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The aim of this paper is to review the evolution process of Crime Prevention through Environmental Design) CPTED) as the main approach for crime prevention and improving environmental security and propose some solutions to architects and urban designers based on this approach. Using documentary method, we have analyzed CPTED evolution. First generation raised in 1960’s, focused on physical reforms in the environment to attain security; second generation of CPTED in 1990’s, seizes the concept of social ecology and promotes the idea of social stabilizers as well as balanced land uses. It includes social and psychical aspects as the base of security attainment and finally the third generation after 2000, proposed Safe Growth model to sustain security in residential areas.The first generation of CPTED was criticized because of low attention to the other important aspects of crime occurrence and focusing mostly on physical characteristic of the environment and low attention to interconnected social infrastructure and networks, are the most important shortcoming of this generation, which resulted in the development of second generation, as well as raising of social and psychical aspects in urban designing. After that, sustainable security was proposed, which means the security should be protected by using all achievement of previous approaches including physical and social reforms and improvements. That is, all efforts should be aligned to bring up more security in the secured residential areas. This philosophy leads to Safe Growth model.Safe Growth is a community planning and capacity building model tailored for locally-driven public safety initiatives. This approach employs a more holistic style of neighborhood development than occurs in traditional prevention theory. An effective Safe Growth Plan offers an alternative to yearly crime summaries as a measure of neighborhood safety or annual police reports as a measure of police performance. Community developers, planners and law enforcement use Safe Growth to improve safety in neighborhoods.The result shows that many researchers and publications believe that the crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) is not only effective in reducing crime occurrence but also increase feeling security in the community.Finally this paper propose a plan containing goals and policies based on CPTED principals and approaches for crime prevention design and increasing safety feeling in urban districts. This plan could be used as an instruction to urban designers. Also this review provides an extensive bibliography of contemporary crime prevention through environmental design.

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House form depends on several parameters, which their importance and influence are not at the same level. One of the critical parameters which hugely alter house form is the cultural characteristics of its residents; culture explains different types of dwellings in different areas even with the same technological and economic status. In equal condition of all other parameters, cultural characteristics are the most affecting issue in the physical form and spatial configuration of the house. The challenging point is that the culture is a vast area from point of view of design. Taking this into account, in the present paper, in order to be able to face this challenge, impact of cultural characteristics in the design procedure and different house forms has been explained. Firstly, these questions are answered: Which cultural elements are the most influential ones affecting house form? How are these elements categorized in terms of their impact on the house form? Answering the latter question will lead us to the point which a hierarchy model could be obtained and finally the culture-form relation could be decoded for different communities with different cultural characteristics. The research method of this study is analytical-descriptive in which we have used library study for data collection. Then, the model of this study is developed to illustrate the hierarchical relationship between culture and house form. The case studies include traditional house forms from cities of Ramsar and Tonekabon located in western Mazandaran. Western parts of Mazandaran province is considered to be a region with humid and mild climate. Moreover, the physical forms of the houses in the area are the excellent samples of traditional Northern cities’ architecture in Iran. The methodology of the study implements a theoretical framework with the analytical-descriptive research method using library study for data collection. In terms of the case studies, the required data are obtained by field observations including survey, typology, and interviewing residents. Considering the sparse distribution of the rural population and the favorite houses, and also because of limited available data resources, it was crucial to make smart and random choices of data. Randomness of the selected samples gives us the power to generalize the limited on-site collected data to the whole study domain. These choices were made according to information obtained from Iranian Cultural Heritage and Tourism Organization (ICHTO). In the next step, obtained data are analyzed using comparative study and logical reasoning based on the theoretical framework which is considered in the present study. In order to be able to understand the effects of different cultural elements on the house form, data associated with each sample forms are categorized based on the cultural elements. Finally, the results of comparison studies are presented in tables putting light on hidden aspects of culture-form and culture-design relation. The hierarchy in the tables shows that the culture is associated with world-view of the people and can be seen in their everyday life, like the form of their houses. Taking this into account one can say that the culture adapts people’s life from one side and affects the shape of their life tools (like the architecture of their houses) from the other side. The results of the study indicate that the model is valid for different communities, and can be used for discovering cultural elements of a community in accordance with the house forms.

