Every language and dialect is formed of components and materials such as famous stereotypes and idioms, ironies, proverbs that make the language rich. Molded lingual structures have particular applications and roles in establishing social communications. These compressed dialects are often reproductive carrying deep meanings. Over the years, these cliches and stereotypes components are transferred from person to person and from one generation to other and are recorded in the culture. The same molded dialects form the important part of unwritten lingual reserves that double the need of scientific attention. As the main issue this article intends to deal with the explanation of the theoretical basis and typology as well as to show the variation of these molded cliches in the Persian language. For that reason, the author, first focuses on the previous accomplished studies and then studies the root and origin of these lingual cliches. Thereafter, in order to explain and describe these cliches and their sub-typologies, each of which includes curses, insults, compliments, blessings, pledges, threats, idioms, ironies and proverbs, the paper tries to investigate the lingual structure, themes, their applications, and diversities in colloquial language. The current aims of this paper are to present a model to study typology, structure and contents of colloquial languages. Sociological and cultural analyses have their own places and are liable to further study.