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In order to evaluate of growth stages, physiologic traits and seed qualitative characteristics of advanced winter rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) varieties in Arak a field experiment was performed in 2010-2011 cropping seasons in randomized complete block design with three replications at experimental field of Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center of Markazi Province, in Arak (34o 5’ N; 49o 42’ E, and 1775 m above sea level), Iran. Seven advanced rapeseed varieties such as NK Aviator, RNX 6321, ES Betty, Modena, NK Karibic, Champlain and Licord and Okapi as check comprised the experimental factors. Each plot was including of four rows with 6 meter length and 30 centimeter distance. Important agronomic traits such as days number to initiation and end of flowering, length of flowering, days number to ripening, length of ripening, plant height, second branch number per plant, seed number per pod, pod number per plant, 1000 - seed weight, seed yield, seed oil and protein content, biological yield, harvest index and oil yield per unit area were estimated during growth season. The results of varianc analysis showed that rapeseed cultivars had significant differences for all measured traits. In this research, ES Betty cultivar had the highest grain yield (5699 kg/ha), pod number per plant, 1000 - seed weight, harvest index, seed oil content and oil yield per unit area. In this research, Okapi variety had the least seed yield (3144 kg/ha), pod number per plant and 1000 - seed weight. Also, there were positive and significant correlations between seed yield and some traits such as pod number per plant, 1000 - seed weight, biological yield and harvest index.

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To evaluate the effect of plant dencity in light extinction coefficient and in performance of sorghum varieties, three level of grain sorghum varieties has been studied at research farm of Azad Islamic university, saveh-branch in 1386 year. In this experiment mention cases selects in the randomized block design and arranged in the form of factorial experiment. These are including three levels of grain sorghum varieties (Including speed feed, jumbo and kimia) at three dencities 130, 150, 190 thousand in plant/hec. Results of this experiment showed that effect of Plant dencities create a significant difference in seed numbers, 1000 seed weight, seed performance and light extinction coefficient. The best performance was 2838 kg/ha and belonged to dencity 190 thousand plant /ha. By increasing the dencity, number of seeds in panicule and 1000 seed weight decreased significantly. In case of seed number in panicule, 1000 seed weight ,seed performance and extinction coefficient sorghum varieties showed significant differences. Maximum and minimum seed number in panicule was in jumbo and kimia varieties respectively. Maximum Light extinction coefficient (K=0.55), belonged to, 190000 Plants/hectar dencity and jumbo cultivare. Minimum of light extinction coefficient (K=0.47) belonged to 130000 Plants/hectar and speed feed cultivare is. At list maximum of seed performance was belong to 190 dencity thousand plant/hec and jambo cultivare.

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In order to investigate the effect of planting arrangment on agronomical traits of different soybean cultivars, an experiment was carried out at split factorial in randomized complete block design with three replications at Islamic Azad University of Chalous, Iran in 2010. Between plants distance in three levels (30, 40 and 50 cm), between row distance in two levels (5 and 10 cm) and three cultivars including JK, BPJ and 033 was the evaluated factors. Results showed that the most grain yield was produced for var. 033 and least grain yield was obtained for var. JK. With increase of plant density, case of intra-competition and lowest light received by canopy, therefore plant height, lowest pod height, seed number per main stem, seed number per sub stem, pod number per main stem, 1000 seed weight per main stem, pod weight per main stem and grain yield had been increased. With decreased of plant and row distance grain yield was incrased equal 170.40 and 180.29 g.m-2. As well as, plant height, lowest pod height, seed number per main stem, pod number per main stem, pod weight of main stem, and grain yield were maximum for var. 033. The most of grain yield was observed at interaction of var. 033 and plant distance of 30 cm and the least of grain yield were produced at interaction of var. BPJ with plant distance of 40 cm. As well as, the maximum grain yield was obtained at interaction of var. 033 with row distance of 5 cm and the minimum of grain yield was observed at interaction of var. BPJ and row distance of 10 cm. The most grain yield was produced at interaction of 30×5 cm2 and the least grain yield was obtained at interaction of 40×10 cm2.

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    1 (25)
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Today, due to the increasing world population need to increase production of cereals, especially rice, expected to increase sustainable yield with the aim of research done. Nutrition Zinc to be important in rice production has. The effect of zinc sulfate spray Chelate on yield and yield components of Shiroodi rice cultivar, experimental research station in rice treated with 5 Tonekabon zero, 2, 4, 6 and 8 thousand Chelate sprayed zinc sulfate in the fourth repeat randomized complete block design was conducted. Sprayed in three stages one month after transplanting seedlings to the main field after flowering and milky stage were performed. The results showed that zinc sulfate spray Chelate significant effect on grain weight, number of tillers per square meter, number of panicles and percentage of seed grain was high. Concentration of 2 per thousand, most grain weight and tillers per square meter and number of grains per panicle were recorded and the lowest values of this index in the control group were observed. Since the building as a factor, carbohydrate metabolism and making proteins, the results of this experiment can be positive effects on the physiology of growth and yield of rice is produced. The results also showed that the concentration of two thousand best yield and yield components produced and used in the dose of zinc sulfate, as well as economic terms will be acceptable and positive effect on rice yield will increase.

