Procrastination plays an important role in success that relate cognitive and meta cognitive processes. Thus this research aims at examining the relations of behavioral inhibition/activation system and selfregulation with procrastination in college students. used method in this research in correlative and expost facto method. Population of this study included all of students in Ferdowsi university of Mashhad in 2011-2012. sampling method was cluster random sampling with a sample of 351 students. For gathering data, we used 3scales: BIS/BAS scale(1989), self-learning regulation scale (1990) and procrastination scale from Shwarzer et al(2000). The collected data was analyzed with Pearson correlation coefficient, stepwise regression by SPSS software. The results of simultaneous multiple regression showed that BIS/BAS and self-regulation predict can be good predictors of procrastination (r2= OJ , p< 0.000 I). finding indicate that there is significant negative correlation between BAS and procrastination ( one tailed test, r =0.21, n=351, p<0.000 I) and between self- regulation and procrastination (one tailed test, r=OJO, n=351, p<0.000 I) and there is significant positive correlation between selfregulation and procrastination (one tailed test, r=0.11, p<0.05, n=351). If self- regulation improve and relatively increased BAS, level of procrastination would decrease.