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Masnavi is one of the traditional poetic formswhichhasundergone a lot of ups and downs from the early times of Persian poetry to the age of Constitutionalism. With the emergence of the Islamic Revolution and the beginning of imposed war, this form found way into the realm of Revolution poetry and became the focus ofthemes and thoughts of the Islamic Revolution. The notable characteristics of these Masnavisare the shift of imagination on vertical axis, disregarding the classical style ofstorytelling, and integrating epic with Gnosticism and religion, which are often expressed in long and unusual meters in earlier poetry employing long rhymes with more common letters and creating new poetical images with the help of such figures of speech as simile,metaphor, personification, etc, and coining new compounds and expressions.

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Second person point of view is an almost unknown type with special functions for creating atmosphere and conveying special meanings. In the three stories "The Eagle’s Feather", "An Umbrella for the Director" and "Was It Not ForDaryagholi …" from thecollection"Stories of the WarCity”, HabibAhmadzadehtakes advantage of second person point of view. In this study, these three stories have been analyzed from the twoaspects of form and function. The results show that in thesestories, the writer used the second type of this point of view in which the narrator is separated from the addressee. Of these stories the most successful, both in form and meaning functions, is "The Eagle’sFeather" whichprovesthe writer's skill.

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The School of Symbolism greatly values the expression of thoughts and feelings through symbols to stimulate thinking. Among symbolic works, the ones which reflect the pains and suffering of the people falling victim to totalitarian systems have survived the time since they have paved the way for the growth and prosperity. The well-known Iraqi contemporary poet, Badr Shaker Sayyab, was inclinedfirst to romanticism but, influenced by the prevailing circumstances of Iraq, turned away from romanticism to symbolism and realism. In this article the authors have tried to take a new approach to the poem “OnshoudaAlmatar (Rain Song)” to prove that the poet has composed this poem with a spirit of resistance and anti-oppression. Through using such stylistic devices as symbols, personification, and the like he tries to awaken the sense of patriotism and struggle for desirable conditions in people.

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One of the important issuesregardingchildren and adolescents literature ofHoly Defense is how to define war and the related details and concepts for children. Employing symbols and motifs is the most artistic technique to represent the concepts related to holy defense in children and adolescents literature. The proper use of symbols and familiar motifs in children’s worlddevelops the interpretive domain of the stories through establishing a conceptual relation between words and reality; it also familiarizes the reader with actions involved in war and conveys the culture of war and its hidden beliefs through spreading meaning throughout the structural axis of stories.The present study is an attempt to indicate how symbolic elementsare employed in Holy Defense children and adolescents stories.

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War Memoir writing movement is regarded as one of the broadest cultural events after the Islamic Revolution in Iran. The book "Dä" is one of the best samples in this field. It containsSeyyedeh Zahra Hosseini’s - the narrator- memoirs from the early days of people’s resistance against the occupation of Khorramshahr by Iraq’s invading army, compiled by the narrator herself.Techniques and elements of classic novels such as characterization, description, flashback, dialog, and narration used in this book distinguish it from other diaries to the extent that some critics regards it as a novel.The present study briefly discusses the common aspects and the differences of story and memoir, and examines story elements in "Dä".After comparing these two genres with "Dä", it wasconcluded that although many narrative elements are employed in this book, the presence of some of the basic characteristics of memoir writing has caused "Dä" to be placed among diaries.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Novel is one of the most important literary genres that has a great number of readers among different levels of people. Palestinian novel can be considered as the best sample of contemporary Arabic novel. It has grown under the Zionist occupation and is a reflection of conflicts, contradictions and confrontations resulted from this occupation; therefore, it can be considered as a distinct illustration of the duality between the occupying enemies and the main owners of this land. Furthermore, other kinds of confrontation can be found as well such as that between a combating and a compromising Palestinian, between combatants and Palestinian institutions, between the poor and the rich … . SaharKhalifah, however, like other Arabian literary women, deals with another aspect of contradiction and confrontation which is the confrontation between men and women in a traditional and male-dominated Palestinian society. A more limited confrontation exists between an educated and a traditional woman that entangles the educated and informed Palestinian woman in a complicated web of dualities and confrontations. It can be argued that these dualities, confrontations and contradictions serve as the prevailing subject matter for Khalifah’s novels. Finally, however, all the dualities fade into the greater duality between the Palestinians and the Israelis.

