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The blow of winds and the movement of sands in sistan region is dependent on direction, speed and continuance of 120 days winds. Principally the first premise is that in sistan region the physical structure of human settlement (rural and urban) should harmonies with adapting condition of 120 days winds. This article focuses on investigation of adaptation of physical development of sandstorms in Tambaka village. The research method in this article is description–analytical, based on observation and field survey. Therefore, Tambaka village and its surrounding has been consider as case study in this regard. Required data and information are obtained directly from the region during the monthly and annual periods. Some of the previous data and information are analyzed based on the field experiences of the authors in the region and then are adapted to current condition. The result of studies shows that in sistan region many of the villages are located in the of sandstorms direction. One of these villages is Tambaka village. Our initial studies show that the local pattern of this village is harmonic with sand flow and also in the first six months of 2010 new texture of the village had 69 m3 sand accumulation. Thus, local pattern of the village is in harmony with the dominant climate of the region, especially movement of arranged and Aeolian sand shape. This pattern reflects the experience and knowledge of inhabitants of the village. Thus the valuable local experiences in comparison with the movement of the flow sand can suggest new fields of study to the organizer and heads of rural and urban affairs.

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Maybe one of the most effective factors in urban designing is climate. As it can be seen in the warp and weft of the city texture and even in different buildings and interior architectural elements in various space. In Iran, architectural fabrications of structures and cities in the "hot and dry clime" is one of the most distinctive and evident appearances of effectiveness of climate in formation of town and it's buildings. The most exquisite and artistic Iranian design can be seen in this climes. In this article, Zavvareh city which is located in the border of desert has been selected as a clarified and magnificent case of this type of climate and try to study the influence of one by one of the climatic factors in all parts of this ancient town. Consequently, this starts from general principles to minutiae in architecture and designing, express whole subject cases relevant to climatic designing in this town. For instance, influence of wind on city textures' general direction and circumstance of positive utilization from desert winds in order to direct fresh and cool climate to indoors, force of dust in forming city texture and establishing buildings together or styles of designing their minutiae, effect of sunshine in various seasons on building's plans, impressiveness of aboriginal materials such as soil and adobe in indoors' temperature and even constructing some buildings appropriate for this clime, such as ice-houses and cisterns.Purpose of this paper to understand the reasons of using all this type of architectural factors in designing of this town's buildings. Therefore, we tried to discover the inmost mystery of this desert heaven by entering in the cities' texture, stepping among its narrow alleys and touching cryptic sense in the midst of the town and by utilizing written themes in this groundwork.

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The aims of the present research is to rank, determine levels of development, and measure the area gap between districts and divergence using 37 qualitative and quantitative indicators related to the evaluation of rural housing in counties of East Azerbaijan province in year 2008. The current data have been extracted from a survey administered to find out about housing features in rural in the fall of 2008. The research method is "descriptive-analytical". First, by using factor analysis methods, human development index (HDI), TOPSIS, standard score, and numeric taxonomy, degree of development for each area has been calculated and rank of each area has been specified according to indicators. Then, by using of cluster analysis, rural areas of East Azerbaijan province have been divided into three groups of developed, developing, and less developed.The results in quantitative methods also reveal some differences in the hierarchy of development levels. For instance, the most developed rural area of counties of province in methods of factor analysis and HDI are Tabriz and Shabestar respectively. While the most deprived ones were Charoymag and Varzgan respectively. Variation is also present in the hierarchy of development levels in standard score, numeric taxonomy, and TOPSIS methods. Therefore, in order to find the optimum answer, mixed method and average of ranks in each method have been used. The results of mixed method for ranking and determining hierarchy of development levels in the province show that Tabriz is the most developed and Varzgan is the most deprived among rural areas of East Azerbaijan province. The results also show that most of the developed rural areas are located near the center of the province or influential areas like Tabriz or Marageh, which is a sign of core-periphery pattern in the development of villages.

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While having the best quality of life is always a willing for man and it is still exist and attract the thoughts of philosophers and scientists for thousand of years, but following the economic growth of the 1960s, the theme of "quality of life" developed almost simultaneously in several fields of sciences . In the late 20th century, however, quality of life became a topic of interest in the many sciences such as urban planning, geography, economics, sociology and psychology. The measurement of quality of life can be used as an environmental quality diagnosis of previous policy strategies, and is a required foundation for drafting future regional planning policies. Generally, quality of life studies of measurement that can be divided into objective and subjective perspectives. Subjective indicators are mostly based on, psychological responses, such as life satisfaction, job satisfaction and personal happiness. Objective dimension represents the external condition of life. objective indicators to measure quality of life based on the attainment of various basic life needs, such as physical environment, economic factors, food, shelter and needs which they considered common to all cultures. The majority of existing quality of life studies are based on urban area, but from recent years and with up growing of industry in the world, back ward growth of rural area is more observe. So that rural poverty is exist in almost 63 percent of the world. In Iran, the absolute poverty has been alleviated, however, the relative poverty, especially in rural areas, has increased. This article is studying based on life quality of rural settlements of Boyer Ahmad and its analogy with its civil society and also the rate of its medial census of all parts of Iran in 2006 .This study is based on the subjective factors. The research method is based on library articles, documents and content analysis of existing sources research. Finally, findings are shown that there is meaningful difference between life quality of urban and rural area and there is also good condition for urban areas and there is significant difference between life quality of rural and urban areas regarding prolific acts which are taken for growing of rural areas.

