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2024 - 2009


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Plant Productions

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The present study was conducted in order to evaluate the response of chlorophyll fluorescence and physiological characteristics of spring rapeseed cultivars in salin condition at Yasouj University in 2006/2007. Four salinity levels [(1.92 (as control), 9.87, 19.6 and 21.94 dSm-1 (NaCl and CaCl2 with 20 to 1 ratio)] and eight cultivars (PP- 308-8, PP-401-16, Hyola330, Hyola60, Hyola401, Rgsoo, Oftion500 and PP-401-15E) were examined in a factorial experiment based on completely randomized design with three replications in greenhouse conditions. Parameters of chlorophyll fluorescence were recorded on the fully expanded youngest leaf at vegetative and reproductive (20 day after blooming) stages. Parameters of fluorescence (Maximum quantum yield of PSII (FmlFm) , Quantum yield of PSII ( FPS II) , Photochemical quenching (qP) and Non- photochemical quenching (qN)), content of chlorophyll (chl a, chlb and chla+b), proline, total dry wight, grain and oil yield were measured. Analysis of variance indicated that effect of salinity, cultivar and interaction of salinity x cultivar were significant for all the above mentioned characters. Results showed that by increasing salinity level the characters were significantly reduced except Non-photochemical quenching (qN) and praline. Generally, based on all aspects, Hyola60 cultivar which showed higher amount for FPSII (at vegetative and reproductive), Fv/Fm (at vegetative and reproductive), qP (at vegetative and reproductive), chla, chlb, chla+b, total dry wight, grain yield and oil yield in high salinity levels and PP-401-15E cultivar which showed low amount for all the above characters except for qN (at vegetative and reproductive) in high salinity levels were introduced as the most tolerant and sensitive cultivars to salinity, respectively.

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Plant Productions

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This experiment was conducted to evaluate the adaptation ability of 14 olive cultivars in Dallaho olive research station under a completely randomized block design during 1383 till 1388 planted in 1379. The aim of the experiment was compatibility evaluation and determination of suitable olive cultivars to Sarpole Zehab environmental conditions. Vegetative and reproductive characters of olive trees were measured. Variance analysis results showed that vegetative characters like plant height, width and trunk cross sectional areas had significant differences between cultivars. Mission, Roghani and Sevillano cultivars had the high growth and Amphissis, Arbequina and Abou Satal had the lowest growth compared to the others. Reproductive characteristics showed significant differences between cultivars. Amigdalolia, Conservolia and Abou Satal cultivars had the highest fruit weight with 6.5, 6 and 5.9g respectively. Koroneiki and Arbeqina had smaller fruit weight than all cultivars. Fruit pulp percent was higher for Amigdalolia and Conservolia. Fruit pulp to pit ratio was higher for Conservolia, Manzanillo and Sevillano compared to the others. Oil content was low in most of the cultivars. Amigdalolia, Roghani, Amphissis and Zard had the higher oil content 21.34, 18, 35, 16.69 and 15.91% based on fresh weight respectively. Fruit yield and fruiting stability production was higher for Conservolia and Sevillano than all cultivars. In general, Conservolia and Sevillano cultivars are suitable for table olive use and there was no single recommended cultivar for oil production.

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Plant Productions

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In order to determine the appropriate wheat sowing date in Mamasany, a field experiment was conducted in 2006-2007 as a factorial randomized complete block design with four replications. Three wheat cultivars (Chamran, Shiraz and Falat) were seeded at three rates of sowing date (11 Nov., 6 Dee and 31 Dee). Result showed that the effect of sowing date and cultivar on grain yield, biological yield and harvest index was statistically significant. The highest grain yield equal to 6168.33 kg ha-1 was obtained at 6 Dee sowing date increasing by 24% and 35% compared with the 11 Nov and 31 Dee sowing dates respectively. The biological yield and harvest index at 6 Dee sowing date equal to 13604.95 kg ha-1 and 45.33% were significantly higher than the other sowing dates. Also, every three yield components at 6 Dee sowing date were higher than the other sowing dates. The shiraz grain yield (5407.92 kg ha-1) was higher than that of Falat or. Chamran the biological yield, harvest index, number of spikes per squar meter and number of kernels per spike of Shiraz cultivar was higher compared to Falat and Chamran cultivars. The interaction of cultivars and sowing date on the grain yield was significant. The best sowing date was 6 Dee for Falat and Chamran cultivar and for Shiraz cultivar ranged from 11 Nov to 6 Dec. At 31 Dee sowing date, the grain yield of three cultivars was clearly decreased. Overall, early and late planting reduced grain yield.

