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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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به منظور مطالعه اثر کودهای شیمیایی، آلی و زیستی بر عملکرد و اجزای آن در گیاه دارویی بابونه، آزمایشی به صورت اسپلیت اسپلیت پلات در قالب طرح بلوک های کامل تصادفی و در 3 تکرار اجرا گردید. این پژوهش دارای 3 عامل کود نیتروژنه به عنوان عامل اصلی در چهار سطح (0، 50، 100 و 200 کیلوگرم در هکتار) و کود دامی در دو سطح (مصرف به میزان 30 تن در هکتار و عدم مصرف) به عنوان عامل فرعی و کود زیستی نیتروکسین نیز در دو سطح (تلقیح و عدم تلقیح بذر) به عنوان عامل فرعی فرعی بود. تعداد کاپیتول در بوته تحت تأثیر هیچ یک از تیمارهای مورد آزمایش قرار نگرفت. نتایج نشان داد که در تیمار مصرف کود دامی، اسانس به میزان 66 درصد و کمترین اسانس نیز در تیمار عدم مصرف کود دامی به میزان 8/50 درصد حاصل شد. همچنین در تیمار تلقیح بذرها با کود نیتروکسین، اسانس به میزان 6/64 درصد و کمترین اسانس نیز در تیمار عدم تلقیح بذرها به میزان 2/52 درصد به دست آمد. نتایج نشان داد که کمترین کارایی مصرف نیتروژن در تیمار مصرف 200 کیلوگرم نیتروژن و عدم تلقیح بذرها با کود نیتروکسین به میزان 7/1 به دست آمد و بیشترین کارایی مصرف نیتروژن در تیمار مصرف 50 کیلوگرم نیتروژن و تلقیح بذرها به میزان 4/5 حاصل شد. بنابراین استفاده تلفیقی از کودهای زیستی و آلی و شیمیایی در مسیر کشاورزی پایدار سبب تولید محصول با کیفیت و افزایش میزان عملکرد در بلند مدت و حفظ بوم نظام زراعی می شود.

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به منظور بررسی اثر تاریخ کاشت و کودهای زیستی و شیمیایی بر عملکرد بادام زمینی آزمایشی به صورت کرت های خرد شده در قالب طرح بلوک های کامل تصادفی با سه تکرار در دانشگاه بوعلی سینا انجام شد. سه تاریخ کاشت اول، 10 و20 خرداد در کرت های اصلی و مصرف کود در چهار سطح شامل کود شیمیایی فسفاته کامل به همراه50 درصد کود شیمیایی نیتروژنه + کود زیستی نیتروژنه، کود شیمیایی نیتروژنه کامل به همراه 50 درصد کود شیمیایی فسفاته + کود زیستی فسفره، 50 درصد کود شیمیایی نیتروژنه به همراه 50 درصد کود شیمیایی فسفاته + کاربرد توام کودهای زیستی نیتروژنه و فسفره و استفاده 100 در صد از کودهای شیمیایی در کرت های فرعی بود. اثر تاریخ کاشت، کود و اثر متقابل تاریخ کاشت و کود، برای تعداد دانه در بوته، عملکرد اقتصادی، عملکرد زیست شناختی، درصد و عملکرد روغن و پروتئین دانه، در سطح احتمال یک درصد معنی دار شد. در تاریخ کاشت اول مصرف کود شیمیایی کامل با عملکرد پروتئین دانه 43/268 کیلو گرم در هکتار و کاربرد توام کود زیستی و شیمیایی نیتروژنه + فسفره با عملکرد پروتئین دانه 10/236 کیلو گرم در هکتار برتری نشان دادند. در تاریخ کاشت سوم کمترین میزان روغن و پروتئین دانه بدست آمد. لذا تاریخ کاشت اول خرداد و مصرف تلفیقی کودهای زیستی و شیمیایی نیتروژنه و فسفره برای کاشت بادام زمینی در همدان قابل توصیه است.

