The present study examined the effects of the introduction of new technology and industry to Kurdish regions of southern areas of Western Azerbaijan province in Iran based on a mixed model. The data were collected using 7 focus groups, 60 in-depth interviews, and 401 structured-questionnaires as well as a combination of theoretical, purposive, and probability sampling. The findings of the quantitative part of the study indicated that there is a significant difference between at least one of the samples out of the factory system and the employees working in the factories in the region, concerning the participants’ attitudes towards constructs such as rationality, competitiveness and attitudes about time. However, there was no significant difference between place and motivation for happiness and place and attitudes toward women's rights. Besides, the results of multiple level analysis suggested that although place is regarded as an important factor for making value-normative changes among the population under study, the participants showed similar reactions to value-normative changes in both factory and non-factory systems when their socio-demographic characteristics were controlled. The findings of the qualitative part of the study indicated that the introduction of new technology and industry to Kurdish regions has promoted modern, developmental, ethical and rational values. On the other hand, the introduction of such technologies has not undermined traditional values such as traditionalism, God-centeredness, and tendency for contentment. On the other hand, environmental pollution was seen an inevitable consequence of factories operating in the region under study. Accordingly, the concept of uneven development was proposed in the final model.