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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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The aim of this study is to compare the ideas of Arabic rhetoricians and linguists about the direct and indirect meanings of interrogatives. For this purpose, the ideas of linguists about the notion of speech acts in the field of pragmatics were investigated and also the viewpoints of rhetoricians in the field of meaning (Ma'ani) were studied. After gathering the ideas of the two groups, a comparison is made to show the similarities and differences of such ideas. The results showed a number of similarities like the division of utterances to constatives and performatives, paying attention to indirect meanings of performatives and some of similar indirect meanings. All of these are reasons of the influence of ancient rhetoricians upon modern linguists. However, undoubtedly, there are a number of differences between the two, such as their different scope and some of different indirect meanings, which imply the innovations of linguists and their attention to other dimensions of performatives.

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Among the societies with close geographical, cultural, religious, political commonalities, literary effects and influences can always be seen.Mu’allaqate Sabe, which is the most famous and the best odes of uninformed period, not only has had lots of effects on Arab poets but also many of Persian poets have composed poems based on its effects. Khaghani is one of the poets that in some cases there is external and internal relationship between his poems and mu’allaghat, and in some cases, this relationship becomes an imitative nature. His poems are semantic recompose and recreation that have been told before in Mu’allaqat. In other words, they have been recreated in an imitative texture and shape.These relationships include different backgrounds such as imitation, compilation, translation and coherence. This comparative-descriptive research compares one of Khaghani’s Arabic odes with Sabe’s Mu’allaqat from the viewpoints of justifiability structure, vocabularies, imagination, content, music, etc. At the end, Khaghani’s success in this imitation is researched.Although Khaghani’s poem’s in some areas, particularly in justifiability, structure and semantic have become close to Mu’allaqat but, in comparison with Mu’allaqat, they have weak solidity and stability, specifically in vertical area and individual image in such a way that in Khaghani’s poems, color of complication, difficulty and stress can be seen.

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    3 (11)
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Realism addresses and explores the truth in different approaches. These approaches involve expressing details, accurate analysis of society and illustrating personality in combination with social environment. Mahmoud Teymour and Jamalzadeh are establishers of Arab and Persian storytelling.They were writing most of their stories in the form of realism.In this paper, we first discuss about the biography of Mahmoud Teymour and Jamalzadeh and their position in Arab and Persian story literature, then we argue about their similarities and differences realism approaches. Then we explain their dominant realism approach and attitude.This envestigation looks for the similarities and diffrences in their realism approach considering the American school of comparative the literature as a comparative research approach.

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    3 (11)
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موضوع مقوله دستوری «وید» در زبان روسی و «نمود فعل» در زبان فارسی، از اهمیت ویژه ای برخوردار است و با توجه به نوع ساختار و بافت زبانی هر یک از این زبان ها، ابزارهای بیان این مفاهیم نیز در آنها متفاوت است. مقوله «نمود» در تمام زبان های دنیا وجود دارد و تمام مفاهیم و معانی نمودی از ذهن انسان سرچشمه می گیرند. ذهن بشری برای اینکه این مفاهیم را در قالب زبان و کلام متجلی کند، با توجه به ویژگی های ذهنی و زبانی خویش، از ابزارها و نشانه های زبانی مختلفی کمک می گیرد. به همین دلیل است که زبان شناسان معتقدند که مفاهیم نمودی به صورت کلی در تمام زبان های دنیا وجود دارد و تنها وجه تمایز آنها در نوع ابزارهای بیان آنها (دستوری و غیردستوری بودن آنها) و تفاوت در مفاهیم و معانی جزئی آنها است. نتایج تحقیقات و پژوهش های مقایسه ای در زمینه نمود فعل روسی و فارسی نشان می دهد که ماهیت تفاوت میان آنها معمولا در روش بیان آنها است. در این پژوهش به بررسی ماهیت مقوله نمود فعل در زبان روسی و فارسی از دریچه کاربرد نمود ناکامل افعال می پردازیم.

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    3 (11)
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In this paper, we researched about poetry “Katibe ” (inscription) according to the theory of morphology. For this purpose, we defined the theory of morphology. Then, according to this theory, this poem has been analyzed.This poem is divided into roles, personalities and movements. Katibeh (Inscription) is a narrative poem that has dramatic structure. In this poem, the reader sees the story from the poet's point of view. There are twenty three roles in the poem. Characters in these poems are divided into two categories: Human and natural. In this poem, five characters are doing things and there are three movements.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3 (11)
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This paper, using Government and Binding Theory, deals with resumptive pronouns in Persian. It is concluded that the resumptive pronouns in genetive structures are obligatory. Such pronouns can be absent in genetive position of topicalized structures in the old and literary Persian. They are obligatory in prepositional structures too. The presence of prepositon before the head of relative clauses is possible, if in theq-grid of both relative and matrix clause verbs there existq -roles needing a joint preposition by which they are represented. Otherwise, the preposition must be stranded in the relative clause with a resumptive pronoun in the complement position. Resumptive pronouns are optional in the object position of relative clauses but banned in topicalized structures. A trace is prefered in the unmarked subject position of relative clauses but resumptive pronoun occurs when this position is focused and shows a sort of uniqueness. Relative element in Persian relative clauses is a non-overt operator coindexed with resumptive pronouns or traces.Persian language is sensitive to complex noun phrase consraint, and accordingly, in cases where a resumptive pronoun inside a complex noun phrase is coindexed with a non-overt operator out of that complex noun phrase and yet the structure is grammatical, it is concluded that no movement happens.So Persian resumptive pronouns are base-generated.Non-clitic pronouns can not be resumptive in topicalized structures.