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In order to study the effects of planting date on yield, yield components and oil content of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L. ), a field experiment was conducted in Research Station of Islamic Azad University– Branch of Birjand, in 2011. Experimental design was Randomized Complete Block that arranged as split plot. Planting date (17 Oct, 1 Nov, 16 Nov & 1 Dec) and cultivars (LRV, Zarghan & Isfahan) were arranged as main plots and sub plots, respectively. The results showed that number of head per plant, number of grain per head, biological yield, grain yield and oil yield were significantly affected by planting date. Every 15 days of delay from the first planting date (17 October) reduced the grain yield by 33. 3, 48. 3 and 56. 5%, respectively. But, 1000-grain weight, harvest index and oil content were not affected by planting date. The first planting date (17 Oct) was the best for all traits. Number of grain per head, grain yield and harvest index were significantly affected by cultivars. LRV cultivar was the best for this traits. Number of head per plant, 1000-grain weight, biological yield, oil content and oil yield were not significantly affected by cultivars. All of traits were significantly affected by interaction of planting dates and cultivars, exception oil content. On the base of these results, the first planting date (17 Oct) and LRV cultivar were the best for Birjand region (East of Iran).

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Ag Masjedi P. | YARNIA M.

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This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of irrigation treatments at different growth stages and foliar spray of salicylic acid on growth and yield of corn (CV SC704). The field experiment was carried out as split split plots arranged in randomized complete blocks design with three replications in 2014. Results showed that water stress at all growth stages significantly reduced seed yield. Irrigating after 110 mm of evaporation from pan at kernel filling stage had no effect on grain yield, but further water stress reduced 25. 6 % of seed yield. Similar decrease was obtained with water stress at tassel emergence stage. Grain yield reduced up to 23. 3 and 29. 7% with irrigation after 110 and 150 mm evaporation from pan at tassel emergence stage, respectively. The highest decline of grain yield was achieved with water stress at vegetative stage and irrigation after 150 mm evaporation from pan which decreased grain yield up to 53. 9%. Foliar spray of salicylic acid increased 17. 7% in grain yield. Among the yield components, 100-grain weight was not affected by water stress, but grains per ear showed significant reduction by water stress. In this study, leaf area and chlorophyll contents were important reducer factors in corn yield and yield components under water stress but salicylic acid consumption with a positive impact on these traits reduced drought stress losses.

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The present research was conducted to evaluate the effect of terminal drought stress on quantity and quality of seeds produced insix promising genotypes of winter rapeseed inResearch center for Agriculture and Natural Resources, East-Azerbaijan province, Iran during growing season 2014-15. The factorial experiment based on randomized complete block design was laid out in three replicates including two factors of genotype (six winter rapeseed genotypes called Karaj2, Karaj3, KS7, L5, L146, L210) and water limitation (three levels of water deficit stress viz. full irrigation IW1, irrigation withholding from anthesis IW2 and irrigation withholding from seed set IW3). Imposing water restriction from anthesis caused more loss of silique and seed number and final yield. The least loss of seed yield obtained from L5 and L210 genotypes under drought stress during anthesis. The greatest and lowest falls in seed germinability were recorded in L146 under drought stress since anthesis, and L5 and L210 under the same stress level, respectively. Under water limitation from anthesis, the least increase inseed electroconductivity was observed in genotype L5. The greatest length and vigor index of seedling wereobserved in genotypes L5 and L210 under irrigation withholding from flowering. In general, occurring terminal drought stress especially during anthesis caused significant drop in seed production, both quantitatively and qualitatively. On the other hand, genotypes L5 and L210 had the highestyield under stress condition and wouldberecommended for introducing to breeding programs of drought stress tolerance.