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With the emergence of narratology in recent decades, time was regarded as a significant element in narratives inserting great influence on other elements and specifically on theme. An influential figure in this field was the French structuralist Gerard Genette.Based on the ideas of Genette, this study aims at examining the relation of time and theme in "The Land of Sad Oranges" by GhassanKanafani, and to arrive at the conclusion that the writer has attempted to establish a direct and meaningful relation between time and theme in order to convey the theme of the story − that the Palestinian Arab is homeless and miserable.

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Resistance literature is the most important cultural embodiment of those countries under a foreign dominance. Poetry of resistance in Iraq, a reaction to the despotic rules,is an indication of the literary and intellectual values as well as the specific artistic experiences in the works of the poets of these countries. Not only can these experiences be analyzed in the contemporary Arabic poetry, but they can also be a pattern for devoted resistance literature of other nations.The present study aims at studying the resistance elements in the poetry of Safi Najafi, the contemporary Iraqi poet. The findings of this research indicate that despotic rules were the main factors in the occurrence of resistance elements in the poetry of Safi Najafi.

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When the eight-year imposed war came to an end and the heat of the war and holy defence subsided, Persian poetry, affected by the new circumstances, found new specifications.Some of the committed poets who were sympathetic to their new era composed poems, regretting the values and virtues of the past. As a result, some kind of nostalgia for the past became the recurrent motif in many poems.These motifs mostly includedisregard for compassion and forgiveness, decline of philanthropy and charity and disregard for thevirtue of sacrificeand the eminent aims of the past. The poetry of 1370s is the continuation of the resistance poetry with new themes and motifs.This study examines the poets’ mystical nostalgia for the past epoch in the works of Aminpour, Ghazve, Jafarian and HasanHoseini.

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The union of epic and mysticism is a deconstructive element which has emerged in the poetry of Islamic Revolution as part of resistance literature of our country. Epic indicates the most outstanding kind of non-aggressivepoetry through artistic creation and selection of words and compounds compatible to its style. Mystical poetryworks for the elegance of soul and the growth of conscience to accept others beyond the borders of sacrifice and to explore the self to eliminate alienations. The elements of epic and mysticism have been frequently represented in the poetryof Holy Defense, inspired by culture, literature and the atmosphere dominating the war conditions. This study seeks to examine the union of mystical and epic concepts inQeysarAminpour’s poetry.

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AbdolvahabBayati is one of innovative pioneers of contemporary resistance poetry. He criticizes the dominant cruelty, and rises against colonialism. Bayati is a nationalist, and revolutionary poet who criticizes the poets’ silence against tyranny. One of the main characteristics of his poetry is the use of satire.It is also a characteristic of resistant literature to employ different symbols through which the hidden discourse of freedom is stated. The present study examines how the theme of resistanse is dealt with in Bayati’s poetry.

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A large part of Persian written literary heritage hasnot been appropriately revived, and numerous manuscripts that are the main representations of this heritage lie silently in the libraries and have been forgotten. One of these unknown works is “Esttghamatnameh” by JamaliArdestani,interpreter, poet, and the Shiitemysticof the ninth century AH. He has written manyworks in the field of Sufism, teaching and mystical interpretation. Reza Gholi KhanHedayatconsidered him as a poet who has the most Mathnavis after Attar. “Esteghamatnameh” is both in verse and proseincluding about 950 beits; based on interpretations of Quran and the mystical views, Jamali has written it on resistance and sustainability in Sufism and mysticism. This study tries, for the first time, to introduce and analyze “Esteghamatnameh”.

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