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For achievement a sustainable environmental management, it will require an increased focus on the designing native sustainable environmental development models. Therefore, the main purpose of this article is to design an effective modeling of sustainable environmental development using grounded theory. The population used in this study are the residents of Sharveineh Village. This village is located in Javanroud county of Kermanshah province. In 2011, Sharveineh Village introduced as "clean village". In this study 14 villagers have been selected in the method of sampling. The survey was conducted during Feb.2010 to May 2011 and data were collected through semi–structured interview. The concept were categorized in 6 levels, Which are, implementation of environmental project, participation and cooperation of all villagers, existence leaderships, local and governmental organization support environment who were believing in environmental issues, training on impact of environmental disaster and indigenous knowledge and previous experience in the field of environment. This study recommend that Sharveineh Village could be as an indigenous pattern used to achieve a sustainable development environment.

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Extension education is an applied behavioral science, the knowledge of which is applied to bring about desirable changes in the behavioral complex of human beings usually through various strategies and programs of change and by applying the latest scientific and technological innovations to the villagers through the process of informal education. In the dominant outlook of development until 1960s and beginning of the 1970s all of the traditions and indigenous knowledge in developing countries considered as badly and unnecessary things that must be without any question and study, replace with imported knowledge from developed countries. But from that time to present, increasing attention paid to role and importance of indigenous knowledge in internal development issues in these countries. Composition in traditional architecture in deserted regions in previous long centuries, remove problems and difficulties in climate in a naturally form. Despite extensive planning on rural housing in the recent years in Iran and the huge budget allocated to this concern, the trend of rural housing construction has not been satisfactory, according to the experts' views. This lack of desirability would concern different dimensions of the problem, from fulfillment of physical and non-material needs of the rural settlers to retaining identity of their settlements and maintaining their historical continuation. Efforts taken in the development of rural housing have mostly been one-dimensional and lack of multi-lateral conception and holistic general program that doesn't consider different aspects effective on formation of rural housing. Systan and Baluchistan province is one of the deserted regions in Iran. It had a valuable traditional Persian architecture and adjusted to desert regions in its rural areas. In this regard available indigenous knowledge in traditional Persian architecture of desert regions  and specially drought and desert regions of this province can help break an impasse for planners and policy makers of development in Iran for sustainable rural development in these regions, and will cause maintaining indigenous and local culture and values of traditional architecture in this province, also absorbing tourists, developing its industry and helping to economy of region by job-creating and economizing in resources and inputs in making rural and urban house building. The aim of this article is to know the influential factors on development of rural housing in the Systan and Baluchistan province and to evaluate them relative to each other. For this purpose, the factors effective on development process of rural housing in this province identified. This article, has discussed various aspects in indigenous knowledge in Persian architecture and adjusted to desert regions in its rural regions of Systan and Baluchistan province and state how to use extension education's appropriate approaches for continuing traditional Persian architecture in rural regions of this province, and finally present conclusions and recommendations in this regard.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Nowadays, the approach of strategic planning is prevalent in nearly all developed countries and it has formed the basis of a variety of rural development plans which have been implemented in different forms and under different titles. This Study is aimed to tourism development in the village of Afjeh. The matrix of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats has been applied to the planning of major strategies. Then, with regard to the position of village in the figure (IE), the optimal strategy for the region will be selected. These tools rely on information obtained from the first phase and then the opportunities and external threats would be compared with SWOTs. To present the various possible strategies effectively, the process of "comparison" between internal and external factors can play an important and crucial role. The final conclusion of the external factors evaluation matrix (the final score of 3.1) indicates that the opportunities for the tourism of the region have been more than its threats and so the macro strategies for the tourism of the region should be compiled, therefore the environmental opportunities can be used in the best way. Regarding the final conclusion of the internal factors evaluation (the final score of 2.46) indicates that the strengths of the region's tourism are relatively lesser than its weaknesses and macro strategies should be formulated so that the available weaknesses could be overcome. It means that considering the village of Afjeh is in cell (part) "I", a conservative approach based on internal maintenance and support should be adopted. It also must be noted that because of the proximity position of this village to cell (part) "II", the adoption of an offensive strategy for this region should be considered.

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