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A field study was carried out to investigate the effects of four planting depths and three soil types with different physical characteristics on green bean (Phaseolus vulgaris Var. Sunray) and maize (Zea mays L. Var. Amyla) seed germination and seedling emergence. Ahar and Ardabil experiments each consisted of a field experiments with sowing depth 5 cm and a separate pot experiment with sowing depths of 2, 4, 6 and 8 cm that were conducted as randomized complete block design in the same place. The aim of the experiments was to investigate the physical effects of the soil on seed ecology and emergence dynamics. The result revealed that germination inhibition was directly proportional to clay content and inversely proportional to sand content due to burial depth. Depth of fifty percent emergence inhibition (Di50%) were equal to 5. 3 cm in clay soil for both green bean and maize, if this was for silty soil, respectively 5. 4 and 2. 7 cm. A significant linear regression between clay particle content and Di50% revealed that those soil components had opposite effects in terms of favoring or inhibiting depth mediated inhibition. Therefore, increasing soil clay contents increased inhibition of seedlings. The data also showed that the oxygen content in the surrounding soil of seeds was not an important factor for seed germination differences, and its effect was insignificant. Increasing geometric mean decreased particle diameter soil inhibition. In conclusion, these experiments showed soil physical properties had a strong effect on buried-seed ecology and consequently on seed germination and seedling emergence.

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To determine the effect of intercropping on the growth and development of weeds, the experiment in the Agricultural Research Station of Lorestan University 2014-15 and 2015-16 as rain fed was conducted in factorial randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications, in one place with weeds factor in 4 levels (full weeding, one-time weeding, two-time weeding and non-weeding or control) and additive series intercropping factor in 5 levels, 0: 100 (sole cropping of barley), 40: 100 (broad leaf vetch: barley), 70: 100, 100: 100 and 100: 0 (sole cropping of vetch). Intercropping of vetch: barley in comparison with sole cropping treatments, by increasing weed control efficiency (WCE) was represent reducing of the species number, its growth and development, On the other hand the year factor, on the role of the intercropping system and completing the effect of this method was effective on growth and development of weeds, So in the first and second years, ratios of 100: 100 and 70: 100 (vetch: barley) in preventing the development of natural flora, were known to the right combination.

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In order to evaluate the rol of mycorrhiza-like fungus Piriformospora indica on rice grain yield and water use efficiency under different limited irrigation regimes a field experiment was conducted in split factorial design with three replicates during 2014. Treatments were different irrigation methods at three levels (flooding, flooding after falling water depth less than 10 and 20 cm of soil surface) in main plot, two levels of P. indica inoculation (control and inoculation of six days old seedlings) and two rice cultivars (Tarom-Hashemi and Shiroudi) in sub plots as factorial. Results showed that maximum grain yield was obtained in Shiroudi cultivar in flooding (7801 kg/ha), followed by-10 and-20 cm irrigation regimes (5592 and 5575 kg/ha, resectively). This reduction in Tarom-Hashemi cultivar, however, was only significant where falling water depth was less than 20 cm of soil surface and yield loss was about 18 percent as compared to the flooding treatment. Nevertheless, P. indica inoculation in Shiroudi cultivar increased biological yield by 8 %, as compared to Tarom-Hashemi cultivar. Also inoculated plants had 4% more grain yield than the uninoculated plants. Water use productivity and efficiency amounts in limited irrigation regimes was increased significantly in falling water depth less than 20 cm of soil surface treatment by 55 and 57 %, respectively as compared to flooding treatment. In conclusion, results represented a positive effect of coexistence between P. indica and rice plants particularly to ameliorate water deficit negative effects.

