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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (پیاپی 35)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (پیاپی 35)
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Social capital is an important criterion in promoting the participation of villagers in rural projects. The aim of this paper is examining the role of social capital in participation of villagers in watershed plans in the Qareh Qeshlaq International Wetland in Bonab. This is an applied analytic descriptive research and it has been done using survey method. The study population of this research is the villagers, who are participating and the ones who are not participating in watershed plans. Using simple random sampling method, 200 people of heads of households were selected in Qareh Qeshlaq international watershed and 200 people were selected from village outside of the watershed as control group for the equality of test results. Validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by a panel of experts. Pilot study has been done in a region similar to the population study with 30 questionnaire and using the data obtained and Cronbach Alpha special formula in SPSS software, reliability of the questionnaire obtained 0. 88 to 0. 90. The study population of this research is 2446 people, consist of all of the heads of households in Qareh Qeshlaq international wetland and outside the watershed zone of this region. The results of Spearman correlation test and Regression in relation to the role of social capital in participation of villagers in watershed plans in two groups of villages showed that there is a significant relationship between social participation, social trust, social cohesion, satisfaction, tendency to joining to the institutions and knowledge with the dependent variable. And these variables is 85 per cent of rural participation in watershed management plans. Finally, according to the study findings, practical suggestions on practical and effective participation of villagers in various aspects of watershed management plans practical suggestions are provided.

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One of the most widely used toxins in agriculture is herbicides. The most important echo-pollutant effects of these toxins related to their effects target aquatic organisms. Evaluation of herbicides pollution in aquatic environments needs the great concern. Aquatic animal health is the proper bio-indicator for evaluating of pollution in aquatic ecosystems. Then in this study acute toxicity of two herbicide, 2, 4-D and Paraquat as an aquatic ecosystems pollutant on Barbus xanthopterus were investigated. The acute toxicity test was conducted following the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) under static-renewal test. Fish 4/5 ± 0/2 g mean weight exposed to serial dilution of each herbicide in triplicate for 96 hours, Mortality after 24, 48, 72 and 96h were recorded and analysed using Probit software. Maximum Acceptable Concentration (MAC) measured for each herbicide. Results showed that acute toxicity of these herbicides are different in B. xanthopterus. The 96h LC50 of 2, 4-D and Paraquat in B. xanthopterus were 37. 8 and 8. 7 mg/L respectively. Paraquat was more toxic than 2, 4-D. The mortality rate enhanced along with increasing herbicids concentration and exposure duration. Mortalities pattern during 96 hours were similar in both herbicids. According to the results of this study, the replacement of 2, 4-D with Paraquat in agricultural fields is recommended as a herbicide.

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Saline lakes with a salinity level close to that of seawater are extreme environments with a broad spectrum of microbial agents. The present study aimed at Comparison of biochemical and Molecular Methods in Isolation and identification of Halophilic bacteria from saline Lake Inche boroun, Almagol and Ajigol in Golestan Province. 51 samples were obtained from different regions of the above-mentioned lakes (seventeen samples from each lake) with varying EC and pH within a 4 month period from February to May 2015. The isolates were cultured on Saline nutrient broth and selected for a better identification. They were determined in terms of colony and cell morphology. Colony morphologies were specified with emphasis on pigment production, colony size, and turbidity. The properties were evaluated by culture growth in optimum EC, pH, and salinity. Biochemical tests of catalase, gelatinase, amylase, oxidase, citrate, urease, indole, Voges-Proskauer, fermentation/oxidation (lactose, sucrose, dextrose) and also PCR (tuf gene) were performed and the capability of producing the above-mentioned four enzymes was determined. According to the biochemical tests and molecular method, 22 halophile and extreme halophile isolates were separated from saline waters of Inchehboroun, Almagol, and Ajigol lakes where Staphylococcus epidermidis and Staphylococcus capitis were the most abundant species, respectively. Furthermore, three strains were able to produce the four enzymes; two strains belong to Staphylococcus capitis and one belongs to Staphylococcus hominis. Due to harsh living condition, saline environments have limited biological diversity compared to the so-called temperate environments. However, saline environments possess a high level of biological diversity in terms of halophile and halotolerant microorganisms with variety of relative halophiles and halotolerants living in these environments.

