Background & Aim: Prevalence of musculoskeletal pain among dentists due to incorrect long-term physical conditions is more than public community. Ergonomics and stress are among the causes of these pain. Due to lack of any report in Zanjan city this study aimed to determine prevalence of musculoskeletal pain among zanjan dentists, ergonomic factors, job related stress and other related factors.Methods and Materials: This descriptive study, was done on 131 dentists of Zanjan. A questionnaire was designed based on standard Nordic and Job Stress Dimension questionnaire with the aid of a psychologist and physiotherapist. The questionnaire was distributed among dentists. From 131 dentists, 11 were excluded because they didn’t meet the criteria. Prevalence of musculoskeletal pain, affected area, stress and other factor was statistically analyzed with the aid of chi-square test.Results: Among 120 dentists who met the criteria, 60.8 % was men and 30.2% was women with mean age of 37.1. Prevalence of the pain in at least one site was 67.5%with most prevalent site was shoulder 30.8%, lumbar region 24.2% and neck 20.8 %. Reported stress was moderate in 90.7% cases and 9.3 percent of dentists reported mild stress. There is no significant relationship between age, sex, work period, work hours during week, stress, arm position, application of mirror and prevalence of pain. (p<0.2). Concusion: It seems that the prevalence of musculoskeletal pain among zanjan dentists is high. This pain didn’t have any relation with individual characteristics and dentist condition.