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In the developed world of post-Westphalia era whatever we pass from the past to present we notice the regular reduction of the power of government in favour of non-governmental actors. The Middle East also as one of the regions of the world has such characteristic. In other words the process of formation of government in the Middle East and the emergence of several elements along with the government shows that the power of the government is reducing in favour of nongovernmental actors. This subject is being studied by making use of three traditions of English school (international system, international community and the world community) and comparing that with structure of the government in the Middle East and the move from international system towards world community. The present article shows that the structure of the government in the Middle East consists of elements which fall within three said traditions category. While we witness the increasing power of the governments and very little interaction of them with each other (international system) there are common intergovernmental institutions (international community) simultaneously supra-national movements of relatively popular nature like Pan-Arabism and Pan-Islamism show themselves (world community). Nevertheless, the process of move is in a direction which one can notice the regular transition from international system towards existing world community in developed world (West) and similar transition is happening in the Middle East. In fact that is seen in recent developments of the Middle East and North Africa although the tradition of international system in the Middle East is more powerful as compared to other two traditions (international community and world community). Therefore the main purpose of the present article is showing the trend of the move of the structure of the government in the Middle East from the tradition of international system toward international community and world community. Alongside this transition the quality of the interaction is also of great importance in forming the structure of government in the Middle East.

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After the disintegration of the Soviet Union and creation of a power vacuum in the newly independent republics, the region became the focus of attention of regional and extra-regional powers. In this regard the role of Turkey due to historical and cultural bonds is important. The Turkey’s policy towards the newly independent republics in central Asia is introducing political reforms and maintaining political stability and implementing economic reforms and cooperation specially in the field of transit of energy and offering new routes for transportation of energy to substitute the old routes which could lead to the continuation of dependency on Russia. The other aspect of Turkey’s policy towards Central Asian republics is increasing investment, capturing the market of these republics. The present article has a glance at the economy of Turkey and Central Asian republics and then evaluates the Turkey’s economic policies and activities in these republics.

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In the three past decades the interaction oriented foreign policy of China have been able to provide the ground of cooperation with the West. It also has helped the survival of Chinese Communist Party and the improvement of China’s international position. One of the essential ambiguities which exist is about China’s future intentions and its attitude towards the international norms and rules, particularly that China is a strong power, it is having remarkable economic growth and increasing role in international affairs. Some observers believe that China’s flexible foreign policy is merely a tactic for preventing the reaction of the neighbours and the rivals to the process of China’s development. They believe as soon as the development plan yield fruits China will take up a confrontationist and destabilizing attitude towards the liberal-democratic order. The present article contrary to the above view argues that the proper and positive functioning of liberal rules in promoting China’s position will lead to stabilization of those rules and this country will have a stake in safeguarding those rules.

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The end of the Cold War brought new challenges in regard to nuclear proliferation. The stability which was the outcome of bipolar system declined and the Soviet Union’s control and supervision on nuclear installations also disappeared. As a result the possibility of access of government and non-government actors to nuclear material and technology for producing nuclear arms was strengthened. The nuclear countries and at the head of them the United States believe that the international security atmosphere and the danger of weapons of mass destruction proliferation in world and regional dimension are among the main threats to international system which its repercussion affects all the countries. For this reason creation of a strong supervisory regime for limiting the expansion and proliferation of nuclear weapon is necessary. Besides creation of a supervisory regime on nuclear non-proliferation treaty, the nuclear countries in their meeting of IAEA board of governors on December 2010 agreed on the establishment of nuclear fuel bank for supervising the nuclear fuel supply. The initiatives and executive suggestions of some of the countries and related organizations are among the efforts by nuclear powers to limit nuclear proliferation.

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The relations of Iran and the United States is having an important place in contemporary history. Despite the importance of these relations there is an inadequacy of a theoretical framework for analysis of the relations between the two countries to help us to find out the causes of the relations and its expansion. In this regard the present article with special method tries to identify important factors that played significant role in relations of the two countries. The paper examines these relations within the framework of continuity theory of James Rosenau. Therefore, the question raised by the article is what variables and factors led to the commencement and expansion of relations between the United States and Iran from the beginning till 1946. The paper has tried to answer the above questions within the framework of continuity theory of James Rosenau as such the commencement of relations can be explained with internal variables (individual, role, bureaucracy, society) and the expansion of relations besides internal variable with the help of external variable (international system and the increasing interests of the United States in Iran). With a close look at the relations of the two countries one can identify the increasing interests of the United States in Iran and come to know about the significance of the expansion of relations of the United States with Iran in its entire dimension.

