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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Heart ultrasonography is used in veterinary diagnostic imaging. One of the applications in echocardiography is fractional shortening, that is applied in veterinary and pattern standard to estimate of this. Recent study shows one use of echocardiography and fractional shortening index in dog. In this study, six dogs were selected with big mix bred and these animals were studied by standard echocardiographic operations. In this survey the heart fractional shortening calculated in short and long axis views in systole and diastole positions. No significant differences were observed between them. Also views that diameters of internal left ventricle in systole and diastole in short and long axis no significant differences were observed between them.

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An experiment was conducted to study the effects of different levels of perlite on brush-border Alkaline phosphatase activity of the small intestine of male broilers. The experimental design was arranged as randomized complete bocks in 4 * 2 factorial arrangement of treatment. 180 male broilers of ross commercial hybrid (Ross 308) was designated into 3 groups (0, 2 and 4 %). 3 replicates of 20 birds were assigned to each treatment. Control treatment was fed base diet and treatments with the same base diet plus 2 and 4% perlite.Animals were slaughtered and different segments of small intestine(at1,10,30,50,70 and 90% of total length the small intestine) were taken from each replicates (N=2) Alkaline phosphatase activity was measured and recorded. Data were analyzed by SAS. (P<0.05). Results: As intake of perlite significantly increased alkaline phosphatase activity at weeks and sites of the small intestine of the broiler chicks (P<0.05), these data suggested that perlite administration improves fat digestion and absorption in broiler chicks.As Alkaline phosphatase is an enzyme responsible for digestion and absorption of long chain fatty acid in the small intestine and as the effect of perlite administration in the diet of broilers on this enzyme had not been investigated the following work had been designed and performed.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Consuming toxins produced by algal species in running waters and freshwater bodies can have deleterious effects on fish and other aquatic organisms. These toxins are produced by harmful algal blooms (HAB) of cyanobacteria in water. These blooms can be caused by several factors including light, temperature, carbon dioxide, phosphorous and nitrogen. The effects of different concentrations of phosphorous on stimulating and inhibiting growth in cyanobacterial species Jaaginema sp. was studied in this paper. Pure cultures of Jaaginemasp. were cultured in two culture media (Z8 and BG11) using two different concentrations of phosphorous. Four replicates were run for each experimental group and one control group with normal concentration of phosphorous was also studied. Water temperature was 25 ± 1°C and light intensity was 2200 lux. Observations were made once every 48 h. This species appeared yellow in the BG11 medium and green in the Z8 medium. Counting was made using a hemocytometer and the microscopic observations were made under a light microscope. Results obtained were analyzed using computer based software like SPSS and Excel. Growth rates in the cyanobacterium species were significantly higher in the treatment with phosphorous concentrations of two times the original concentration. Higher concentrations of phosphorous resulted in inhibiting growth in this species. It is evident from the results obtained that phosphorous can be considered a growth inhibiting factor for cyanobacteria and thus influence the occurrence of blooms and release of toxins into water bodies.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In order to evaluate the effect of Ecstasy on glucose, lipids and lipoproteins metabolism, Five 3.5 - 4 years old male mixed breed dogs were selected. Blood samples were collected and recorded as time zero or control sampels before drug administration. Then, each dog was given Ecstasy tables orally at a single dose (150 mg/kg). Blood samples were collected from the cephalic vein at time intervals of 30 minutes, 1, 2, 4, 8, 24, 48 hours and 7 and 20 days following administration. Serum levels of Glucose, Triglyceride, Cholesterol, HDL, LDL and VLDL were measured by colorimetric method using spectrophotometer and commercial diagnostic kits (ziest chem). The results of this study showed significant increase in serumic levels of Glucose, Cholesterol and LDL, and Triglyceride VLDL up to 24 hours following drug adminstration that could be due to the effect of drug on liver and body metabolism(p<0.05). But Serum levels of HDL was not significant (p>0.05) after this time. Therefore, using MDMA even for the short time and single dose could be affected on normal function of liver and could change metabolism of lipids and lipoproteins.