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    1 (25)
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For evaluation of gamma radiation at different intensities on the qualitative and quantitative traits in sesame, the experiment was conducted in a factorial with completely randomized block design using four replication in Firouzabad. Before planting, 15 grams of sesame seeds for each plot was exposured with gamma rays at 100, 200, 250, 300 and 350 Gary in the Karaj Nuclear Agency. Properties that were studied include: height. The number of lateral branches, number of capsules, during the flowering period, yield per plant, grain weight, percentage of protein and oil. According to properties were measured and comparisons, treatment of 200 Gary showed positive effects. Maximum of yield (1669 kg/ha), plant high (108cm), grain weight (3.27 gr) was related to 200gry treatment and Maximum of percentage of protein (56) and number of capsules (182 per plant) was related to 150 gry treatment. Higher doses, especially 350 Gary, had negative effect on characteristics of the study. Yield has negative correlation with during the flowering period but it has positive correlation with another treats and highest correlation was between yield and grain weight.

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    1 (25)
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In order to effects of application of super absorbent polymer, zinc and selenium on yield and yield components of durum wheat, an experimental was carried out as factorial based on complete randomized block design with four replicates in the research station of Islamic Azad University- Arak Branch, Iran in 2010-2011. Experimental factors were super absorbent in two levels of control and 25 kg/ha, zinc sulfate in three levels of control, 25 and 50 kg/ha and selenium in two levels of control and 20 kg/ha. The results showed that the effect of zinc sulfate on the yield and yield components was significant at 1% level. Application of 50 kg/ha zinc sulfate increased grain yield by 13.6% as compared with control. The interaction effect two-way treatments showed that foliar application of selenium along with 50 kg/ha zinc sulfate increased grain yield by 14%. The consumption of 25 kg/ha also super absorbent along with 50 kg/ha zinc sulfate increased grain yield by 18%. The results showed that application of 25 kg/ha super absorbent, 50 kg/ha zinc sulfate and selenium spraying increased grain yield by 19 % as compared with control.

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  • Volume: 

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    1 (25)
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In order to study the effects of drought stress and plant density on the vegetative and reproductive traits of varieties of canola, a test was conducted as re-broken plots in the form of completely random blocks design with four repetitions in Boroujerd Agricultural Research Station in the agricultural year 1388-1389. In this experiment, the drought stress was studied in three levels include unstressed, two drought stresses (in the step after rosette and before beginning flowering) and three drought stresses (in the steps after rosette, before beginning flowering and filing sheath) in the main plot and different levels of plant density in three levels 6, 10, and 14 kg consumed seed in each hectare in subplot and varieties of canola, three varieties Zarfam, SLM046 and Okapy in subplots. The results obtained from variance analysis of the traits under study showed that drought stress, plant density and their interactions have significant effect on the number of seeds per pod, 1000-seed weight, seed yield, harvest index, oil percentage and oil yield of the varieties of canola. The most rate of oil percentage was obtained in unstress condition and plant density 10kg/ha in variety Zarfam that regarding more biologic yield and more seed yield, it caused increasing oil percentage, by increasing water level the oil percentage was increased.

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    1 (25)
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The Plantago ovata forsk. is one of the most precious medicinal plants. evaluation of factors which could affects on growth, development, yield and mosilage of seed are important Furthermore, distance of planting rows is one of the basic factors that could affect on yield and component. There fore, in this research work the effect of different treatments of nitrogen (0, 50., 100 and 150Kg/ha) and row distance (15, 20 and 25cm) with 4 replicates were  evaluated in a factorial experiment in a randomized complete block design under conditions of experimental farm of jiroft azad university. Analyzed data revealed significant effects of nitrogen fertilizer on yield, weight of 1000 grains, and mosilage percentage, plant height in 5%statistical level. The effect of distance of row on plan height was significant in 5% statistical level. The interaction between distance of row and nitrogen on weight of 1000grains was significant in 1%statistical level. The compare of mean of interaction between nitrogen and row distance by Duncan test showed the highest weight of 1000grains 2.8g by treatment (50Kg nitrogen and 15cm distance between rows).The highest mosilage percent age obtained By treatment 50Kg nitrogen and 20cm distance between rows.

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