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Humble look to the profession of architecture has reduced the position and identity of Iranian architecture in recent years. Due to the blind and extensive imitation of the Western culture over the design in architecture, we are facing buildings with non-Iranian identities that have hurt urban and rural landscapes. The buildings that create no feeling of belonging due to the imitation of Western style architecture.The main point of this research is the use of site layers in designing process and combining them with different understandings of completely Iranian identity. This is the story of how the final design is affected by each layer and how the proposed model connects the past, the present and the future. In this way, by identifying the subjective - objective layers in the environment such as ecology and geography, we are looking for a plan to meet all the present parameters and give a proper identity simultaneously. The purpose is how to use quantitative - qualitative models in parametric design process under Meta system. Ecological-orientation has been selected as Meta system in this project. This means that all conscious and unconscious processes are filtered by ecological factors and then take place in the design process. The principles of this research are parametric architecture exploiting in design process of ecological-regional models using quantitative-qualitative cognitive maps. The Maranjab Desert is selected as a sample and the studies have been performed. After recognizing the existing layers in the natural site, the layers of both appearance and semantic are analyzed and then converted to the comprehensible elements including point, line and surface of each layer using AutoCAD software. The extracted layers are then combined with the cognitive layers of the designer mind. Combining of extracted site layers is based on the influence of different layers on each other. In every combination, one layer is an indicator and effects on the final output. There are more choices in this method for a designer. Each layer indicator makes a different geometry than its previous plan. In part of the decision-making process, the "Accidence concept" has also been considered. The paradigms are resulted by the designer decision and conscious "Accidence concept" which is also controlled by the designer. The process is interactive and reciprocal. Due to its planning subject and physical program, "scaling" process decides about the sub-space of the layers and influence on the combinations.This method is designed to explore the potential ecology and revival of traditional concepts. It is also used in the archetype in the parametric process to create a single consistent model with the aggregation of the mentioned items. The research methods are descriptive-analytical and quantitative-qualitative.

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Housing indexes are tools for assessing housing conditions and its evolution; and can also be used in assessment of the success rates in achieving the future planning goals. The current study was done in order to evaluate and compare the health and safety indices in the houses of the Rural Housing Project constructed after the 2003 earthquake in Bam with the traditional houses in this region. This descriptive cross sectional study was done by systematic sampling and the health and safety indices of 519 new and 283 traditional houses in ten villages of Bam were evaluated and compared by standard questionnaires. In these checklists the safety of the houses, the living conditions according to the principles of environmental health engineering and the physical space of the buildings were evaluated. Descriptive results were reported and the chi-square test was used to compare the data by Excel and Minitab. The results of this study show that the number of families living in each house in the new and traditional houses was respectively 1.15 and 1.24 family per room. The mean built up area of each house was 60 and 50 square meters and the mean ratio of people of each room was 2.63 and 2.29 respectively. The health status of the walls, floors and ceilings of the rooms in the new houses was acceptable in more than 97% but in traditional houses was 67-76 percent. The health status of the kitchens and rooms in the new houses was significantly better than the traditional ones, but the condition of the toilets and bathrooms in both houses was unacceptable in most circumstances and was for toilets 7 and 16, and for bathrooms 55 and 74 percent in new and traditional houses respectively. The safety indices of the rooms and kitchens were significantly better in the new houses (46 and 39 percent respectively in new houses), but the safety of the bathrooms and staircases was significantly better in the traditional houses (54 and 53 percent respectively in traditional houses). The current study shows relative progress in the housing indexes of the rural housing project in comparison to the traditional houses, although they are still far from ideal. There are concerns about the proportion of people to spaces, accessibility to healthy water inside the house, and environmental sanitation with regard to wastewater and solid waste disposal. Also in addition to construction of housing units, we suggest that construction of private bathrooms and toilets should be considered by the Housing Foundation.

