Religious walkways are one of the most important linear elements of pilgrimage cities in the world. Pilgrims and tourists, on their way from the city entrance to the shrine, are immersed in a variety of religious, cultural, and commercial services, as well as other activities that are part of such walkways. These sidewalks gradually prepare pilgrims to enter the shrine. Therefore, in situations that there are multiple routes for accessing the shrine, there might be some qualitative and quantitative methods to assess and categorize these walkways. The aim of this article is to identify the best route, based on visual attraction indices and religious physical elements of each path. It explains how to evaluate and rank the shrine routes based on these criterion, such that pilgrims who enter this route, on their way towards the shrine, appreciate the perspectives and activities befitting an Iranian-Islamic city. The selected method of this descriptive research is using quantitative information, based on documents and field studies, to identify and analyze the routes to the shrine of her holiness Masumah. To accomplish this, first, the route evaluation variables were identified based on the theoretical frameworks. Feeding these information to the GIS descriptive tables software, different layers of data were extracted. Superimposing sets of these layers on each other, the score of each route was determined according to the type of activity and the zone uses. The data required for these tables were collected from baseline and status maps. The field data were collected, using analytic hierarchy process (AHP), from the pilgrims, the stakeholders and the officials. This was done through questionnaires, interviews, and visual expression of what pilgrims see and depict (for example, taking photos) on their pilgrimage route. The outcome of this research is the descriptions and categorization of characteristics related to the walkways of the shrine of her holiness Masumah, as well as scoring and ranking of each route based on evaluation indicators. The results show that, based on such criterion, Eram Street is the preferred way for pilgrims to reach this shrine.