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The international system after the end of the Cold War is still in transition. There is not yet an established situation in relations of the governments. The former bipolar world has given its place to a chaotic world which does not have a definite order. The Soviet Union and the United States competed with each other during the Cold War era for nearly half a century due to bipolar power structure and nature. For this reason, the study of the relations of these two countries has attracted the attention of observers. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union and separation of several republics and formation of Russian Federation many changes took place in the relations of the two. The relations of the United States and Russia took a new shape during Vladimir Putin presidency due to presence and influence of the United States in the periphery and sphere of influence of Russia. The partnership for peace plan by NATO with Central Asian, Caucasus and former Eastern Europe countries led to sharp differences between Russia and NATO, also deployment of missile defense shield of the United States in Czech Republic and Poland have been among important issues and challenging factors in relations of the two. These measures by the United States have had Russia’s reaction in the shape of energy diplomacy and armament diplomacy. In this regard the Eastern Europe has been the hotbed of all these events. This region, therefore, devoted a high priority region in security policies of Russia and the United States within 1998-2008 periods.

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The cause of recent revolution in Egypt is examined from different viewpoints. The present article studies the development model used in Egypt in the past thirty years. It first explains the authoritarian bureaucratic theoretical framework and then it adjusts these features with the structure of political economy of Egypt during Mubarak and it comes to the conclusion that the model used for political and social development of Egypt had been unsuccessful and the failure of such method has led to crisis and recent revolution in Egypt. The theoretical framework of the study is based on comparative model and Guillermo O' Donnell method and dependent development on the basis of Evans.

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Every country can refer one’s own dispute with another country to international court of Justice. Neither international nor the legal proceedings of the court have any regulation to restrict the non-members of the court to refer their dispute to the court. Acceptance of the jurisdiction of the court by members of the court is defined in article 36 of constitution and the events and circumstances described in it. The examination of the behavior of the court in cases that resort to force had taken place shows that the court as a legal organ has tried to obtain its jurisdiction within the framework of declarations and efforts and studies the legal aspect of each issue or international dispute including resort to force. Although on this issue, many jurists disagree and are of the view that resort to force can be politically interpreted and the court should not have absolute authority to examine the cases. The International Court of Justice otherwise have obligatory jurisdiction on cases which compulsory international norms (jus cogens) are violated and the court on cases that the sovereignty of a member of the United Nations is violated by another member can declare the aggressor as responsible and the latter must compensate the loss. In the case of Iran-Iraq war enormous damage were inflicted on eco system as well as human beings and these losses have so far not been compensated. Present article by referring to norms of international law wants to find out the possibility of demanding ecological compensation by suing a case in International Court of Justice.

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The public diplomacy in one way like political propaganda because it tries to convince people to think in a particular way but on the other hand it is different from political propaganda because it listens to what people say. The present article while examining the principle, function, objective and aspects of public diplomacy answer a main question whether the basis of American public diplomacy makes use of soft war and what interaction soft power has with the above said diplomacy? The hypothesis of the paper is that the difference between public diplomacy and soft war is their pattern of connection. Soft power in a synergic interaction paves the way for furthering public diplomacy. The main objective of the article is to emphasize on soft aspect of public diplomacy. In this direction the bases of public diplomacy cannot be accompanied with soft war. Besides this public diplomacy have several aspects. One that it creates suitable atmosphere for foreign policies of governments, second that public diplomacy is against soft war because the soft war thinks in a realistic atmosphere and intends to make use of propaganda and psychological war to unconsciously influence their audiences. Soft war intentionally makes use of deception, lie and distortion of realities.

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Identity subject is one of the most important questions which, is, in addition to its numerous features, affected by social, cultural, political and technological developments. The scholars have looked at identity from several aspects. The diverse social and cultural reasons and backgrounds among the youths have multiplied the need for an academic research on the subject. This research has casted light on the effective factors on the formation of identity among the high school students in Javanrood city.Methodology: This is a survey research, all the data have been collected by questionnaires. The statistical society of this research is all high school students of Javanrood city in 2010-2011 academic year. The sampling method is a heterogeneous class one, and, based on Cochran formula numbers of samples have been defined 358 persons.Findings: Testing the research hypotheses shows that there is a positive correlation, with weak (0.11) and significant intensity, between the level of parents literacy and formation of social cultural identity. There are also positive correlations between level of participation in peer groups with formation of social cultural identity (positive correlation with average intensity (0.37), between parents’ social-economic status with formation of social cultural identity (correlation of 0.21), between the mass media usage and formation of social cultural identity with average correlation of (0.21). All these relations are meaningful and significant. The regression analysis shows that 37 percent of these changes in dependant variables have been defined by the surveyed independent variables.

