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"Justice and greed" among the topics discussed intellectual style Ferdowsi's Shahnameh is one of the deepest forms the basis of political insight. Ferdowsi for each kings in proportion to the performance effects of their justice and injustice and wisdom and has listed ancient and historical and mythological epic.These elements has a harmonic connection with the political attitude of the rulers of the poet. Illustrations poet "greed and justice" come in several different ways the story of the kings.Literature and conduct their biological rulers in landscape history and experience in both concept "greed and justice" are crystalline.This behavior myths associated with doing extraordinary things.In this article we have to study the kind of content of these components in Ferdowsi's epic, Ferdowsi, and to show the effects of political thinking of Ferdowsi.

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One of the most important factors influencing the mood and themes created by a poet is his living conditions and environmental factors. Certainly the poets who have traveled in the court of the magnificent kings have seen the glamour life of the kings and princes so Unconsciously affected by these factors and More elements of this space have adapted in their visual poetry. Badr-e-Chachi is one of these poets. He lived in the eighth century Because of the turmoil that swept the country due to the Mongol invasion left home and went to India to praise its kings, especially King Mohammed Toghloq that the amazing beauty of the court was even attracted the attention of travelers. Badr-e-Chachi in The descriptions of the king's favorite things, Describing the nature, celebrations, etc. and above all in his panegyrics strongly is influenced by the environment and the effects of Aristocracy So that Aristocratic background is one of the aspects of his style. Even in the choice of words, Poetic language and Poetic language Is affected by the court life. In this paper, these issues will be dealt with descriptive analytic way.

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Hussein Monzavi was known in the lyrics in his lifetime, but after his death, a considerable amount of his religious poetry was published. It is seen many social poems in his works that are usually ignored in studying of his poetry. In general, there are different and conflicting content in his poetry about love, social issues and religion. In this article, according to content analysis, His poems have been measured in terms of quality and quantity and the reason of dichotomy in the romantic, social poems and religious has been studied on the basis of poetic and lingual signs. Also at the end, according to the results of the preceding sections, we tried to discover discourse of Monzavi. The main concern of the poet is "ego" and selfishness is main content of his discourse.

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"Moral healing" ethics known as. "King" by M Hassani (Hussein) Kashani physician known as healing One moral of the tenth century, the author of the Morality and virtue traits, with evidence of verses and traditions, is rarely pure and anecdotes. This pamphlet contains two articles. The first article, second article 21 of the morality and ethics of Zmymh is 17. As the list is Var "Persian books in Iran, Ahmed isolated on the effect of the current version is separately presented in the text. The main objective of this research is the method of "content analysis" to reflect the stylistic features of the work, techniques of expression and literary review And at the end of the main research question of "how particular literary style and prose style in this Asrpaskh be Kashani healing" to be answered. "Moral healing" in order mixed prose, which in most cases is the intermediate prose book Dybach And had abstained from simple prose and policies such as Sa'di's Golestan preach, wisdom, ethics, science, and practice. Recall that at the end of the royal texts morality is that moral tales, including the source of refinement and purification, Ultimately this book is dedicated to Shah Hosseini and more on his speech to the rulers and authorities of the state.

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In this paper, anger and fear are investigated in Golestan and Kelilie va Demne using Kovecses and Lakoff pattern for anger.Necessity of research is obtaining information about the language of the emotions. The purpose is derivation a special pattern of fear and anger in these didactics text to obtain similarities or differences between the main patern and these patterns and compare them with each other. The researchers method of this study is using Kovecses and Lakoff model of anger and the use of the emotions Kovecses model and Fehr and Russell description of fear to obtain a fear model. Anger in these texts is the same of main pattern but there is differences with the different actors of the various classes of society. Differences in the fear pattern are more in causes and reactions of emotion. It seems that differences are the result of different attitudes of writers and differences in the context of cultural production and the society at the time of writing.

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The Persian masterpieces have been investigated repeatedly and their structures have been studied from the point of view of grammar, stylistics, rhetoric, etc. What is needed in today study of Persian prose masterpieces and in the context of new researches is the investigation of these masterpieces from the point of view of new literary schools and theories. Harold Bloom's theory of creative misreading is one of the recent theories which has had a large amount of reactions. According to this theory, every author or poet has a literary father whom is bound to impress by him. This impression creates a kind of anxiety that he creatively looks for some ways to release him from this pressure and then makes his work without this kind of anxiety. According to Bloom's theory, there is always a kind of aggressive and dialectic relationship between late and early poets and this is the why that the late poet looks for a way to reduce early poet's eminency and power and prevail on his authority. In this paper, it is attempted to investigate the ways of releasing from effect anxiety in some ancient Persian proses by a transient review of Persian prose masterpieces in different eras and we criticize and localize this theory in Persian prose.

