The aim of this study was identifying social, cultural and demographic factors which affected fertility of women living in the slums located around the districts near Saadi Neighborhood, Shiraz, Fars Province. The statistical population was women, aged 15-49, who were married at least once, and were residents of the slums located around the districts near Saadi Neighborhood.316 women were selected as the sample based on Morgan Table. Survey research methods and a questionnaire were used to collect data. For data analysis, the method of application correlation coefficient test, F, T and Stepwise Regression were used by SPSS software. The findings of this study indicated that fertility was significantly correlated with age, duration of marriage, living on the margins of history, and desired number of children. Also, sexual preference variables, attitudes about the use of contraception, education, marital satisfaction and social origins had significant effects on fertility, but social security, social esteem, invest interval between birth and occupation on fertility meaning of work were insignificant. In addition, the regression analysis revealed that a distance of 8 variables entered in the equation, two variables fatalism and the overall length of the marriage were recognized as the most important factors; explaining 62 percent fertility changes. The overall results indicated that fertility converged on the city's fringe areas of text.