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In this study, 380 broilers were investigated from the view point of prevalence and histopathological changes of coccidiosis and coccidiasis in mahabad. The prevalence of coccidiosis and coccidiasis was determined 6.9 in 100000. In parasitological investigation, frequency of oocystes in wet slide method and floatation were 17.1 % and 36.3 % and the frequency of coccidiasis, coccidiosis and total frequency of parasitic enteritis were 26.3 % , 10 % and 36.3 % respectively. In histopathological investigation the frequency of mucosal edema, sub mucosal edema, hemorrhage, enterocyte hyperplasia, necrosis, oocyste observance in mucus and inflammatory cell infiltration were 74/2 %, 45/3 %, 25/3 %, 30/8 %, 27/1 %, 10 % and 18/2 % respectively. The high frequency of coccidiasis and coccidiosis after 4 and 7 weeks were 21 % and 42/1 % respectively. It was also found that there is a direct relationship between parasitical enteritis and food convertion rate and therefore meat production from food shows a bit decline. A meaningful relationship between different segment of intestine and parasitical enteritis was found that one of the Eimeria species produced enteritis in the duodenum. The statistics methods of analysis in this study have been done by SPSS soft ware.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This study, which has been done in Hormoz larve Hatchery at Kohestak in Minab in 1385, the efficiency of Vibromax vaccine and its effects on the survival rates of stress tests against salinity and formalin in post larvae stages( PL1,PL5 and PL15) in Indian white shrimp (Fenneropenaeus indicus )was studied. The effects of vaccine through the immersion(T2) and the feeding of vaccine to shrimp through Artemia nauplii ( Artemia franciscana) enrichment (T3)and along with a control group(T1) for comparison were used. Taking into consideration of 3 treatments and 3 replication for each of them, 9 similar vessels were used, which in amounts of 10 liters were refilled with water and reserved with 100 larvae in liters in zoa stages and were fed in a completely randomized design and comparison of means was done through Duncan test. Duration of experiment was zoa stage to PL15 that in the end of 12, 16 and25 days survival rates were studied. Results showed that the highest amounts of survival in salinity test(10 ppt)(%) observed in PL1,PL5 and PL15 stages in T3 (68.00, 72.33and 75.67) which had a significance difference in regard to the control treatment ( 48.33 , 46.67 and 53.33)and T2 (60.00 ,61.33and64.67) at P<0.05 level. The highest amount of survival in salinity test(20 ppt)(%) observed in PL1, PL5 and PL15 stages in T3 (84.00, 80.00and 86.00) that against of control treatment (65.00,65.33 and 66.00) had a significance difference (P<0.05). The highest amount of survival rates in formalin test(100 ppm) (%) observed in T3 (81.33, 76.00 and 83.33) that against of control treatment (52.33, 56.00and 58.67)and T2(73.33 ,68.33 and69.67) had a significance difference (P<0.05).

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The main purpose of this survey was evaluation of histopathologic changes occurs during parasitic infestation in native chickens of Urmia area. In this study 20 native chickens selected randomly and all sections of intestines were extracted after euthanizing. Then parasitic infestations were expected in parasitology laboratory and extracted parasites recognized after fixation. Selected samples from infested area of intestines sent to pathology laboratory and after fixation in formalin buffer 10% dyed with hematoxillin & Eosin staining method. In 10 infested cases, 6 nematodes and 4 cestodes infestations were seen that nematodes contain three species, Ascaridia galli, Subulura brumpti and Heterakis gallinarum. In addition 50% of all samples were infested. In histopathological examination, 1 case had congestion in serous connective tissue. Infiltration of inflammatory cells in mucosa in all 10 cases was found that in 9 cases these cells were mononuclear (lymphoplasmocytic) and in 2 cases were heterophilic. In 3 cases exfoliation of villi cells and in 1 case mucosal congestion in tip of villi was found. Other findings includes: necrosis in mucosa in 1 case and hyperplasia of mucosa and fibroses in one other case were found.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Disorder in drinking, fluid deprivation, severe disabilities, increase in water excretion from kidney and non-kidney route and increase in salt consumption are the main causes of hypernatremia. The objective of this study was to determine ocular signs due to hypernatremia Method: 50 male Wistar rats, weighing 250 + 20 g were allocated randomly to 5 groups. Test groups consumed 2, 3, 3.5 and 4 percent salt concentrations respectively as potable water, control group used tap water; with similar living conditions for all groups. Ophthalmic examinations with slit-lamp and fundus camera were performed. Eye response to light and manuel stimuli was considered. This experiment with similar condition was done on pig and rabbit.Result: Short time using of 2% salt solution was not associated with fast and significant ocular changes but its prolonged use accompanied with vascular damage and other ocular signs. Retinal and vitreous hemorrhages were observed 3-4 days after drinking 3% and higher salt solutions followed by an increase in serum sodium level. Other ocular signs in test groups include: vitreous shrinkage, cornea and lens opacities, swelling of optic disc, blindness, vitreous collapse and finally phthisis bulbi.Conclusion: By hypernatremia and hyperosmolarity formation, vitreous lose some of its fluid contents and vitreous shrinkage lead to vascular damage, retinal and vitreous hemorrhage, and retinal detachment.Continuous hypernatremia brought conjunctivitis, corneal and lens opacities, swelling of optic disc, blindness, vitreous collapse and finally phthisis bulbi.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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