Introduction. Human resources are not more limited than rich natural resources. However, as natural resources have a certain amount and must be used with precise scientific programs, human resources are not infinite and must be used carefully for efficient utilization. Progress of any society before the financial possibilities depended on production and innovation of people and not on the imitation and usage of revealed and nearly obsolete guide. The first implementation of performing this policy is to create conditions suitable for breeding creativity. To do this important, curriculum of higher education must be designed problem-based and integrated. The purpose of this article was to review the necessity and benefits of utilizing these approaches for curriculum development at the University to breed the creativity and innovation in graduates. Conclusion. Universities and higher education institutions should provide the needed texture of using the deep learning approaches. For this purpose, the use of active teaching methods that require paying attention to learning process and its realization (and not just increasing the information) and continuous involvement of students in their learning and more interaction with each other and their teachers are suggested to breed the spirit and skills of creativity, innovation and problem solving in the graduates.