Introduction: According to Hitzman et al. (2005) and Hayes et al. (2015), the sediment-hosted copper deposits (SHC) are stratiform disseminated to veinlet copper mineralization within the reduced black shale, sandstone, and carbonate rocks. These deposits have formed during the middle-late Paleoproterozoic (e. g., Udokan, Russia: Volodin et al. 1994, Yinmin, South China: Zhao et al. 2013) to Tertiary (e. g., Corocoro, Bolivia: Flint 1989). The SHC deposits, frequently labeled as “ stratiform” or “ stratabound” and/or “ diagenetic” deposits have been subdivided into three types (Cox 1986, Cox et al. 2003, Hitzman et al. 2005): 1-reduced-facies (RF), 2-Redbed (RB) and 3-Revett (RV)....