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The final status of grains in the individual phases of plant development is determined and different factors effect on growing season during and each of these cases in its critical period can have an impact on the number of final grain yield. This study was conducted to explain of relationship between factors affecting on wheat yield components. A factorial experiment in a randomized complete block design with four wheat cultivars (Beak cross of Roshan, Chamran, Pishtaz and Mahdavi) under four sowing dates (23 October, 16 November, 11 December and 5 January) and four replications in sabzevar Agricultural sciences Research during 2010-2011 and 2011-2012 were performance. Resale shown that the most and least grain yield was belonged to Mahdavi and Chamran cultivar. Temperature, stem and leaf nitrogen and stem dry matter per– anthesis were the best influenced parameters on KNO. Considering results of correlation coefficients, kernel number per square meter appeared to have the best relation (r: 0. 88) with mean temperature of stem elongation to anthesis. Exponential function could be used to estimate kernel number per square meter with stem dry matter at anthesis. Minimum stem dry matter at anthesis was 156. 7 gr. m-2. Fitted model 95% of kernel numbers and formed when stem dry mater is revealed that 730 gr. m-2. During growing season, availability of trained juice, temperature and day length are involved in the production of total dry matter and dry matter production is directly related to the grain number so, each of these cases in its critical period can have an impact on grain number and final grain yield.

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Water and soil salinity is one of the most important abiotic stresses that limit agricultural production. In this regard, this study was conducted to evaluate the effect of salinity stress on different varieties of wheat was conducted at the Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University of Sari in 2015. The study was conducted in two separate experiments. the effect of three levels of salinity (0, 60 and 120 mM) on 117 varieties at germination stage was investigated and Using data from the first experiment, in second experiment the effects of four salinity levels (0, 60, 120, 180 mm) on 10 varieties at reproductive stage were studied. Both factorial experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design with three replications. Using principal components analysis, 75. 56 percent of germination traits by two components and 78. 31 percent vegetative traits by three components were interpreted. The results showed that in the vegetative stage, positive correlations between shoot dry weight, shoot length and root dry weight with the total dry weight and in reproductive stage a positive correlation between the total number of seeds and seed yield were observed. Increased salinity levels, had a considerable negative effect on germination and yield. Some of the varieties that had high tolerance to salinity stress at germination stage in the growth phase weren't resistant to salinity. According to the results of this research, traits of root length, shoot length, root dry weight and shoot dry weight, are salt stress tolerance traits. Roshan zemestan, Aria and Chamran 2 varieties were identified as tolerant to salt stress and ghahte sarogh, keshe farahan and neyshabur varieties were sensitive to salinity stress.

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Correct and convenient management of water resources by preserving the sources in regional and national scales is an inevitable need. Models are the best methods to select most efficient irrigation method lead to high yield response. In this simulation effects of water deficit irrigation in Bilasuvar plain on the north-east of Ardabil province has been simulated on wheat and corn crops using Budget soil and water balance model. By choosing the product, minimum and seasonal methods with different time steps and also setting the relative evapotranspiration or relative evaporation model has been calibrated for the observation year (2004-2014) and amount of yield was estimated. Result of the statistical analysis shows that choosing the product method with 10 day time periods provides the best simulation using relative evapotranspiration with amounts in an of 0. 98, an RMSE of 78% and an EF of 0. 83 that between observed and simulated data of wheat and amount in an of 0. 87, an RMSE of 7. 4% and an EF of 0. 83 of corn. Later water consumption graphs, performance for each statistic period (2004-2014) under different irrigation strategies have been drawn for both crops. Results demonstrates significant impact of rainfall amount, water preservation capacity, water consumption management and water tension in both crops during the middle stage of its growth compared to the stages of growth including first and final stage. This important fact must be considered for planning the water deficit irrigation schedule.

