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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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This research aimed to evaluate Dimensions of temperament with emphasis Cloninger theory. The statistical sample consisted of 30 male prisoners with borderline personality disorder, which was diagnosed by a psychiatrist according to DSM-lV- TR axis II had received. Sampling methods were available. Different aspects of the temperament were measured based on the temperament and character inventory. Present study was of a comparative type. Data analysis was done through using One-way ANOYA statistical method showed that higher significant scores for novelty seeking (NS) in borderline personality disorder. High scores for novelty seeking were influenced of high exploratory excitability (NSI) subscales, impulsiveness (NS2) and disorderliness (NS4), there was no significant difference between subscale extravagances (NS3) in two groups. Also there was not a significant difference between harm avoidance and its subscales. Tere was not a significant difference between reward dependence Openness to warm communication or social sensitivity (RD2) and attachment (RD3) subscales. The only significant difference was seen in the sentimentality (RDI) subscale of reward dependence. No significant difference was seen between the perseverance in two groups.

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In the present research the relationship between identity methods (informational, norms, confused/avoiding) and commitment with General health (physical health, anxiety, sleep disorder, disorder in social behaviors, depression) among students ofIslamic Azad University - Karaj Branch, have been studied. This research was a field work from correlation kind. Statistical sample consisted of 600 students from all 11 faculties of the university-Karaj Branch, Bachelor degree, in the academic year of 20 I 0-11, trough Cluster quota sampling method. Tools of the research were Identity Status Inventory (lSI-6G) of Berzonski (1989) and General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28) of Goldberg (1972). The simultaneous multi variable regression was applied for data analyses. The results showed that all identity methods and General health had correlation significantly (p<0.05). Beta coefficients singe showed that there is a negative correlation between informational identity method and confused/ avoiding with General Health significantly whereas this relation was positive between norm's Identity and General health. 1/4 percent of general health variance of males and 9.7 percent of general health variance (Total score) offemales describes by identity methods and commitment. Therefore based on Berzonsky's theory, General health offemales can be predicted only.

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The objective of the current research was to analyze effectiveness of couple therapy based on Islamic teachings on Sexual intimacy of couples referring to Nikan Clinic in Tehran City. Statistical population of the current research included all couples referring to this clinic in 2011-2012. These couples must have married at least one year and at most 15 years ago. Out of this population, 30 couples whose score in sexual intimacy test was below the crossing line were selected as the research sample. These individuals were randomly placed in two groups of test and control. The research tool was sexual satisfaction questionnaires designed by Hudson, Harrison, and Crosscup (lSS: index of sexual satisfaction). Research methodology was semi-experimental of pretest- posttest type with control group. The test group attended 10 two-hour sessions of Islamic couple therapy instructions. Both groups were tested (pre-test, post-test and follow-up). The obtained ata were analyzed by means of One-way analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). The final results revealed that couple therapy instruction based on Islamic teachings contributes to improvement of sexual intimacy and its related components in couples and these, has improved to followup.

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e purpose of this study was to validate CES-O depression scale and assess the relationship between maternal depression and marital satisfacation and behavioral problems in girls from primary school in ahvaz. In this study 316 primary school girls were drawn through cluster random sampling. Struments were CES-D depression scale, Beck depression sacle, Enrich marital satisfacation scale and Ratter conduct disorders scale (teachers form). Results indicated that CES-D is a valid and establishd through correlation with Beck depression sacle with a value of 0.90 (p=0.0001) and reliability coefficient (Alpha Chorenbach) was 0.901. Regression analysis through Enter method showed that there was a signficante relationship between depression, marital satisfaction and conduct disorder (p=0.0001, P=0.75) in primary school girls.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The purpose of present study was indicate the effect of modern teaching using multimedia software for mathematics operation dyscalculia students in Tehran primary schools.This study is design experimental way with apply pretest,post test with withness group.ln this research,statistical society is consist of all students 4grade in Tehran primary schools.For this reason we select26student after matching in age rang,IQ,dyscalculia in multi-phase random sampling way,then these students are replace random in two groups of experimental and witness(group per 13person).one group is teaching mathematic with multimedia softwares and another group teaching some lessons with traditional way.Then,post-test was administered for both groups.the research instruments included the Raven intelligentce test,key-math test(Pre test,post test),soft ware.Covariation data analysis was used Analysis the result show that there is meaningful difference between average of experimental and witness group (F=4.627, P<0.05). That according to theses result use of multimedia softwares for teaching ,improve ability of hatred of dyscalculia students in mathematics operation.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Procrastination plays an important role in success that relate cognitive and meta cognitive processes. Thus this research aims at examining the relations of behavioral inhibition/activation system and selfregulation with procrastination in college students. used method in this research in correlative and expost facto method. Population of this study included all of students in Ferdowsi university of Mashhad in 2011-2012. sampling method was cluster random sampling with a sample of 351 students. For gathering data, we used 3scales: BIS/BAS scale(1989), self-learning regulation scale (1990) and procrastination scale from Shwarzer et al(2000). The collected data was analyzed with Pearson correlation coefficient, stepwise regression by SPSS software. The results of simultaneous multiple regression showed that BIS/BAS and self-regulation predict can be good predictors of procrastination (r2= OJ , p< 0.000 I). finding indicate that there is significant negative correlation between BAS and procrastination ( one tailed test, r =0.21, n=351, p<0.000 I) and between self- regulation and procrastination (one tailed test, r=OJO, n=351, p<0.000 I) and there is significant positive correlation between selfregulation and procrastination (one tailed test, r=0.11, p<0.05, n=351). If self- regulation improve and relatively increased BAS, level of procrastination would decrease.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The purpose of this study was development and validation of the Addiction Susceptibility Questionnaire (ASQ) by examining the factor structure and internal consistency in collage student's sample. Participants were 304 single male and female college student. The participants were 19-26 years of age and were chosen using cluster random sampling method. The results showed the factor structure and reliability of internal consistency of the Addiction Susceptibility Questionnaire Student Version (ASQ-SV) was suitable. The ASQ-SV to have highly reliable measure of addiction susceptibility by college student and it is appropriate for both female and male students in clinical, educational and research settings.

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The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between social support and self-esteem, depression and anxiety in patients with cancer. Thisstudyis a correlation. Articipantsin the study included 200 patients who had cancer in shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Shohada Hospital in Tehran. For Variable measuring depression and anxiety scales, was used of the Beck Depression and Anxiety and Cooper Smith's cast for variables of self-test and for social support variables Social support Symnt was used. Data analysis and regression methods partial correlation coefficient was used. The results showed that relationship between social support and self-esteem, depression and anxiety in men and womenwith cancer.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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