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Water is the most important factor in maintaining the biodiversity of wetlands. In addition to environmental and natural phenomena droughts, changing weather patterns, rising temperatures and evapotranspiration Iran's water crisis is rooted in excessive growth and unbalanced distribution of population, mismanagement of water resources, inefficient agricultural sector, partial view of managers, unbridled growth of urbanization and lack of proper culture consumption and the real value of water. Wetlands, as important sources of water in dry plateau of Iran have a special place. Hawizeh wetland is not also excluded from the above threats. The aim of this study is to investigate Hawizeh wetland changes during the periods of 1991, 2004, 2013 and 2016. For this purpose, Landsat satellite images TM, ETM and Land sat 8. oli were used. Preprocessing steps were performed on images and classification was done by using neural network (MLP). After classification by using landscape metrics, wetland landscape changes were investigated. The trend Discharge of Rivers entrance to the wetlands in Hamidieh and Hö fle hydrometric stations was measured based on nonparametric Mann-Kendall. Investigation of wetlands landscape metric in that 25-year period examined area shown, Number of Patch(NP) metric has Decreasing trend, Patch Density(PN) showed Reduce the fragmentation of the landscape, Large Patch Index(LPI) has Decreasing trend, Landscape shape Index(LSI) Decreasing trend, and contagion(CONTAG) showed Reduce fragmentation and Shannon’ s diversity index(SHDI) has shown the Increase diversity in the landscape Investigated the changes in water outflow of Karkheh River based on non-parametric Mann-Kendall test in the Periods of 1950 and 1986 to 2011 and 2012, Showed that the outflow of water to the wetland a significant decrease in total process monitoring. However, in 2016, the amount of vegetation and wetland water increased in comparison to 2013 so that in 2016, the largest area of the wetland is allocated to wetland vegetation, wet lands and water. Results of this study show that parameters such as Agriculture, energy production, hydro politics and geopolitical Turkey, Iraq and Iran For each other have effect on the wetlands landscape. And any decision to determine the effectiveness of wetland management should consider the interests of these countries.

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This study examines the accumulation of heavy metals (Ni, Pb, Cd) in the Karun river sediments and aquatic plant Phragmites (Phragmites australis), one of the dominant plants on the Karun River, explored. Sampling at six stations during a month (November 2016) of the plant was conducted straw and sediments. Soil and plant samples collected at stations and digestion read by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer were Jackson and EPA 3050. The obtained data analyzed by SPSS. The results showed that the highest concentration of Cadmium and Lead in sediments of straw and reed roots of station 4 were (2. 81 ± 0. 79) and (172 ± 8. 80) (mg/kg) and Nickel metal concentration in leaves of cane at station 5 (2. 72 ± 0. 21) (mg / kg). Most of the stations with plant pollution were inside Ahvaz. The Sediments study of Karun River showed for Lead (73. 50± 1. 90) (mg/kg) at station 6, Cadmium (2. 11 ± . 011) (mg/kg) at Station 5, and nickel (1. 72 ± 0. 14) (mg/kg) in the first station to have the highest concentrations. The largest volume of sediment pollution at stations outside the city of Ahvaz. The results showed that cadmium bioaccumulation factor in plant Phragmites highest bioaccumulation factor (1. 29) at the root, nickel highest bioaccumulation factor (1. 47) on the stem and Pb highest bioaccumulation factor (3. 84) were at the root, plant their ability to shoot high for heavy metals and as plants remove heavy metals can be used. In this study, the correlation between the plants and the sediment was observed in all cases. Of the main reasons for the presence of heavy metals, log on industrial wastewater treatment, urban and agriculture is the Karun River.

