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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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    1 (65)
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The subjects related to Geomorphologic studies of Tehran metropolis, from assessment aspect that develope d during last half a century are numerous. Investigation of the surface drainage basins and rivers is one of these subjects. Changing the rivers and their natural flood channels without respecting geomorphologic principals and processes in Tehran metropolis will create different kinds of problems and damages for the civilians of Tehran. At present, the drainages of Tehran are supported by three territories: A) Basins ended to Kan River and West bund for flood channel; B) Basins ended to Aboozar channel and Barootkobi and C) Basins ended to the agricultural terrains of the South part of Tehran (Salehabad territory). In the present work, the above basins along with flood channel network before the development. were pictured by the aid of topography maps of 1970, air photos taken in different period, also geological maps. The domains of all mountainous and urban basins at present situation were determined by the aid of topography maps of 2001 and changes of drainage network. The maximum amounts of aquifer of each basins were calculated by rational analysis method and using Intensity-Duration-Frequency curves of Mehrabad and Saadabad stations for the return periods of 2, 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100 years. By utilization of physiographic characteristics, drainage systems, and their hydrological calculation and by comparing these characteristics with the nature of basins, the geomorphologic limitations of development in the territory surface drainage basins were assessed. The research procedure is based on analytical method. The key instrument of this research was compiling of Geographical Information System by Arc GIS software and statistical method. The results indicated that basins compile and a change in the direction of surface waters and their conversion to artificial channels augment aquifer and floods. Especially in long return periods, the increment is obvious, and as a result, it increases urban flood hazard. Blocking of the elementary water channels and creating the new ones in domain of Tehran metropolis without considering the geomorphologic and values. Therefore, in order to reduce the damages and to stabilize the basins development, it is a decisive necessity to apply the geomorphologic principles.

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    1 (65)
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The physical and chemical properties of soil are very different. In addition to influences on these properties, these elements also indirectly or directly affect the soils erosive sesitivity. The changes of soil properties is very rapid on the length of slopes. Due to rapid changes, the attention on the impacts these changes on erosive soils is very important. Planners must pay due attention to these properties and also be concerned at soils characteristics at all projection. Texture, structure, rate of organic carbon, EC, pH and moisture of soil, may affect the fertility and erosion of soils. The study area, is located on the northwest slopes of Sabalan mountain, from 38o.15' to 38 o.30' N, and from 47 o.00' to 47 o.38' E between Ahar and Meshkinshar. In this paper, we studied soils erosive properties in relation to the slope elements. The results suggested that slope elements have a major and detrimental role on the chemical and physical properties of soil, erosion and gulling.

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    1 (65)
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Due to some practical limitations, it is not possible to adopt images which have both high spectral and spatial resolutions. Image fusion is one of the methods that utilizes image supplementary information, to the effect that it combines the spatial information of images with high spatial resolution, By the use of these spectral information of the images with high spectral resolution, one can creates an image that has high spatial and spectral resolutions simultaneously. Current methods and algorithms of image fusion are not efficient enough to combine new satellite images due to some changes in these satellites; therefore, providing new methods of image fusion is of paramount significance for the above-mentioned satellites. Image fusion methods should desirably maintain the spectral and spatial information of the original images. In the present study, a new algorithm was introduced to combine the spatial information of the IKONOS images with the spatial resolution of 1m with the spectral information of the SPOT images with the spatial resolution of 20m. This algorithm is in the feature-level and is based on the Retinal Model. Other existent fusion models such as IHS, HPF, PCA, Wavelet and the hybrid Wavelet-PC were also applied to these images. The results of the spatial and spectral assessments of the combined images indicated that the spectral and spatial information of the proposed method are better. One of the major advantages of this method is that there is no need for resampling, which is a must in other methods.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (65)
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One of the natural disasters causing many damages in dry and desert areas of the world and especially in the Yazd region of Iran, is strong winds and storms. This region (Yazd), due to it is geographical situation and climatic conditions, is always subject to strong winds and dust storms. Therefore, understanding the storms and strong winds regime, in order to reduce the destructive effects of this phenomenon, especially in stabilizing the running sands, is necessary. This study was accomplished using the data of horizontal vision, speed and direction of wind, relative humidity, temperature, pressure, cloud and dust event in Yazd and Kerman synoptic stations, as well as the atmosphere data of the above stations, and the synoptic maps during statistical period between 1983-2003. The results of the study showed that more than 77 percent of strong winds in the area blow from 2500 to 3300, and its speed is between 15-29 m/sec during the fluctuation. These strong winds blow in the afternoons. The blow of dominant winds is from North -West and West. More than 5 percent of storms and strong winds in this region occur in Apirl and May. In the begining of the hot period of the year and changing of the season, the atmospheric instability and the dust storms increase in the region. The main reason of this phenomena is the intensive winds that occur by the fast changes of the temperature and pressure in this time. Passing of a low pressure system with cold and dry front from the West-North Western along with the presence of trough in the 500 and 850 hpa levels, and also the local instabilities are the most important reasons of these strong winds in this region.

