The genuses Malssezia consist of lipophilic yeasts are known to be as component of the normal microflora of human skin, many mammals and brids. The purpose of this study is to determine the prevalence of Malassezia spp. On the domestic animals skin in the Tonekabon city and identifing them according to animals’ sex, age, breed and most frequently found species. During 12 months period, from February 2008 to February 2009 sampling was carried out by stril moquet (kind of carpet) and scraping from 230(36 horses, 51 goats, 41sheep and 102 cows) animals perineum, ear, axilla, groin and dorsum. The identification of Massezia spp after upholds by micro and macromorphology of culture was based on microscopic, biochemistry and physiological characteristics. For examples the ability to use Tweens, catalase reaction, splitting of Esculin, Growth on SGA supplement with olive oil 37, 40 and accompaniment with morphological characteristic on SGA supplement olive oil, as described by Guillot Mayser and Gueho (1996). Out of 113 animal (49.13%) have positive culture of malassezia spp, Malassezia spp. were isolated from 19 of horses (16.81%), 12 of sheep(10.69%), 23 of goats (20.35%)and 59 of cows(52.21%). Among the results obtained, the most frequently isolated species was M. furfur with 31 cases (27.43%) followed by were M. globosa 12 case (23.9%) , M. pachydermatis 15case(13.27%), M.obtusa 12 case(10.61%), M. restricta 11 case(9.73%), M. slooffiae 11 case(9.73%) and M.sympodialis 6 case (5.3%). To the authors' knowledge, in this survey significance correlation were observed between the animal’s age and breed with prevalence malassezia, whereas significance correlation was not existed between animals sex and prevalence of malassezia.