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The contemporary history of Iran in years 1951-53 is having great importance for several reasons. One of the important aspects of this period is the people’s movement for nationalization of oil and the reaction of the government of the United States about it. The present article by emphasis on the interests of the United States wants to examine the factors which led to change of the United States attitude towards the nationalization of oil industry and Dr. Mosaddegh’s government. Contrary to prevailing view that the fear of the expansion of power of the communism was the main factor for change of the United States attitude towards Dr. Mosaddegh’s government, the paper is of the view that the strategic location of Iran and getting a share in the oil resources of Iran was the main consideration for the United States. The United States took advantage of the situation in the peak of Britain’s dispute with Iran on oil and by an opportunistic stand on occasions supported Iran’s position in getting her rights but when the British declared their readiness to share the interests in Iran with them on the basis of balance of interests, the American accepted the British view point and practically were prepared to cooperate with the plan of coup d’état. The article makes use of historicaldocumentary method for analyzing the issue. The focus on this issue is of great importance because the repercussion of the relations of this period cast shadow on Iran-America relations.

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The present research is conducted with the aim of studying effective factors influencing the socio-political outlook of the youth (15 to 29 years age) of Borojen city. The independent variables of the research are: social capital, political consciousness, social class, age, sex, marital status, national media, religious tendencies, Sharia and use of cyber media. The dependent variable is political outlook. The methodology used in the research is survey and collection of data of library materials, documentary and also questionnaire. The population statistics are the youth of 15 to 29 years residing in Borojen city. The method of sampling is simple random and the size for research is 300 people of the statistical population. The samples have been selected from young unemployed, employed students and the youth who are members of sport clubs. The finding of the study shows that 20.3 per cent of the youth have a poor political consciousness, 19 per cent have less social capital, 36.3 per cent of them come from low social class, 6.3 per cent have weak religious tendency, 8.7 per cent of them are of the view that the impact of national media is weak and 13 per cent of them have little access to internet. On the whole one can conclude that variables like social capital, political consciousness, social class, national media, religious tendency and sex are having positive connection with political-social outlook and have influence on political and social outlook.

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Psychological warfare consists of a set of operations which are used in classical wars but in present situation it includes more extensive objectives like weakening the morale of soldiers in war fronts, weakening and misleading the people of countries involved in the war, propaganda force for keeping superiority in war front, spreading rumours for creating fear.

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Nuclear terrorism is one of the most dangerous and terrible menace for human society and therefore, a serious threat and danger for peace and international security. The United Nations in the direction of fighting and containing nuclear terrorism and maintaining peace and international security has taken several legal steps. The occurrence of September 11, 2001 terrorist events and the possibility of committing similar terrorist acts with nuclear material added urgency to the fight against this kind of terrorism. The Security Council of the United Nations in resolution number 1540 in the year 2004 obligated all the governments to take necessary measures to control and protect nuclear material and prevent the proliferation and expansion of nuclear weapons, and in this way stop nuclear terrorism. Besides this one of the important measures taken in this regard with the initiative of General Assembly and International Atomic Energy Agency was the approval of a convention in 2005 in the General Assembly of the United Nations with a unanimous vote. On the 7th July 2007 after the receipt of twenty second approval document as the thirteenth international anti-terrorist convention put into effect and is binding on all the members. In this convention which includes 28 articles, the legitimate right of all countries for exploitation and peaceful use of nuclear energy was reiterated. This convention is the most important convention of the United Nations about terrorism. The authors of the present article want to describe the legal steps which have been taken in these international institutions, like the measures taken by General Assembly, Security Council and International Atomic Energy Agency, in the direction of flight against terrorism and maintaining peace and international security.

