Today, evaluation of the research performance in universities for promoting the faculties and producing science is a key and important factor in the ministry of higher education. The present methods for evaluating of the faculties only focus on the outcome such as patents, Nobel prizes, articles, books, etc while it seems necessary to regard the inputs in the assessment as well. If we take into account the limitations, we can proportionally determine his/her positions and the respective research measure. Therefore, the talented people can be recognized and the provision of appropriate circumstances causes to improve the efficiency of the faculties. In this study, based on the existing documents in a university, we specify the effective factors in the research evaluation of the faculties. Then, we obtain the research efficiency of each academic using data envelopment analysis (DEA). In addition to the research factor, we consider the academic rank, teaching experience and the courses. Finally, we apply the proposed method into the faculties of industrial engineering department to analyze the results.