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  • Issue: 

    1 (65)
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The ability in assessment of Total Precipitable Water (TPW) is useful in the prediction of the amount of raining, dam over-flooding and the flood. To extract TPW, the algorithm of infra- red bands near the MODIS sensor images were used. The satellite TPW, was validated using radiosonde data. Due to the limitation of the algorithm implementation to the cloud free sky and stable atmosphere, the general atmospheric conditions in the satellite passing date were investigated using auxiliary curves produced by synoptic and higher level meteorological data. In this way, the calm and eddy free atmosphere were selected. Then MODIS images were supplied from Iran Space Agency for this satellite passage. Then the TPW data were estimated using radiosonde and thermodynamics equation. Then regarding the stability and lack of new air masses in the region for the selected days (using analysis of the ground data and atmospheric profiles), the TPW for the time of satellite passage was interpolated.For determination of and in the aforementioned algorithm, EVI and ENDVI indices were deployed. At the end, a regression between the TPW produced by satellite and the one calculated from the radiosonde. showed that for the Mehrabad weather conditions, the MODIS channels 18 and 19 are suitable. Using the ratio of the apparent reflectance in the water vapor absorption bands to the one in the non-absorbing band, the atmospheric water vapor transparency for each one of the water vapor bands was calculated. The TPW in the earth-sensor path was calculated by implementing MODIS infrared bands under different atmospheric conditions, taking into account sensor and zenith angles, and the water vapor transparency using band ratio technique.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1987

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (65)
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A part of management of solid waste related to site selection for healthy landfill. some method and technique delivered for site selecting. Among them analytic network process (ANP), a multi-criteria decision-making technique have some priority that can be a proper model for site selection because represents a framework with a bidirectional relationship. the ANP allows for complex interrelationships among decision levels and attributes. The ANP feedback approach replaces hierarchies with networks in which the relationships between levels are not easily represented as higher or lower, dominant or subordinate, direct or indirect. The elements of a cluster may influence some or all the elements of any other cluster. tdherefor. This paper addresses the problem of solid waste location selection using the analytic network process (ANP), a multi-criteria decision-making technique. The ANP technique enables us to consider both qualitative and quantitative criteria as well as the interdependencies and feedbacks. Selection of the appropriate landfill site is a complex problem and requires an extensive evaluation process considering the requirements of public sector, governmental, environmental objectives, etc. A number of criteria (social, environmental and technical) and their sub-criteria were considered for sitting a landfill on the Qucahn as the case study. The process of site selection was performed through some steps that will be discussed throughout the paper in detail. Finally, the suitable land units for landfill were selected.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (65)
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The aim of this research was the recognition of effective dynamic and synoptic factors of freezing in Iran in order to prevent and mitigate this phenomenon. The During the December-January 8-15th 2006-2007 cold wave, there were a larg number of human and animal casualties and decline of gas pressure on vast parts of the country. The intercity and urban traffic was hampered. Between 75 to 80 percent of the whole country was frozen due to penetration of an extensive cold wave. This research shows that the main system that leads to freeze follows the following synoptic conditions: At sea level and 850 h.p., which are similar in terms of synoptic conditions a cold wave is extended from the Pole to Mid- southern Iran, causing the Polar and sub- polar cold transfer to the southern Iran. On the 500 h.p level (meso-troposphere) on the day of starting cold wave, a cyclone center by a curve of 492 dca-meter geo-potential is closed over the north Siberian, which is a rather deep trough spreading with a north- South extension on the south Iran. On continuance, this cyclone center and trough gradually spread to the lower latitudes and at the end of the fourth day of cold way, this trend is continued. The Polar cold trough moves toward the east or west and causes the contionution of downfall polar cold air in the mid layers of the atmosphere over Iran. From the fourth day, Siberian trough begins movement toward the east and makes stable air on the zone till the end of the cold wave. The synoptic conditions on the levels of 300 h.p and 500 h.p. are similar. Thus the cold wave by the penetration from the north with the extention of northern and southern blockage of the system that is continued for 8 days and also by transmitting of the polar cold air brings a severe cold toward Iran.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (65)
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Arctic Oscillations (AO) are regarded as the influential factors in the changing climatic pattern of winters in northern hemisphere. In this research, we studied the relationship between winter severity in Tabriz and the climatic pattern using the data for winter climatic variables and the Sea Level Pressure (SLP) fluctuations index in the Arctic Ocean. The Spearman rank correlation was applied in order to find the relationship between the winter severity and the pattern. The results indicated the existence of a teleconnection correlation. After the calculation of the Winter Severity Index (WSI) for Tabriz, its polynomial trend was graphed, which shows a reducing trend indicating a reduction in the severity of winters and changing into temperate climate in Tabriz. Other reason for such a reduction is the declining trend of climatic factors like the number of snowy and freezing days, as well as the increasing trend of winter temperature. Based on the significant correlation between the AO Index and the climatic factors such as temperature, precipitation, snowy days and WSI, we might attribute the AO to the severity and/or temperateness of winters in Tabriz.