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Plant Productions

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Potato is one of the most agricultural plants in Kermanshah province especially in Ghasre Shirin. There is about 600 hectares potato cultivation area in Ghasre Shirin agricultural lands annually. An experiment was conducted in order to determine the effect of planting date on quantity and quality of some potato cultivars during 2007 in Ghasre Shirin. This research had 4 different planting dates of 31th December, 21st January, 9st February and the first of March on three potato cultivars, Moren, Conkord and Marfona, and it was carried out in a split plot experiment based on a completely randomized block design. The cultivars were used as the main plot and planting dates as the subplot. Results show that the growing plant percent was not significant under cultivar and planting dates. Tuber weight was significant for Moren cultivar than the others, and it had a significant reduction in 10th Esfand planting date than the others. The potato yield was significant at 1 % level between cultivars and planting dates so that Moren, Marfona and Conkord had 15.49, 10.7 and 9.87 ton yield per hectare respectively. The second planting date with 13.35 T/ha and the fourth planting date with 8.85 T/ha had the higher and lower yields respectively. Dry matter percent was significant at 5% level in Conkord compared to the others and dry matter percent age of produced tuber had a significant reduction from the first till the fourth planting dates. The fat and starch percent age was significant different between cultivars and planting dates but the fiber percent age was significantly by the planting dates effect. In general, the Moren cultivar was more suitable than the other culti vars and the planting dates range was the best from 31 th December till 9th February in Ghasre Shirin.

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Plant Productions

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In order to investigate the effect of growth regulators to mitigate impact of water stress on yield and yield components of maize, an experiment was carried out in research farm of Bu-Ali Sina university of Hamedan in field season 2009. The experiment al design was a split plot in completely randomized block design with three replications. The main factor included three irrigation intervals (7, 11 and 15 days interval) as the main plot and antitranspiration substances (salicylic acid (SA) and paclobutrazol (PBZ)) as the sub- plot. The results showed that the interaction between SA and water regimes (7, 11 and 15 days interval) significantly increased grain yield by 13.69, 17.24, 22.93 percentage, the mean of seed weight by 10.24, 13.63, 16.79 percentage and biological yield by 13.36, 16.24, 18.84 percentage compared to untreated plants, respectively. The number of grains per row and the number of grains per ear significantly increased under SA treatment compared to untreated plants. The interaction between PBZ and 7 days interval significantly decreased grain yield and the mean of seed weight by 8.61, 8.65 percentage compared to untreated plants, respectively. The interaction between PBZ and 11 days interval significantly increased grain yield and the mean of seed weight by 14.92, 9.41 percentage compared to untreated plants, respectively. The interaction between PBZ and 15 days interval significantly increased grain yield and the mean of seed weight by 17.81, 12.96 percentage compared to untreated plant, respectively. The present investigation suggests that exogenous application of SA and PBZ may help reduce the adverse effects of drought in maize.

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Plant Productions

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The Floss flower is one of the most important ornamental plants that is cultured as a bedding plant. In this study, anatomical and morphological traits, and earliness of Floss flower transplants were examined. Treatments were 350 mlit lit-1 (as control), 700, 1050 and 1400 mlit lir-1 Co2, with 3 replications, and the experiment was conducted based on completely randomized design and 14 traits were studied. The results indicated that almost all traits were affected by CO2 concentrations. Particularly at high levels, stem diameter was increased to 50% and plant height was increased 2-fold compared to control. The rate of chlorophyll increased (41.7%) compared to control with 1050 mlit lit-1 Co2. Also, stomatal density, width and size of stoma, stomatal index, epidermal cells density, and width of cell guard of plants increased at high level of Co2. The flowering of plants accelerated 15 days compared to control at 700 mlit lit-1C02.