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Fazlullah Naimi Esterabadi Divan is important Horoofiye writings that reveal the part of their pantheistic thoughts, Qalandarane and Exaggerated. In addition to the intellectual value, this work has plain and clear language, with filled imagination space and musical expression.In this article, Naimi Divan is classified in both linguistic and literary analysis accurately. Its language features which is close to the Iraqi style, be Investigated and from Khorasani style properties, that it is used on a limited basis, be discussed. Its literary level was attentioned in three parts of illusion, innovative figures and music. Simile as his most important poetic description in addition to metaphor, innuendo and authorized be investigated and innovative arrays of Divan like allusion and Proportionality be analyzed. Finally, various contents, rhyme and simple and unfrequent rows and those literary figures that can be effective on music be scrutinied.Moreover author pose the need of Divan recorrection and introduce its manuscripts that divide to three groups of complete, chosen and Tarjiband.

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One of the main topics of texts and handwritten books is travelogs which many of them belong to Qajar era. Travelog (Safarnameh) are reports which are left from our ancestors and include a wide variety of fascinating and rich issues and if it is written in a skillful and artistic way it will be ofdouble literary value.Poetic travelog of Farangestan (overseas world) is one of those handwritten texts that is revised in here and that includes a description of Naser-e-din shah Qajar ' sfirst travel to Europe, which the poet has put it into verses.This edition is arranged into 46 sheets and 92 pages.The date of writing is not clearly mentioned but according to the evidence available it might have been written around 1295 AH The poet of the travelog is a person named "Ayugh", which unfortunately not much could be found about him in spite of a comprehensive research Poetic travelog of Farangestan handwritten texts one of texts valuable in Qajar era, which have recorded in national library on number 504- the date 1329.

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The aim of this paper is to investigate Jalalu-'d-din Muhammad Mawlavi's view in his Masnavi about the univocality or equivocality of religious language. We first briefly explain the main theories about the nature of religious language. Then, some paradigm examples of Masnavi in which Rumi has expressed his views about religious language will be interpreted.Finally, it will be shown that, according to Rumi, religious language should be considered as mainly univocal than equivocal.. This research also helps us to understand how Mawlavi has been influenced by his predecessors, and moreover shows his influence over the later religious and theological doctrines.

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Modern poets have made fundamental changes to the elements of the lyric poem since the early 1960s and tried not to follow the classic traditions of the lyric poem as much as possible. In this regard, they took influential steps that resulted in the development of the "modern lyric". Hossein Monzavi is a contemporary lyric poet who has tried to leave the framework of the classic lyric poetry behind. In this respect, he has invented new meters within the lyric poetry besides all other changes he has made to the lyric poetry. He has invented sixty meters, of which 18 meters are not found in the prosody.In this study, the author seeks the answer of the following questions: 1. How could Hossein Monzavi leave the framework of the classic lyric poetry behind.2. Is Hossein Monzavi an inventor of the modern meter, as a pioneer of the modern lyric? If yes, how many innovative meters has he invented.

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Manuscripts include valuable historical and literary information which can be useful for literary researchers. this information and especially old anthologies are powerful sources for identifying forgotten poets and the works of the first period of Persian poets. one of the anthologies remain from the 8th century is anthology of" Yahya tofigh" from Soleimanie library in turkey which has not been corrected and published so far. However the question is who is the collector of this book? Or if there are newfound couplets of famous and unknown poets.Collector of this anthology is unknown but there ' is some evidence that shows some similarities between this book and "Ganj pakhsh' and "Sade elahi '. This similarity and also verses of Sade elahi which exist only in these books suggest that perhaps all three books have been written based on the same book and maybe the collector is Sade elahi, as well.Careful study of this book enables us to have a more complete correction of the verses of famous poets and their newfound couplets and couplets of unknown poets also seen.

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Carnival is a sub-culture of criticism against informal social norms and behaviors based on any dogma and authoritarianism.Carnival is dependent on the total, And this total, organized in such a way as to defy any formal organization. This research shows that Iran's literary history of popular fiction, aspects of the carnival orientation can be seen in the works Obaid. In traditional satires and reproach, too much attention to sensual things, as there have been signs carnival. Karnavly the opinions of Obeid are in establishing tvllo-way communication with the audience (unanimity) is shown vector style, controversy unseen, parody hero and anti-hero. using Obid of these methods more than any poet humorist has brought to the carnival. This article tries to Karnavalism instances in one of the most critical periods of social and political history of the country, under the rule of tyranny and show discourses monologue. Bakhtinian approach to Obaid humor proves Obaid humorous voice do not have a personal aspect, but another voice. and the second is contemporary people. The scorn of his humor is not funny. Except to ethnicity jokes that attacked to local and location-specific aspects, Obaid humor components should be recognized philosophical nature and the world.

