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To investigate the effect of planting dates on agronomy traits of rice varieties in direct seeding, an experiment was carried out at Randomized Complete Block Design based on split plot with four replications in Mazandaran province during 2009. Main factor was planting date in four levels (28 Apr, 7, 16 and 25 May) and sub factors were varieties in three levels (Shirudi, Amrollahy Tarom and Hashemi Tarom). Results showed that, planting date had significant effect on plant number, fertile tiller number, panicle number per m2, filled grain percentage per panicle, 1000 seed weight, harvest index and grain yield. Meanwhile cultivars had significant effects on all the mentioned traits. In general, among cultivars, Shirudi had the highest grain yield because of the high plant number, fertile tiller number, panicle number and harvest index, while Hashemi Tarom because of the low fertile tiller number, 1000 seed weight and harvest index had less grain yield. Maximum grain yield was produced in planting dates 7th and 16th of May, respectively, and minimum grain yield in 25th May planting date. Among the mentioned traits, panicle number per m2 and harvest index had the highest correlation with grain yield. Interaction effect planting date in a variety of studies (except full spikeletes percent ) showed significantly affected from which the highest yield belonged to 7th and 17th of May planting date of Shirudi cultivar.

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To evaluate the different genotypes of castor bean-function and its components- this experiment was carried out in CRBD replications in 2006-2007. The studied characteristics were: percentage of male and female flowers, inflorescene length and height from the ground surface, number of internodes, number of grains in plant, a 1000 grains weight, and grain oil yield. The obtained results showed that different genotypes had meaningful impact on the studied characteristics. The hieghest grain yield (2.1 ton/ha) in genotype 80-7: and lowest grain yield (.36 ton/ha) and oil (.15 ton/ha) was related to genotype 80-11-1. Noticing that grain and oil yield in castor bean was the most important one in this plant, therefore, according to the specific studies, the cultivar 80-7 had relative priority over the other genotypes in the region.

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To investigate the possibility of application of bio-fertilizers instead of to chemical fertilizers, an experiment, as a split split plot, was carried out based on randomized complete blocks design with four replications at Agricultural Research Center of West Azerbaijan in 2009. Main plots at three levels including azotobacter and nitroxin bio-fertilizers and nitrogen chemical fertilizer as A factor and sub plots in two levels including phosphate barvare2 bio-fertilizer, triple super phosphate chemical fertilizer as B factor and sub-sub plots in two levels including Goldasht and Isfahani cultivars of safflower as C factor were arranged. Result analysis of variance showed that between different levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, cultivar and interaction between them for traits of lateral branch, boll in shrub, grain per boll, grain yield, harvest index and grain oil percentage were significantly different (p£0.05). Azotobacter and phosphate barvare2 bio-fertilizers increased grain yield and its components significantly as compared with nitrogen and super phosphate triple chemical fertilizers. Azotobacter with phosphate barvare2 at Isfahani cultivar had 26 lateral branches and 264g/m2 grain yield and nitrogen with triple super phosphate chemical fertilizers at Goldasht cultivar had 13 lateral branches and 106g/m2 grain yield were the maximum and minimum values, respectively. Correlation coefficient between traits indicated that grain yield had significantly positive correlations with lateral branch (r=0.85**), boll in shrub (r=0.84**) and grain per boll (r=0.92**).

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To study the effect of plant density on yield and yield components of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) cultivars under dry land condition in autumn and spring sowing, an experiment was conducted in the Experimental Research Farm of Ilam region, during 2007–2008 growing season. The experimental treatments were arranged as split factorial in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Two sowing seasons (autumn and spring) were allocated to the main plots and three cultivars (Hashem, Arman and Local) and four levels of plant density (20, 30, 40 and 50 plants m-2) were applied to the subplots. Pod number per plant, seed number per plant, 100seed weight, plant height, seed yield and biological yield were measured. The result indicated that the effect of planting season on plant height was significant but on the other factors were not significant. Whereas interaction of cultivar and sowing date on yield was significant. Also the results showed that interaction effects of plant density, cultivar and sowing date on yield components were not significant. The highest correlation was observed between seed yield and seed numbers per plant. Arman cultivare had the best performance in two cultivation seasons.

