Abbasabad Wildlife Refuge is one of the most intact desert ecosystems of Iran, with 300000 hectares area is located in Naein city in the eastern of Isfahan and because of insertion between the most original habitats of Asiatic cheetah, Acinonyxjubatus is considered as a connecting bridge for small and dispersed populations of cheetah in Iran. Hence protection of Abbasabad as a crossroad for Iranian cheetahs can help to the long-term survival of this species. This region also is one of the best habitats for Felis margarita, Caracal caracal and Gazellabennettii in Isfahan Province. The present study was conducted in 2006-2010 in order to identify the mammals, mainly from carnivores and their associated species. Identified species included: Paraechinushypomelas, Musmusculus, Merionespersicus, Allactaga elater, Jaculusblanfordi, Hystrixindica, Lepuseuropaeus, Vulpesvulpes, Vulpesrueppellii, Vulpescana, Canisaureus, Canis lupus, Hyaenahyaena, Felis margarita, Felissilvestris, Caracal caracal, Pantherapardus, Acinonyxjubatus, Equushemionus, Ovisorientalis, Capra aegagrus and Gazellabennettii.