, thirty from Kelyareh). Twenty nine morphometric and seven meristic characters were analysed. Using PCA, the best separating characters of populations were determined. Among the morphometric characters, six factors accounted for about 79% of variation within individuals of the three populations including: head width, inter orbital length, predorsal length, pecto-ventral length, mandibular length, total length, head length, eye diameter, pectoral fin length, head depth, postdorsal length, post ventral length, caudal peduncle length, post anal Length, Adipose fin length. In the case of meristic characters, three factors accounted for 60% of variation within populations including: anal fin ray, gill rackers, dorsal fin ray. The results showed that meristic characters are more important than morphometric characters in serparation of populations.