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This paper aims to evaluate effective factors on the satisfaction rate of residents of rural areas of Aslanduz from their residents’ view by using scientific reasoning.Accordingly, by studying related theoretical literature, a conceptual framework including 16 factors has been considered to be analyzed. The research is both applicable and developmental in terms of its purpose. Moreover; in terms of the method of doing research, it is descriptive-analytical. The features such as: age, gender, education level, economic satisfaction and marital status have been recognized as independent variables to analyze their impacts on the both residents’ satisfaction of their quality of environment and each of 16 factors. The sample size of 384 people was calculated by using Cochran’s formula and by regarding the hypothesis of the maximum heterogeneity. In order to analyze data, two methods of fuzzy multi criteria decision-making and cluster analysis were used.Generally, the ultimate value of the rural areas residents' satisfaction rate from their quality of living environment was identified in three levels (Desirable, fairly desirable, undesirable). Overall resident satisfaction with the quality of the environment in rural areas of Aslanduz was not desirable. The rural areas of Qara Qabaq, Kamp and Torbat Candi indicate high rate of satisfaction. The second one including Idir, Mahboub Kandi, Nour Mohammad Kandi and Gedaylou show the middle level of satisfaction. The lowest rate of satisfaction is seen in both rural areas of Palanglou and Aq Qabaq. Also in the study area between two variables, education level and economic satisfaction with the quality of the living environment, there is a significant relationship. Other independent variables discussed in the present study when compared with the quality of life in rural areas (age, sex and marital status), there seems no significant relationship.Finally, in order to improve the quality of life in rural areas of Aslanduz, the following issues are proposed: Approve projects to improve conditions in rural areas and make convergence; Increase engagement and participation of the villagers in management and decision-making; Conduct researches and benefit from experienced experts to plan and organize a suitable environment for improving rural settlements; Create, extend and predict suitable recreational facilities in rural centers together with broad utilities; Improve the physical conditions of access roads and rural centers which requires the rural residents to build new housing units to improve rural landscape.

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Rural guide plan is the main comprehensive plan for the development of the rural regions in Iran. Since 1987, more than 16440 plans have been designed and 7670 plans have been implemented in the Iranian rural regions. Despite passing over 20 years after initiating the rural guide plan in the country, the plan is still running in many rural regions, therefore, the study of the consequences and effects of the plan is very critical, because these studies provide the necessary data and information for the managers through a feedback process enabling them to take more effective decisions and choose better methods for the future plans and projects. In addition to this, the weaknesses and barriers of the plans will be clearly identified in order to conduct more efficient and appropriate solutions. In this respect, the main purpose of this study was to identify and analyze the effects of implementing the rural guide plan in Sarin Dizaj village in Osko County. The research method of the study was quantitative from view point of nature; non-experimental for the rate of variables control and field research for the method of data collection respectively. The statistical population of the study consisted of all heads of rural households in the village (N= 213). According to the Krejcie & Morgan table, a sample size of 130 was selected using a simple randomized sampling technique. Data was collected from face-to-face interviews with respondents based on a structured questionnaire. The questionnaire was based on published literature on related topics in Iran and other countries. The questionnaire consisted of two parts including: respondents’ profiles (5 variables) and respondents’ viewpoints about the importance of the effects of implementing the rural guide plan (26 variables). A five-point Likert scale (from 1=very low to 5=very high) was used to measure the second part. The validity of the instrument was confirmed by a panel of experts in the field related to agricultural extension and education. In order to test the reliability of the questionnaire, the validated version was sent to 25 villagers who had not been selected as samples for the study. The Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient for the main scale of the questionnaire was higher than 0.75 indicating that the research questionnaire was reliable. The collected data was analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSSwin18). In this research, descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data. The descriptive statistics included frequency percentage and mean and inferential statistics employed the technique of exploratory factor analysis. The results of a factor analysis showed that five factors namely, structural- physical (with 20.25 % of variance), social (with 19.63 % of variance), sanitary (with 14.42 % of variance), economic (with 10.63 % of variance) and environmental (with 4.86 % of variance) explained 69.79 % of total variances of the effects of implementing the rural guide plan in Sarin Dizaj village in which two factors including structural- physical and social had the highest priority. According to findings, some practical suggestions have been presented for better management of the rural guide plan in the village.

