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The Ghaznavids were rich. The Ghaznavid kings' treasury, particularley Mahmood and Masud's, was full because of various incomes. They had different incomes such as land taxes. The Ghaznavids with the help of official correspondents and tax agents gathered taxes. The Ghaznavid kings supported them because they sent those taxes to the treasury regularly. Thus, They overcharged the farmers and rustics for their own profits and were very strict to them. Accordingly, the Ghaznavids, Era like the other ages of Iran history was not pleasant for the lower classes of the society from the economic and welfare point of view.

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Probably kanat was invented on prehistoric and in Iranian plateau for the first time. Then, was evolved and benefited more than ever by powerful Iranian governments before Islam and the states after Islam. So that it played a decisive role in material and spiritual life of the inhabitants of this land. The others also learned the so called irrigation method from Iranians. But unfortunately in recent decades importing modern western technology to the country delivered a severe stroke on kanat and caused many harmful effects.In this essay, the writer has tried to describe ups and downs of this native structure usage and at the same time emphasize its unique place in ancient Iranian culture and civilization. Finally he wishes for such a time in which kanat revives in full harmony with modern circumstances.

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After Reza Shah came to power he did series of measures that one of them was the project of obligatory settlement of tribes that was called "Takhteh Ghapoo". Bakhtiyari tribe was one of the important and powerful tribes of Iran that was obligatory settlement behalf of Reza Shah's state. This project was executed without any special studies and researches and without preparing necessary backgrounds and merely with military aid and force. Reza Shah himself directly pursued the process of Bakhtiyari tribe settlement. His aim for doing that was to force the tribe was settled lonely and he did want to bring development and progress for them but he wanted to settle them in one place in order to inspect them, specially Bakhtiyari tribe. Reza Shah's state with installation force at the passageways Bakhtiyari tribes could settle by force many of Bakhtiyaries. But Bakhtiyari tribes opposed against obligatory settlement project Reza Shah's state forced bakhtiyaris build new villages and transfered bands of them behalf army from Chahar Mahal to Khozestan. In spite of this, Bakhtiyaris after overthrow of Reza Shah destructed new villages and again commenced to migration living.

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Reformation in Iran began with enterprises of Prince Abbas Mirza after the failure of Iran in Iran and Russia wars and this reformation became infrastructure of the next reformations. Reformers like Amirkabir and the others continued it such as establishment of Darolfonoon caused a modern type existed in Iran. This educated type that thereafter is become famous to intellectual, played an important role in changes of Iran and led to establishment of an official modern system like the methods of western societies. For some of such person can point to Mirzamalkem Khan and Sanioddoleh. This article tries to analyze the manner of the process of the new official system in context of reformation of Naseri age.

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Ologh Bayg the boy of Shahrokh Taymoori and the grandchild of Taymoor Gorakan is one of the famous and outstanding faces of history who became the ruler of Transoxiana at the age of 180.A new era of art and cultural booming was started in the Transoxiana for about 40 years. In this period Transoxiana could obtain its power and authority again and so security was run and economy was boomed and the Transoxiana became as a scientific and art basis in the Islamic world because of these factors and Ologh Bayg efforts that due to the architecture reached to a considerable place and magnificent and the painting, calligraphy, and music attained to aconsiderable developing, and above all the investigation field was spread for all different domains and mathematics and astronomy could reach to its goals.

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Some works in the field of politics and political reflections at the heart of Islam and Iran appeared have been written with the goal to point out the proper behavior of the political life of all authorities or those who have role in power production, distribution and exertion. Historical documentations and evidence show that in order to dominate all affairs and control Saljuqid kings’ and willful and exceeding policy, and on the other hand, deal with the Ismailis, he managed to centralize Saljuqid power; in order to achieve this important, he even tries not to stipulate to caliphate and its other branches in his Siasat Nameh book. He even says nothing from the relationship between Caliph and Sultan and just sometimes, in general, he points to the Caliphs or he brings some examples of their characters to explain his issue of tips. Therefore, Khajeh devotes the entire book to the King and the monarchy institution, and its promotion.However, the question is "Didn’t the Khajeh’s actions of prosecution of centralized Saljuqid power policy, against his real goals lead to the institutionalization of absolute dictatorship system and appropriate space for Ismailis growth and development of their activities in Iran?”; answering this contradiction is the goal which in this article is tried to be analyzed using new approach that based on historical facts.