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    3 (11)
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The collocations form a big part of lexical combinations for which there is no exact definition clarifying their functions. By "collocation", we mean a combination of words or phrases that show a great tendency to appear together. The main reason for devoting the present research to this subject is that these combinations are understandable for foreign users of a language but they can not easily produce them. So the main purpose of this research is to clarify the collocation phenomenon and to introduce their syntactic and semantic properties on the base of all the parameters, which are meaningful in their structure. This aim has been reached by a contrastive analysis of two French and Persian corpuses.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3 (11)
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Derivation is a process in which adding a derivational affix leads to formation of a new word. This process has been studied by linguists for many years and mainly seen as a morphologic or morphosyntactic process.Productivity of a derivational affix (the number of new words formed by a derivational affix) is a prominent factor while considering the derivation process. Phonological and morphophonemic factors may also play role in the ratio of the productivity of an affix. This paper studies the impact of syllable structure on the productivity of verbal derivational suffixes in Persian language. The results showed that there is a close relation between the syllable structure and the productivity of the verbal suffix derivational suffixes in Persian, all of them have a vowel in their initial syllable position.As a result, we can conclude that initiation with a vowel can be considered as a productivity factor of a derivational suffix in Persian. The study of the nucleus of the syllables also showed that the two front vowels of [a, e] are the most frequent vowels of these suffixes as nucleus. Consequently, it is concluded that phonological factors, especially syllable structure of a derivational suffix, play an indispensable role in its productivity.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3 (11)
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Death, existence and creation’s mystery are among of the most important subjects in literature and philosophy. Paul Valery and Khayyam, in spite of difference in their historical periods, have the same idea about death and existence.In his poem, Valery describes a marine vista, which is the symbol of boundless soul. However, in this sight, by passage of the time, the soul is worn-out and destroyed.Khayyam in his Rubaiyat considers fruitless thinking about the existence and the creation's mystery.In this article, we try to survey the concept of death and existence in Paul Valery’s "The Graveyard by the Sea" and Khayyam's Rubaiyat, Finally, these questions would be replied: "Why Paul Valery and Khayyam feared from death?""Whether this fear arouses from their pessimistic and narrow minded view or it has existentialism fundamental?" and "How does the poetical imagination change to be a scene for speaking of the depth of poet’s philosophical vision about death?"

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Dictionaries are regarded as the basic criteria in language teaching and research, therefore, they are expected to be free from analytic fallacies.However, it seems that there are some inconsistencies in the definition of the morphological units in Persian dictionaries. In this article, echo reduplications (or Etba') are studied in the text of Loghat Name by Dehkhoda. To this end, after defining the process of echo reduplications, all the entries which have been labeled to belong to this category, were extracted and analyzed according to the linguistic definitions available for echo reduplication. The analysis revealed that many of the entries with an echo reduplication label have not been treated correctly, and this error takes its roots from either referring to the echo contractions in other languages, or sticking to the traditional definitions of this issue.

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The present study aimed to provide a comprarative analysis of the performance of Persian monoligual and Azari-Persian bilingual adolescents in comprehension of Persian proverbs. The study has been made on the basis of the constraint satisfaction model, within which the effect of the variables of "linguistic context", "familiarity" and "gender" is examined on their "speed of comprehension". The corpus includes 142 high school students in two groups of monolingual and bilingual individuals. The proverb comprehension test has been provided as a testing software in which the data are saved in the textual format and the response timing is saved in milliseconds. Data analysis was performed by a two-way analysis of variance. The research findings illustrated the significant effect of the variables studied, that by itself supports the efficiency of the constraint satisfaction model, as its theoretical base, in the comprehension of Persian proverbs.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3 (11)
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With the advent of linguistic researches in the early seventies on the conditions of the women in language, an overwhelming turn came into the sociolinguistics.The most important rationale behind this attitude was the surge in Feminist movements in the modern times. Women authors strongly believe that masculine/male literature reinforces traditional sexual cliches and that in their works, portrays women as dependent and victim. They contend that the image depicted by men in their works of women is more frequently than not unrealistic.In other words, women/females in most of the literary works are considered as "others" to men/males and, henceforth, in male-dominated literature, the women question and the women experience are not dealt with. Quite on the contrary, the role assumed for women is what men ascribe to them and deem more suitable.This led to women arguing that, since they are endowed with special biological features and feminine experiences like sympathizing, cooperation, sensitivity and special power to observe, they are more likely to convey a special aspect of femininity to the reader, which is absent from male/masculine writing/ecritude.Female writers in Iran could establish their place in writing fictional works and, hence, be widely received by the audience. This paper, via applying the Theory of Language and Social Semiotics, tries to delve into two novels: ‘Sovashon-by Simin Daneshvar-and ‘Adat mikonim' -by Zoya Pirzad. The methodology is descriptive-analytic. This paper substantiates the claim that women in different strata (syntactic, semantic and cognitive) of these two novels struggle to represent their identity in various ways.

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