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Ahmad ibn-e Moosa Rashti-e Ostadi is one of the mystic and literary personalities in 9th century A.H He is reckoned as one of the elders that related to Azarbayejan area mysticism. His remaining works consist of Sharh-e Golshan-e Raz, Sharh-e Jam-e Jam (which is belonging to maghreb i), Sharh-e ouhad-al-din kermani's return-tie.His explanation of Golshan-e Raz of Shabestari is one of the most ancient explanations and commentaries of that ethical and mystical verses.Unfortunatly there is not any account in available sources about Ahmad . ibn-e Moosa 's life, works and ideas. For this reson, his personality and his works have not known yet. This essay intends introdus Ahmad ibn-e Moosa briefly, then analys stylistic and cotentual characters of his most important work, Sharh-e Golshan-e Raz, in three levels: literally level, literary level and philosophical level.Jt also evaluates position of that book between Persian mystical prose texts.After analyses that were performed, we can say the results of this research indicate identifiction of writing style, simplicity of sentences and variatioin in meaning expression of Sabestaris verses. Therefore The tradition of writtig commentary on mystic books has been fulfilled by using sign, traditions (Ahadith), mystical, theological, philosophical and astrological terms, so by using Arabic words and by narrating anecdotes and mystics' discourses in style of ancients.

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Language is composed of various components, one of which is the lexicon (=vocabulary). Lexicon it self has varieties and types.The main lexical categories are the nominal and verbal groups which form the basic and primary elements of a larger linguistic unit i. e. the sentence; other categories build the peripheral elements of a sentence. The applied primary and peripheral elements correspond to the intention, meaning and sentential concepts. Open class words in some nominal groups allow the use of close, consistent and cohesive words in creation of the concepts and meanings. Cohesive and consistent words having close meanings would lead to creation of a literary type which makes it different from other types.To create a literary type, it is necessary to create a set of convergent words at the sentence level. Tis convergence often occurs in three levels of noun, verb, and adjective. With regard to the meaning, other linguistic elements would be used in literary creation. if many words are used in a text and these words have semantic relationships with each other in syntagmatic and paradigmatic axes, the result would be the text visibility inducing the intended meaning.Collocational and consistent words creating a specific lexical density enjoy a certain semantic network in the communication field which is called "lexical cohesion".Using and investigating the text corpora of Tarikh-i Bayhaqi (Bayhaqi History), Tarikh -e Vassaf (VassafHistory), Tarikh-i Jahangushay-i Juwayni (The History of The World Conqueror), Tarikh-e Yamini (Yamini' s History), this paper tries to show that although these works are historical and narrative, in different sections including the lyric genres, they have lexical cohesion.

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Fattahi Neyshabouri is one of poets in Nine hijri century and certainly about word style is in the middle row oratorys Iraqistyle and Hindistyle..In Fattahis poetry he has found most of the features of normative Nine hijri.century but the estimates of these features in his poetry is different.In this article we examined the exterior structure of the Fattahi Neyshabouris lyrics and will be studied his place in poetry and standing his poem in the area of the stylistics and subjects such as the horizontalaxis, vocabulary, grammer, slang compound, new compound, elements of amozing imagination, rhetorical elements, meter, rhyme and rows fit in vocabulary and.., in fattahis poem, through the stylisties called.

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The translation is important-find the perfect means to convey accurate and understandable first speaker of the target language and Knowledge of literary and cultural difJerencesbetween nations as well as knowledge of language and literature standards in their eloquence There are some subtleties in Arabic, sometimes causing difficulty of translating the Quran, Nahj, traditions and some Arabic texts were From the past to the present translation has been a lot of Nahj.Translation Translator contemporary Mohammad Dashti is one of them This article is an excerpt from his interpretation of the method, style, text editing, translation and analysis of issues and rhetorical way, observing the literary arts And also due to historical events and critically examined. This paper seeks to answer this question are plain cash translation Whether "plain Drtrjm «ranslation from any ground rules have been met And the interpreter would need to be handled carefully? The study translation criticism on Mr. Dashti imports That the right understanding of researchers and scholars. These problems include issues such as: Lack of sufficient precision in translations, additions analytical and descriptive, contextual and rhetorical and is fit impairments. It is noteworthy that The author of this criticism is objective grounds To conduct research and studies, in this field.

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