One of the most important reasons of inefficiency in administrative system of the country, low satisfaction of citizens of governmental services ,and not achievement to the goals and countri's macro sterategies in the vision document and 5-year developing programs. Now there is an important question that "What basically are the public manager’s competencies in Iran?"The last goal of research is to increase the efficiency of countri's administrative system through preparing suitable bases for maintaining the meritocracy. In this research, competency is called to those group of values, knowledge, personal characteristics and skills of public managers which are appeared in job and organizational behaviors and those factors as a manager's characteristics, could bring a better performance.Competency pattern of state middle managers in Iranian economy and industry section has been planned in three steps with synthetic method: First, The priority list of managers' competencies was obtained by searching in documents, references, books, sources, and various evidences, with the compound way by using different views such as cultural and historical, vision and forcasting, job functions, comparative studies and with utilize the data-base method. In this section, researcher could find more than one thousand competency with utilizing the inductive strategy zing, they were categorized in 4 dimentions, 12 elements and 42 indexes and they were defined with definitions and behavioural descriptions. The result shows the high experts' acceptance of 4 dimentions: knowledge and wisdom of public managers, personal charactritics, skills and managers valusesas the core dimention of strategic competency pattern of state middle managers in economic and industry sector.