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Cultural capacity making is a permanent process for helping people, organizations and cultural and political association for elevating and adapting with useful changes and effective countering with unhelpful changes of cultural and political atmosphere. The result of this process can be obtained from mission, special objectives, sources, texts and durability. The aim of this process is first answering the internal weakness of cultural and political organizations and strengthening the existing potentials, secondly, assistance to cultural and political sections for coordination with quick environmental changes. Therefore, attaining these targets facilitate the input feeding for interested groups who are general members of a culture and as a result cultural and political development takes place. The present article by a descriptive-analytical method examines the concept of cultural and political development. The examination of the role of cultural capacity making is done within four important aspects of cultural-political development. These four aspects are as follows: a) development of religious ideological base, b) development of cultural and political capital, C) development of cultural and political thought, d) institutional cultural and political development.

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The ambiguity in the meaning of the concept of ethnicity and ethnic minority has made the interaction of governments with ethnic group a difficult task. In other words the basic measure for wise determination and normative rights of ethnic minorities in a political community is explaining the concept and conceptual framework of the concepts like ethnos, ethnicity, ethnic group and ethnic minority. The present article first defines the concept and meaning of the word ethnicity and its background then it gives different accepted definitions about ethnicity. After that the article chooses a suitable and comprehensive definition about ethnicity (as a challenging fact in modern political community). It also gives a table (perhaps for the first time) which includes indexes for determining the degree and intensity of ethnicity. In this direction for better explanation of the concept of the ethnicity it states different degrees of ethnicity and eventually by combining two words of ethnicity and minority; the ethnic minority is also defined.

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The presence of religious minorities and the kind of interaction of governments with them who are considered as one kind of the minorities is a point of attention for the governments from the old times. Iran, Egypt and Iraq have important place due to their long history of existence. The presence of religious minorities in these three countries and study of their rights have attracted the attention of observers in the past and present. In Iran Zoroastrian, Jews and Christians are considered as religious minorities (article 13 of the constitution of Islamic Republic of Iran). In Egypt despite the presence of religious minorities like Shiites, Coptic Christians and Jews there is no mentioning of the name of any specific minorities in the constitution but article 40 of the constitution emphasizes that all Egyptian citizens without consideration of religion enjoy the general rights. In article two of the Iraqi constitution the religious minorities like Christians, Yezidis and Mandaeans Saebies are recognized. It is possible that the religious minorities in these three countries might enjoy special rights in their own political community but the present article focuses only on general rights of the religious minorities in these three countries with emphasis on civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights. The comparative study of the constitution of these three countries in respect of general rights of religious minorities one can come to know about the commonalities and the distinctions of the rights of minorities in these three countries.

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Iran is a land inhabited by many tribes, groups, cultures and different factions; passing through turbulent history. These peculiarities have put Iran in a special social and geographical place and as such Iran is called the crossroad of historical events. Due to tribal structure of Mamassani-Rostam Islamic Council constituency, in recent two decades a few weeks before the elections, elections competitions reach its peak. The paper concludes that although clan affiliations existed in the past elections but in recent two decades it has been intensified and there is severe competition between different clans to get managerial posts through victory of their candidate in elections. On the whole one can say that the characteristics local political cultures of Mamassani city residents are: 1) role of clan affiliation and nepotism in appointment of key managerial posts; 2) patriarchy system; 3) the impact of clan affiliations on election competitions; 4) tribal and clan affiliations as an obstacle on the way of political development.

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Syria is the most important neighbour of Turkey. Both Turkey and Syria have important geostrategic location in the region. During the past decades within the framework of regional policy of Justice and Development Party, new chapter started in the relations of Syria and Turkey. As a result the relations of the two countries expanded in many spheres. But for the past recent year the relations of the two countries have been overshadowed with the internal developments of Syria. From the beginning of the protests by the oppositions of Bashar Assad, Turkish government led by Rajab Tayeb Erdogan tried to play the role of a mediator. By continuation of the protest movements the mediation policy of Turkish government tilted towards diplomatic pressure on Assad government to implement democratic reforms and paying attention to demands of protesters and this got an imperious tone. Turkey and Syria, in the past had obstacle on the way of their bilateral relations. There are three main disputes between the two countries. First is the difference between the two countries on Hatay province which is in Turkey’s occupation. The second dispute is on question of sharing of common rivers between the two countries and the third and most important dispute is on Turkish question. The recent developments in the Middle East regarding the people’s uprisings, and Turkey foreign policy which has multidimensional aspect have interacted with each other. As a result Turkey’s relations with Syria have moved from interaction to confrontation and this has affected Syria’s security and the repercussion of this insecurity has negative impact on Iran’s political security. The present paper by a descriptiveanalytical method wants to examine the position of the Turkey in Syria’s political development and its impact on Iran’s political security.

