In this study, the concentrations of some heavy metals in surface sediments of Naiband marine national Park (the first marine national park of Iran) have been evaluated. Surface sediment sampling was done from July 2010 to March 2011. Sediment samples were collected from the tidal zone of Mangrove ecosystem in 5 different stations. At each station, sampling was repeated three times, and the sediments were digested by acid after drying. Concentration of Cd, Ni, Pb and Cu was measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometer, Varian 200 Perkin Elmer. Results showed that Cd, Ni, Pb and Cu concentration in the sediments were 0.2 (0.4-0.07), 40.1 (94.03-14.6), 52.23 (64.6-40.2) and 5.2 (8.01-2.8) mg/kg respectively. All metals concentrations of dry season were higher than the metals concentration of the rainy season. Data were analyzed using SPSS16 software. Muller geochemical indicators (Igeo) and (Ipoll) indices were used as pollution index to classifying of sediments quality. Based on these indicess, sediments were moderately polluted by Pb and unpolluted for the other metals. Also compare of the metals concentrations to Sediment Quality Guidelines (SQG) showed no metal pollution for Cd and Cu and moderate level of pollution for Ni and Pb.