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With the proliferation of regional climate simulation software, it is possible to simulate various scenarios such as the impact of filling a lake with water or drying of water of a lake and its impact on the climate surrounding area, in the computer virtual world. This lake, as one of the major lakes in the North West of the country, sometimes in periods of drought, is facing the threat of loss of water. This factor can be effective on climate components of the surrounding areas including HDD and CDD indices changes as components for energy supply and demand. Therefore, in this study, using the software TAPM, two scenarios of a Lake full of water (the real condition of the lake) and drying lake were done to simulate the HDD and CDD indices changes for town of Marivan, which is located in the vicinity of the lake. But before that, on the basis of actual and daily data of minimum and maximum temperatures for 1990 to 2010, the HDD and CDD was calculated for Marivan. According to the long-term observations, it was determined that there is a significant process only for the HDD and CDD index for March. These changes, respectively for the HDD and CDD indices, with statistics (R =-0. 54; t =-2. 20) and (t = 0. 38; R = 0. 41) confirm reducing the need for heating energy and increased demand for cooling energy in this month. Also, the outputs show that, in the scenario of dry lake, the HDD has increased in most cold months compared with a lake filled with water, and on the other hand, the CDD also show an increase in warm months. On the other hand, based on an annual average, the findings showed that drying lake will reduce 30-degree day calorie of energy demand for heating and increase 111 degree-days calorie of energy demand for cooling.

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This study aimed to determine the amount of heavy metals cadmium and lead in Phragmites australis in parts of northern, central and southern from Nasseri Wetland and comparison of these metals in root, stem and leave was conducted in autumn 2016 and spring 2017. For sampling were collected at any station in each season Phragmites australis with three replications of 10 samples around the wetland. The measure of heavy metals was performed atomic absorption spectrophotometry by Perkin-Elmer 4100. The highest and lowest amount of cadmium was in the roots (0. 054± 0. 003 ppm) and stem (0. 015± 0. 001 ppm). Also, the highest and lowest amount of lead was observed in the Phragmites australis of roots (0. 808± 0. 006 ppm) and stem (0. 252± 0. 004 ppm). The average cadmium in the roots, stems and leaves of Phragmites australis in autumn was 0. 033± 0. 002, 0. 019± 0. 001 and 0. 022± 0. 002 ppm and in the spring, 0. 038± 0. 005, 0. 030± 0. 004 and 0. 036± 0. 005 ppm, respectively. The average lead in the roots, stems and leaves of Phragmites australis in autumn was 0. 395± 0. 0026, 0. 324± 0. 005 and 0. 347± 0. 005 ppm and in the spring, 0. 773± 0. 009, 0. 667± 0. 007 and 0. 734± 0. 006 ppm, respectively. The average concentration of lead and cadmium were observed in roots higher than stems and leaves. Accumulation of cadmium and lead were in organs of Phragmites australis in autumn and spring root> leaf> stem. Accumulation of Cadmium and lead was of Phragmites australis in spring than autumn respectively.

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Tourism industry nowadays is among the most dynamic and lucrative industries and plays a critical role in revenue generation worldwide. Accordingly, identifying and further assessing regions that hold high potential for tourism, and taking advantages of their economical, social, and cultural benefits will further lead to the development of these regions. Khur-e-Azini International wetland located in Sirik, Hormozgan province, Iran is an internationally recognized ecosystem. This tropical wetland is made of Mangrove forests that consist of two dominant species of Rhizophora Mucronata and Avicennia Marina. This wetland is indeed a unique ecotourism attraction because of its geographic properties, stunning scenery, and rich wildlife. This study aims to conduct a thorough analysis of Azini wetland ecological potentials and further develop a strategic management and planning scheme for this wetland for the year 2015, based on the SWOT method for sustainable development. This study also identifies current and upcoming strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that Azini wetland might face, and further develops a strategy for their effective management. Thanks to the use of SWOT matrix, and after the ranking, weighting, analysis and interpretation of internal and external factors that may influence the development of tourism, this study devised an appropriate strategy to achieve its objectives. The IFE matrix with the score of 2. 48 in this study showed that the present case is faced with more weaknesses as compared to the potential strengths. EFE matrix with the score of 2. 40 demonstrated that threats outweigh opportunities. Results show that, based on the SWOT model, the defensive strategy is among the best strategies for the region under study in this research. With regard to the great tourism and habitual potentials that Azini International wetland holds, it has the capacity to develop into a tourism hub within southern parts of the country. With regard to the tourism development of Azini International wetland, governmental administrations and private institutions are advised to collaborate to achieve the pre-defined objectives.

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