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Plant Productions

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In order to study the effect of different rates of nitrogen and plant density on yield and yield components of Fenugreek, a field experiment was laid out at Guilan region in double cropping during 2008-2009. The experiment was carried out using split plots based on completely randomized block design with 4 replications. Four levels of nitrogen (control, 25, 50, 75 kg N ha-1) which allotted to the main plots and four levels of plant density (60, 80, 100, 120 plants m-2) were planted as subplots. Nitrogen fertilizer was affected number of pods per branches, number of pods per plant, grain yield and biological yield. The biological yield significantly influenced by plant density. The highest grain yield (1468 kg ha-1) produced by 75 kg N ha-1 There was a positive and significant correlation between grain yield and biological yield (r=0.638**). According to means comparison of simple effects, the highest biological yield belonged to application of 75 kg N ha-1 and a density of 120 plants m-2, Our findings suggest that since, N4D4 is more closely related to N3D3 based on cluster analyses and due to bioenvironmental considerations, fenugreek growers should choose the latter treatment combination under rainfed condition.

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Plant Productions

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In this research, micropropagation of Narcissus tazetta was investigated by using bulb twin-scale ex plants using four different concentrations of BA (0, 0.5, 1 and 2 mg/l) and, therefore, four different concentrations of IAA (0, 0.5, 1 and 2 mg/l) in combination with 2 mg/l BA. The leaf growth and number of bulblet were measured 4 and 6 weeks after culture. In vitro grown plantlets were used for colchicines-mediate ploidy induction. Plantlets were treated by colchicine at four concentrations (0.00, 0.05, 0.10 and 0.20 %) for 24 and/or 48 h and the percentage of explants survival rate was measured. Ploidy levels of survived explants were analyzed by chromosome counting of root tip cells using acetoorceine squash method and by flow cytometry of leaf samples. Results indicated that colchicine concentrations had a significant effect on plantlet survival. However. treatment duration and their interaction were not significant. Application of colchicine reduced plantlet survival rate. There was no significant difference among the colchicine concentrations (0.05, 0.10 and 0.20%) on plantlet survival. Of 72 treated plantlets with colchicine, 32 plantlets were survived. Results of ploidy evaluation indicated the cells showing two different ploidy levels, diploid ones with 2x=20 chromosomes and mixoploids ones with 2x=20 and 4x=40 chromosome tissues. Also, the obtained results from flow cytometry confirm chromosome counting of root tip cells. From the survived plantlets, 16 diploid plantlet and 16 mixoploid plantlets were evaluated. The highesi mixoploid rate was obtained in 0.10% colchicine for 24 h. After several subcultures there was no tetraplpid plant.

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Plant Productions

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In this research, the effect of air pollution on proline concentration, soluble sugar, anatomical and morphological features was studied in two plant species Malva parviflora and Hordeum glaucum in 2009. The area of the stand steel factory of Khuzestan was considered as the polluted site and Shush region was considered as the control site, and sampling was carried out from the two sites, accidentally. Proline concentration and soluble sugar quantities were determined and compared using the spectrophotometric method. Twenty-seven and 21 morphological characters were measured in Malva parviflora and Hordeum glaucum, respectively. In addition, anatomical characters were compared in leaflets of the species grown in polluted and unpolluted sites. Finally, air pollution tolerance indices (APTI) were calculated. Results showed that air pollution causes increase in the amount of proline and soluble sugar in two species grown in polluted area in comparison with the control. Anatomical changes were observed in epidermal cells and collenchyma tissue. These changes showed increase in the tolerance of plant. These kinds of changes in Malva parviflora were more than those of Hordeum glaucum. Morphological results showed that changes in Malva parviflora were more than those of Hordeum glaucum. Malva parviflora was adapted to the polluted condition better than Hordeum glaucum and formed a new group. The results of ATPI confirm that the tolerance index of Malva parviflora is more than that of Hordeum glaucum.

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Plant Productions

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The propose of this research was to evaluate the physical and biochemical characteristics of fruits in selected mango trees. Twenty six mango genotypes were studied in Minab, Hormozgan Province, Iran. A completely randomized design with 26 treatments and 4 replications was adopted. Each treatment was represented by one genotype. Several parameters related to fruit quantity and quality, such as width, length, weight of fruit and pit, pulp percentage, total soluble solids (TSS), titratable acidity (TA) and Vitamin C content, were evaluated. The results were submitted to variance analyses, the Duncan test and cluster analysis. Results showed that the mango genotypes studied in Minab presented statistical differences, in relation to fruit quantitative parameters. Also, mango genotypes presented high variation in TSS, T A, Vitamin C content and total sugars. In spite of fruit and pit weight and size, biochemical characteristics of fruit in genotypes were found to have potential for using in breeding programs.

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