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The offence of money laundering due to its nature which is organized and supranational is having damaging economic and, political and social effect on society. Money laundering leads to organized penetration of criminals into banking and monetary network and they bring the economic potential of governments under their own control and direction. With gradual decline of government economic power which is due to non-performance of productive works and tax evasion, the security and economic and political authority of the government and national sovereignty is jeopardized. This destabilizing function generally takes place in developing countries. The main question raised by present article is that, what are the negative impacts of money laundering on society? Money laundering is having damaging economic, political and social impacts. Money laundering is damaging for economy and commerce. The negative impacts of money laundering includes weakening private sector, destruction of financial markets, reduction of government revenue, weakening of economic security, risking credits, hampering healthy competition. Money laundering damages social and economic order because this phenomenon has enormous negative consequences for free competition, stability and health of financial system.

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With the end of the Cold War and the advent of question of globalization in the political economy system of the world the soft source of security policies found its special place despite the continuation of the importance of hard aspect of security. This means the satisfaction, and internal, regional and global legitimacy of governments, progress and level of development, their share in producing world’s wealth and their role in international organizations and institutions are among the most important factors for maintaining national security in present era. In present situation the security finds its real meaning in its extensive scope. The economic problems and economic development have become the source of government’s power and strength and national security is conceptualizing in that direction. This means that security besides its military aspect have other important aspect like economic, ecological, cultural aspect as well. The present paper tries to look extensively to the issue of security and the economic aspect of security and the impact of economic indexes on the security of Islamic Republic of Iran are discussed in detail. For this reason the paper borrows Copenhagen school theory of security which has an extensive view about security.

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Nowadays on the one hand participation has been institutionalized in a democratic and Islamic society and it is certainly one of the indexes of developed and democratic system, on the other hand in modern world in 21st century due to mass production of information and data is on the threshold of great changes and creation of new society which is called information society. The characteristic of this new society is speed, precision and quality in processing and producing new knowledge with the help of that information. The above said characteristics are the criteria for progress and development. The present article taking into consideration the above fundamental and important principle presents a model made by combination of political knowledge and information and communication technology. The article examines the way information, data and insight of the decision maker in analysis, processing, deduction and taking the suitable decision increases the political participation. This model is process centered and the main process is political participation in which the principle and convincing method is used. The present research, from methodological point of view is descriptiveanalytical and from objective view is applied and for gathering information it has collected notes on cards from many sources. The model building of the system is on the basis of Data Flow Diagram (DFD) with use of Sybase Power Designer software.

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The Persian Gulf region is one of the important security, strategic and economic regions in international system. For these reasons it is having important place and throughout recent history great powers have paid attention to it and it has sometime become the target of their aggression. Nowadays with the advent of oil reserves and its important place in world economy the security and stability of this region is a sensitive issue for both regional as well as world powers. Taking into consideration the type, position and political geography, nature of the governments in the Persian Gulf region, a regional security based on cooperation among the countries of the region is most suitable method for the security of the region. Of course this task will not be accomplished unless different methods of mutual confidence building are pursued among the countries of the region for removing the misunderstandings. This will be achieved only through the serious efforts of the political leaders of littoral countries.

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The political thought of the “architect of democracy” and “the father of liberalism” prepared the theoretical ground for the formation of serious debates on concepts like natural law and law based on that, separation of powers, constitutional monarchy etc… in eighteenth century. Locke’s teachings created the ground for the growth of democratic movements and later liberals. These thoughts first led to revolution in England, the independence movement of the United States and French revolution and later they were approved in the constitution of most of the countries. They were approved in General Assembly of the United Nations and universal declaration of human rights in thirty articles. These thoughts had tremendous impact in the formation and foundation of democratic institution in the West.The present article wants to examine and explain the indexes of democracy in John Locke’s political thought. The finding of the study shows that John Locke while giving importance to the place of individuals, individual wisdom, good nature of individual and individual right to avail one of natural non-deprivable rights derived from natural law and such individual which is having the above rights is having precedence to primitive society and government. Locke believes that the legitimacy of government depends on the natural rights of the individual and for guaranteeing maximum adherence to these rights he formed the details of the thought of social contact theory.The result of this contract was the formation of rational government and an agent which the exercise of its authority is limited through different mechanism. In this way from epistemological point of view he laid the foundation of individualism. From epistemological aspect he believes in rationalism and collective wisdom and from political aspect he was the advocate of people’s rule and constitutional government.