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Media imperialism at the service of the western cultural nato with the purpose of disturbance against the oppressed Islam and of course with reference to the events such as destruction, annihilation and extincting cultural works, libraries and the manifestation of countries civilization and the conquered nations by the omar ebn alkhatab armies makes it due to the honored Islam and Koran and in the cultural atmosphere of the world. It was inspired Islam as the religion of burning the books and counter civilization and what is burned in military expedition and aggression at the time of Caliphs to the seized (usurped) lands was in fact Koran and the Prophet's tradition but not the scientific books of the other nations and the burning was in the fire of ignorance and injudiciousness of usurpers holding the position of divine cliphate.On the other hand, the existing supported documents suggestive oftens of huge libraries in Iran and Alexandria at the time of the Iraq's attack leading by Omar Ebn Alkhatab in the conquered lands. On the other hand, documents and historical books referring to burning these libraries by the order of Omar Ebn Alkhatab show the existence of burning the books in primary Arabs and despising teaching and writing and the psychological structure of Omar Ebn Alkhatab based on not tolerating every forms of the opposting thought and suppressing to the most in human way sand also …are from the stable and undeniable evidence causing this horrible (terrible) event and great cultural crime. The main reason of accusing the oppressed Islam and honored Koran in the events of burning books in the conquered lands by the Caliphs shows the deep ignorance of the western researchers from the deviating event through reaching the utopia of the Prophet and causing an end to the Koran's plan in making the ideal city of shiite world- wide by the Saqife coup.

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In the time of Reza shah in Iran, we are witness of highest point of basic classifications in Europe. Many of west kingdoms that later in the Second World War arrayed as attackers, a few years before the beginning of their political and economic ends competed intensely to reign the countries which were important not only for their oil sources but also for their geo-politics. There Iran was one of the countries which possessed great oil sources and also was in an eminent situation. Meanwhile the look of the Iranian statesmen to a country such as Germany and their expectations and also the special situation of Iran in the Germans’ point of view, caused a proximity relationship between these two countries. But eventually this relationship failed because of their relations’ mistakes and some international inforced condition. In this article it’ s tried to study the reasons of this relationship’ s failure.

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Safavid era is one in which historical planning has been done about two centuries in order to establish the sovereignty of Safavid dynasty in Ardebil . After stabilization about two centauries, it finally could gain throne and  religion. Therefore since stability and decline period of each dynasty was affected by its own political, social and economic circumstances, this dynasty was too.Current immortality and corruption of this era began when King Abbas1 didn’t let his sons to interfere in country affairs and lead them to associate with Harem (court of women), a custom which was accepted by subsequent king and the last kings of this dynasty were the most inefficient kings . It is evident that persons who were depended on this court were unaware and decided to be in jollification and success and went on toward their own interests continuously by discord (hypocrisy) and flattery. In this era, there was severe punishment for Emirs, commanders and masters which in turn shows the position of peasants and farmers; kings who didn’t show even least kindness to their children and killed them by a little disobedience or kept them in castles in severe circumstances .This article studies the free living and harshness of court of that era.

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Study the social conditions of Iran during Reza Shah and the effective social approaches of the government in that era constitutes is the subject of present paper that by emphasizing on the area of the activities performed in the new sections of social services such as welfare-hygienic charitable institutions, the factors and causes effective in the establishment and development of those institutes will be studied. In this research, the sources available from Reza shah era, the documents and literature review, application of policies and social activities carried out by the government as used to determine and develop such public interest activities, as well as degree of being affected by the social, political and economic reforms of the regional countries such as Turkey that was experiencing vast and deep changes under leadership of Ata Turk, utilization and model taking the issues titled using modernity achievements and forms resulted from the social and economic advancements of western societies that could be used and modeled in other countries are studied and analyzed. In the meantime, the government’s policies to cut the clergy’s hands in different political and social arena, including in the important domain of endowments have been discussed. Policies and detailed plans which were adopted with the attempt to weaken the role of clergyment and parallel to that, the propagation of the  thought in the society than government and state should be considered as the responsible  institute that govern services and social activities in this respect are discussed in details.

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یوسفی صفر

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غزنویان از نظر اقتصادی حکومتی ثروتمند بودند. خزانه سلاطین غزنوی، به ویژه محمود و مسعود، از طریق درآمدهای گوناگون، سرشار از ثروت بود. آنان درآمدهای اقتصادی مختلفی داشتند که مهم ترین این درآمدها، مالیات و خراج اراضی بود. غزنویان با همدستی کارگزاران اداری و ماموران مالیاتی، این مالیات ها را دریافت می کردند.اینان به دلیل اینکه مالیات ها را به طور منظم به خزانه حکومتی می فرستادند، مورد حمایت سلاطین غزنوی بودند. بنابراین، زیاده ستانی هایی به نفع خود انجام می دادند و بر رعایا و کشاورزان سخت گیری می کردند. بر این اساس، دوران غزنویان از نظر رفاه و رونق اقتصادی، همچون دوره های دیگر تاریخ ایران، دوران خوبی برای اقشار پایین جامعه نبود.

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