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To study eco-physiological aspects of interferences of different lambsquarters (Chenopodium album L.) densities; in two planting patterns of single cross corn 704 and competitive effects of weed on yield quality and quantity of corn, an experiment, was conducted at Miyandoab Agricultural Research station from 2004 to 2005. The experimental design was factorial in RCBD arrangement with three replications. The treatments were: two planting patterns (common and two zigzag rows) of corn and the combination of four levels of lambsquarters population (0, 4, 10 and 16 plants per meter of corn row). Weed seeds were planted on the sides and end of corn rows in zigzag between corn plants. Results showed that the competition of weed lambsquarters caused significant decrease grain yield and leaf chlorophyll content. Seed protein content of corn decreased but seed oil content increased. With increasing of weed competitive effects of weed population on studied characteristics of corn was greater than those of different planting patterns. Competition of weed caused a significant decrease in dry matter compared with check treatments. This decrease in the conventional planting pattern was greater than 2 zigzag- row planting pattern.

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To study the effects of seed priming on germination characteristics‚ grain yield and its components, two factorial laboratory and field experiments were carried out based on Completely Randomized Design and Randomized Complete Blocks Design, respectively. Treatments obtained from Kaka and Gazvin cultivars were of two chickpea genotypes (Kaka and Gazvin cultivars) and B factor was used in different priming methods including(control, treatment)‚ soaked in distilled water (hydropriming)‚ 3% KCl‚ 10% Poly Ethylene Glycol (PEG6000) 10%‚ K2PO4 1%‚ KNO3 2%‚K2SO4 1.5% ‚ CaCl2 5%. Drought stress obtained was obtained by interruption of irrigation at flowering stage. Laboratory analysis of variance showed that the effect of cultivars and priming treatments on total dry and fresh shoot weight‚ shoot and root lengths‚ time of 50% germination (T50) and germination index (GI) had significant difference in 1% probability level, except dry shoot weight‚ all of traits priming treatments and interaction effect had highly significant difference in 1% probability. Result of combined analyses of variance at normal and drought stress condition in field conditions showed that traits of total dry matter‚ grain yield‚ 1000-kernels weight‚ grain per pod‚ plant height‚ number of primary branches and harvest index at priming treatments were significantly different in 1% and 5% probability level respectively. Also except the number of grains per pod‚ all of traits in priming treatments and interaction effect were significantly different in 1% and 5% probability level respectively. PEG (6000), KCl and distilled water had highest positive effects on evaluated traits. PEG (6000) and KCl induced more drought tolerance of chickpea cultivars.

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To study the effects of fertilizer nitrogen and super absorbant on grain yield and yield components in wheat (zarrin c.v.) a field experiment was conduced in Agriculture Research Station of Saatlo in Urmia during 2009-2010 growing season. In this experiment different amount of nitrogen fertilizer in three levels (no nitrogen, 50 percent of fertilizer recommendation, 100 percent of recommendation), different amounts of super absorbant polymer in three levels (no use, 100, 200 kg /ha) were considered. Result analysis of variance showed that spikes lenght, kernel weight, number of fertile tillers, grain yield, increased with increasing nitrogen fertilizer while fertile tillers, grain yield, harvest index were significantly increased with increasing super absorbant supply, the use of super absorbant had not siginificant effect on spike length and kernel weight. The highest grain yield per unit area was obtained (5141 kg/ha) under 100 percent fertilizer recommendation. Grain yield was also significantly increased (5025 kg/ha) with supply of 200 Kgha-1 super absorbant. The interaction of fertilizer x super absorbant supplement for fertile tillers and grain yield, harvest index and straw yield were singinficant. The highest fertile tiller, straw yield and grain yield were observed for 100 percent nitrogen fertilizer recommendation and 200 kg per ha super absorbant polymer. Use of 50 percent of fertilizer recommendation and 200 kg per ha super absorbant had the highest harvest index.