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  • Issue: 

    1 (65)
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The Navab Housing Project has been one of the most significant renewal projects among the residential areas in Tehran that needs to be studied for satisfaction and success assessments. Assessment of satisfaction and dissatisfaction factors from the residents' points of view can be used as a criterion for planning and designing other urban development projects in Iran. Upgrading the quality of life in new residential areas and preventing mistake repetition at other urban development projects can be taken as benefit from any similar projects in the country. This paper attempts to present residents' satisfaction assessment. the research project was conducted at three phases of the above mentioned residential project in Tehran. Some personal and family variables were studied for their affects on the satisfaction level of the residents from different social groups there. Data collection was conducted at the study field using a questioner filled in for a sample of 270 residents. Data analysis was also conducted using the SPSS software. The analysis results suggested that the satisfaction of residents on their houses was at mid-level. Theoretical mode was estimated to be equal to 3. the factors including satisfaction variable on the residential units by their residents shows that full satisfaction was only expressed on security level of the residential complex. The factor of "relationships among neighbors" was estimated at mid-level. Other factors such as facilities of the residential complex, landscape and view, and physical significances of the complex were associated with dissatisfaction. The importance assessments of these factors show that the complex facilities were of top – importance from the view point of residents , while security and view factors took the lower positions.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (65)
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Boshehr is a coastal city located along the warm waters of persian gulf. It is limited to zagros mountains persian gulf, hableh river and Tangestan town from north, south, west and east, respectively. The study area is in between sea and land areas. Such especial situations make the formation of specific land forms in coastal regulation zone (CRZ). Howevre, land from studies, especially land forms in CRZ (land between low water line and 500 meters from high water line) are well sensed. Therefore, such sensetive areas should be more considered and more efforts should be made to have better knowledge about them. This would enable a better planning and management of industrial, commercial, residential, environmetal and tourism problems of these areas. for better analysis and getting best knowledge for mapping land forms of this area, remote sensing, GIS and GPS technologies have been used. In this research, geology soils, climate and hydrology of the area were first studied. then, the charachteristics of the area, CRZ definition, land forms classificahion and their precise definition and also collection of tide statistics were made. First, remote sensing, preprocessing of the data was made and then, using digital and visual interpretation techniques, different land forms were identified. regulation zone was drown. Based on ground truth data comparison, the final land from map within the CRZ was generated. the CRZ land from map showed thah the coatal areas of Boshehr are plagic in type and their formation is mainly due to land erosion factors than sea erosion. Also in this area, the rules of crz are not observed and must be seriously considered. Then, using extracted tidal and shore lines from satellite data, the coastal.

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