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With the occupation of Esfahan by Afghans and the ensuing power struggle, the magnificent and flourishing cities of Safavid period were degenerated and destroyed. The Qajar dynasty also intentionally intensified this process. After the events of Constitutional revolution the necessity of reconstructing the cities and creating civil amenities (water, electricity etc.) were felt and it led to enactment and approval of “municipal law” in 108 articles in first national assembly but the above law was not implemented and was suspended after four years due to lack of support by king and the inadequacy of budget and people’s dissatisfaction. After coming to power of Pahlavi dynasty “city” as a modernist symbol came to lime light. The popular demand for civil amenities led to creation of several institutions with the purpose of modernization of cities. A place where only 28 percent of Iranian populations were living attracted the attention of many people. The Baladieh (municipal) organization was revived with vast powers. This organization achieved arduous tasks in cultural, sanitary, social, economic and development sphere. The present article by making use of governmental, institutional documents, newspapers, old publications and the memory of statesmen have examined the functions of Baladieh (municipal) organization.

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The definition of national interest in different period of time and circumstances has not been and is not identical for governments in the world. Therefore the national interest to a considerable extent depends on different interpretations. In this regard ideology is an effective variable in the United States political arena and it helps one to understand better the changes in the foreign policy of this country in different span of time and different interpretation of national interest. The present article wants to examine the place and importance of ideology in administration of Clinton, Bush junior and Obama to know what have been the changes in the proportion of use of hard and soft power in regard of Arabs, Palestinian and Israel disputes. The article tries to link these two subjects, one the place of ideology in foreign policy of the United States and second the proportion of use of hard and soft power in regard to question of Arabs, Palestinian and Israel. The article then concludes that the tendency to use force during Bush junior administration was due to their neo-conservative ideology.

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The United States and Russia are two important actors in international system. The geography of their national interests is global and extra-regional; therefore, the quality of their relationship affects the security of international system. It can create security or can cause insecurity in international system. After the disintegration of Soviet Union there has been more interaction between them but in recent years the relations between the two have been strained. The relations between Russia and the United States entered a new phase after disintegration of the Soviet Union. The occurrence of terrorist events on 11 September 2001 took their relations towards cooperation. During the invasion and occupation of Iraq, their relations became cool but after the occupation the relations improved. The financial assistance of the United States to Russia, acceptance of Russia in Group Seven industrial countries and the change of the said group into eight, supporting the Russia in countering Chechnya secessionism, the increase in the level of trade exchange are among the cooperative measures by the United States towards Russia. On the other hand Russia’s support for the United States’ actions against Taliban, non-opposition to exercises, maneuvers and military cooperation with Central Asian countries, agreeing with the United States resolution pertaining to Iraq, presented in Security Council after the occupation of that country, relative coordination on question of nuclear case of Iran, are among the important measures by Russia for having closer relations with the United States. The purpose of the present article to study the relations of the United States with Russia, especially recent measures by the United States in Eastern Europe which has led to strained relations between the two. The question raised by the paper is what particular behavior of the United States caused resentment and threat to Russia and what reaction Russia have had to them.

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The peculiarity, structure and connectedness of security in the Persian Gulf region have caused the formation of network of security among the countries of the region. Therefore, the security of countries of this region cannot be separated from each other. Each development and change in the condition of one of the countries affects other countries as well. On its turn this will lead to the formation of complex or “securityregional subset” in the region. On the other hand this will lead to “mutual security dependence” among the members of this complex. In this way one has to accept that confronting the threats and challenges in the region should first be done with the presence of all the members of the complex and in the second stage facing these challenges will only be possible by a collective action by all the states of this complex and within the framework of collective security management.

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The foreign relations of countries always depend on a set of intentions, objectives, interests, interpretations and interactions which are the outcome of decision making centre in internal structures and international limitations and its repercussions are also seen in domestic and external sphere. The bilateral relations of the United States and China are not an exception to this rule. The United States and China expanded their relations from 1971. They had a successful record in interaction with each other in many field especially in economic field but this does not mean that there are no differences between the two. There are always threat and danger of tension and crisis in relations of the two world powers. The most important possible crises in relations of the United States and China are the problem of Taiwan and also the presence of the United States of other powers in sphere of influence of China and the ensuing tensions in that direction.

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