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Resettlement, the movement of people from one area to another, is carried out by many developing countries for different reasons. Among the reasons are, to increase agricultural production, to correct spatial imbalances in the distribution of population and improve the service systems. The general aim of rural resettlement is providing an appropriate ground to relocate the villages from the vulnerable and hazardous zones; this is performed in order to improve the living conditions and the resident’s welfare in the various aspects of life. The resettlement projects in the past two decades in Iran were in the form of relocation and integration of villages and were carried out mostly in reconstruction of war-torn areas; the regions affected by earthquake, flood, landslide and construction projects of Storage Dams. Considering the impact of resettlement projects as a fundamental objective of rural communities, it is essential to improve the life quality. Location and community preservation are among the most important concerns in the resettlement site selection process. Thus, the resettlement sites should provide people with reliable access to productive resources, employment and business opportunities. The members of the community should be consulted and provided with appropriate options for resettlement. This research is conducted to determine the effects of resettlement on quality of life and to explain the influencing factors of it in two resettled villages - Isar and Zanjiran in Fars province, Iran. The Research Methodology was analytical- descriptive and the required data have been collected by using the questionnaire and interviews. The obtained results of the research indicate that the rate of life satisfaction in the six scales Likert Spectrum is equal to 3.601. The maximum and minimum satisfaction rates are related to Infrastructure, Employment and income range. In addition, the results of the factor analysis for the nine aspects of life quality were identified in the study areas. The six factors include: physical development; welfare services; quality of housing; relations with the nearby villages, towns and cities; the hygiene status and Social Welfare, and the total variance for quality of life is measured equal to 71.2. Due to the importance of the quality of life in development and wellbeing of the human societies, it is essential that in resettlement plans, both the appropriate land and the impacts and its consequences on the life quality of the villagers to be taken into special consideration in order to identify the advantages and disadvantages of the plan and moreover the resident’s welfare from different aspects would be improved. During the selection of alternative sites for rural resettlement, the following issues should be taken into consideration in terms of meeting the requirements of life quality for displaced people: The policy to direct people staying in their own regions; The policy to enhance participation of the resettled people in decision-making processes; Improving rural development models which intend to increase incomes in rural areas through an approach giving importance to participation; Developing rural residential planning and improving organizations serving rural areas; Protecting cultural, natural and archeological properties in the affected areas, and relocating these if possible.

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Due to the fast growing trend of urbanization in the third world countries and the disparities between urban and rural areas in terms of income, employment and the availability of basic infrastructure and services, it is important to pay more attention to the rural settlements to create a balanced development across each region. This will pave the way for a kind of sustainable urban community in future. Since the development is a multi-dimensional concept which includes reorganization of the entire economic and social system, it is essential to investigate its different levels and identify the rate of development across the regions as important step in such reorganization and planning. Apart from rural areas, this is more important from regional point of view. Regarding this, the following research questions became a starting point to organize the methodology and the sources of information:1. Does the distance of rural settlements from the centre of province affect the rate of development?2. Does the frontier location of the province affect the rate of rural development?3. Is there any link between the rural settlements development and mountainous features of the province?The research commenced with a comprehensive literature and document analysis and due to its major approach, is in line with applied research to recognize differences between the regions. For this, different indices have been characterized and used regarding different Social, economic, physical, health, and cultural aspects of development from two National Population and Housing Census of 1996 and 2006. Considering these indices, the level of development across the rural areas of Kurdistan province has been identified using factor and cluster analyses and the results classified and mapped by GIS. The research results show that there is an inequality in the level of development across the rural areas of the province. In this regard, the rural settlements of Kamyaran, Bejar and Saqez can be classified as Middle-developed and Marivan and Baneh as less-developed areas in 1996. In 2006, the rural settlements of Bejar, Qourveh and Sanandaj have been classified as developed, Kamyaran, Devandareh and Sarvabad as Middle-developed and Saqez and Baneh as less-developed areas in Kurdistan province. This inequality is mainly associated with the level and amount of agricultural land ownership, distance and proximity to the main roads, distances to the border, geographical and environmental conditions and situation of the villages. Therefore, the counties of eastern part of the province which are close to the main roads had better conditions than other counties of western part.

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