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To investigate the effect of planting date and planting depth on vegetative and generative growth of saffron in Maku conditions, a research, by providing the related rhizomes from Marand, was done based on the complete randomized block design as factorial with two planting dates (16 September, 29 September) and two planting depth (20 cm, 25 cm) in three replications. For detection of the suitable date and depth of plant, some characteristics such as number of leaves, fresh and dry weight of leaves, leaf area, fresh and dry weight of flowers and fresh and dry weight of stigma were investigated. The aim of this study was to detect the best date and depth of planting. The information was analyzed. Results showed that the early planting date (16th of September) with the lowest planting depth (20 cm) had the highest effect on the vegetative and generative characteristics of saffron. Also the yield of stigma was the highest in early planting date and low depth of planting.

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To study the effects of genotypes in different harvest times on seed quality of ten wheat genotypes, an experiment was conducted in split plot based on completely randomized block design, with four replications, with ten wheat genotypes including: Zarin, Alvand, Shahryar, Sardari, C-80-4, C-81-10, C-81-4, C-83-3, C-83-8 and YET-84-9, in main plots and ten harvesting times in sub-plots, in Agricultural Research Center of Miandoab in 1387-1388. The seed harvest was carried out in seven days gaps from 20-83 days after flowering. In this experiment, the weight of a thousand seed, dry weight of plantlets, electrical conductivity of material seeped from the seeds, percentages of viable seeds and seed humidity were measured to determine seed vigor. Obtained data were analyzed. Effect of harvest time on all trails was significant at level of %5. Effect of genotypes and interactions of genotype × different harvest times, on all trails expect of percentage of viable seed was significant at level of %5. There was positive relationship significant between percentages of viable seeds, weight of a thousand seed and dry weight of plantlets, but there was negative significant relationship between electrical conductivity of material seeped from the seeds with each of other trails. The examination of growth curve of wheat seed indicated that physiological maturity stage obtained in the limits of 55- 62 days after flowering. According to the percentage of suitable of seed humidity (14-15%) at the time of seventh stage of harvesting (62 days after flowering), in testing area, this stage is suggested as a suitable time for harvesting. According to mentioned results from experiments, Sardary, Shahryar and C-81-10 receptively, are the most suitable varieties to be cultivated in this region.

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To evaluate the genotype environmental interaction and determine grain yield stability and adaptability of dryland promising bread wheat genotypes, this study was conducted during three cropping seasons (2003-2006) in five regions of cold dryland areas including Maragheh, Urmia, Qamloo, Qydar and Ardebil. Experiments included 13 promised wheat genotypes with 2 checks (Sardari and Azar 2) and arranged in Randomized Complete Blocks design with four replications. Combined analysis of variance was done for three years in five locations. Lin and Binns parameter, coefficient of variation of grain yield and ranking method were used for determination of the stable genotypes. Results showed that location, year, genotype and interactions of location´genotype, year´location´genotype were significant (p£0.001). The highest and least grain yield belonged to Maragheh (2.726 t/ha) and Urmia stations, line No.13 (Sardari-HR39) with 2.202 t/ha had the highest grain yield among genotypes. Stability analysis with Lin and Binns method showed that lines No.7 (Dari-8//F35-70-Moxnac/Trt”S”) and No. 8 (Dari-7/Sabalan) had the highest stability comparing the checks. The results of ranking method showed that line No.13 (Sardari-HR39) had the lowest ranking mean (R-) and the highest grain yield, comparing with other genotypes. Regarding to grain yield and other agronomic traits (earliness, thousand kernel weight, number of mature tillers and growth habit) genotype No. 13 (Sardari –HR39) released with the name of HOMA for planting under cold dryland areas.

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