This research was carried out with the aim of studying the role of job control in relation among overload, ambiguity and role conflict with organizational citizenship behaviors, creativity, task performance, deviant behaviors and turnover. Method of research was correlation and statistical population was the employees of an organization related to petroleum ministry in Bandar Abbass city, among them 187 persons were selected using simple random sampling. Research instruments consisted of Role overload and Ambiguity, Role Conflict, Task Performance and Turnover Questionnaires (Babakas et al, 2009), a researcher made Questionnaire of Job Control, the Organizational Citizenship Behaviors Questionnaire (Bukhari & Ali, 2009), the Deviant Behaviors Questionnaire (Bennett & Robinson, 2000) and the Creativity Questionnaire (Tierney et al, 1999). Data were analyzed using Pearson’s correlation coefficient and hierarchical regression analysis. The results showed that: 1) job control has not moderated the relationships between role overload and ambiguity and role conflict with task performance, turnover, creativity and organizational citizenship behaviors, 2) job control has moderated the relationship between role conflict with deviant behaviors. That is, when job control is high, there is a negative significant relationship between role conflict and deviant behaviors (P<0.01).