In this study, in order to investigate limnological and biological parameters of Lar dam lake such as indentification of density and distribution of phytoplankton, sampling were done during 6 months from different depths (layers 0, 5, 10, 20, 30m) by Ruttner and fixed in formalin 4% and transferred to laboratory for further investigation under inverted microscope. In this study, 28 genera which belonged to 6 phytoplanktonic phylla were identified. Among these genera, 14 were belonged to Bacillariophyta, 1 genus was belonged to Euglenophyta, 7 genera were belonged to chlorophyta, 3 genera were belonged to phyrophyta, 1 genus was belonged to chrysophyta and 2 genera were belonged to cyanophyta. In this reservoir dam, Bacillariophyta was the dominant phytoplanktom phylum with annually 74.83% of population and following genera cyclotella, Navicula and Nitzchia were dominat samples. The others phytoplank tonic phylla were: chlrophyta, chrysophyta, Pryophyta, Euglenophyta and cyanophyta with following frequencies: 17.10%, 3.60%, 2.73%, 0.83% and 0.83% respectively and following genera: (Oocystis, Padiastrum, Scendemus and Chlorella), (Dinobryon and Malomonas), (Ceratium and Peridinium) and (Occillatoria and Anabeana). In all of the sampling months, the highest average density was belonged to Bacillariophyta with 437500±37.740 number per liter and the dominant genus of this phyllum which was observed in high number during a year was cyclotella. After that was Chlorophyta with average number of 268750±39.753 per liter and its dominant genera were Oocystis, Pediastrum, Scenedesmus and Chlorella respectively.According to non-parametric analysis Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney, there were statically significant difference (P<0.05) between Phytoplanktonic frequency in different stations and months but there was not observed any statical significant difference between different depths (P>0.05).Biological studies indicated that this reservoir had low Planktonic generation potential.