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In order to study effect of competitive ability in some of the cultivars bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. ) in weed interference, an experiment was conducted at a field in Karaj during 2014 and 2015 growing seasons. Experiment was conducted as factorial bases on randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. Experimental treatments include weeding and no weeding of weeds and five cultivars of bean (Naz, Goli, Sayyad, Derakhshan and Akhtar). Analysis of variance showed that the effect of weed control and cultivars on most of the traits was significant. But, the effect of year and weed control × Cultivar interaction was not significant. Naz cultivar had the lowest weed density and biomass density (17 plant per m-2 and 92 g m-2, respectively). Also, the highest grain yield (261. 81 and 230. 58 gm-2) were obtained at weeding treatment and Naz cultivar, respectively. Also, the results indicated that Naz cultivar had highest competitive index (1. 52) and Akhtar cultivar had the lowest (0. 83). Grain yield loss in weeding and non-weeding condition at Naz, Goli, Sayyad, Derakhshan and Akhtar cultivars was 30. 25, 32. 91, 37. 36, 38. 50 and 38. 78 %, respectively. Generally, evaluation of different traits showed indeterminate and runner cultivars (Naz and Goli) showed higher competitive ability compared to determinate and erect cultivars (Akhtar and Derakhshan). So, pay attention to condition of this study, Naz cultivar is suggested for same environments.

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In order to study the effect of chemical, organic and biological fertilizer on yield and its components of chamomile, a split split plot experiment carried out in a randomized complete block design in three replications. This research had 3 factors include of nitrogen fertilizer at four levels (0, 50, 100 and 200 kg per ha)in main plits, manure at two levels (with 30 tons per hectare use and non-use) in subplots and nitroxin as biological fertilizer in two levels (inoculated and non-inoculated seed) as sub-sub plot were allocated in experimental plots. The results showed that the treated manure, at the rate of 66 percent and the lowest essential oils in the treatment of manure at the rate of 50. 8 per cent, respectively. However, in observing inoculation with nitroxin fertilizer, essential oils in the treatment of 64. 6 percent and the lowest rate of inoculation was 52. 2 percent. The results showed that the lowest nitrogen efficiency obtained in non-inoculated seed treatment and application of 200 kg nitrogen fertilizer about of 1. 7 was and the most efficient use of nitrogen was obtained in 50 kg of nitrogen and inoculated seeds about of 5. 4. Among the examined three types of fertilizer, bio-fertilizer of nitroxin had a greater effect on traits. Integrated application of organic, biologic and chemical fertilizer to achieve of sustainable agriculture causes to high yield quality and ecosystems protection.

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In order to evolution of radiation use efficiency (RUE) of sesame in the condition of using biological and chemical fertilizers and calculation of light extinction coefficient (K), an experiment was conducted in the year 2013 in RCBD design with 3 replications and 10 treatments. Treatments included biological fertilizers of Nitroxin, Biophosphor, Biosulfur, the mixture of Nitroxin-Biophosphor (Ni+BP), the mixture of Nitroxin-Biophosphor-Biosulfur (Ni+BP+TB) and chemical fertilizers of Urea, Triple superphosphate, the mixture of Urea-Triple superphosphate (U+P), the mixture of Urea-Triple superphosphate-Sulfur (U+P+S) and Control. Results showed that light extinction coefficient of 0. 7 was an acceptable value. Biological and chemical fertilizers increased leaf area index (LAI) and RUE of Sesame and generally, chemical fertilizers increased RUE more in comparison of biological fertilizers. The highest value of LAI (3. 42 and 3. 32) belonged to U+P+S and U+P. RUE values in mixture treatments of biological and chemical fertilizers especially for Ni+BP+TB and U+P+S (1. 34 and 1. 41 respectively) were greater than its values in the sole application of fertilizers. Urea increased radiation use efficiency of sesame (1. 34) more than Nitroxin (1. 14), while the amount of increase of radiation use efficiency in triple superphosphate (1. 26) and Biophosphor (1. 25) was almost identical. Therefore, it is recommended that fertilization of sesame be done by using the mixture of some different biological or chemical fertilizers in order to maximizing RUE by compliment of plant nutritional needs.

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The aim of the study is determination of the correlation between factors affecting in the wheat yield and preparing of yield mapping of wheat in north of Darab city. In order to determine the relationship between biological and grain yield with some of the important agronomic traits 60 samples in the north of Darab city was investigated. Parameters such as plant height, seed weight, harvest index, tiller number, latitude and longitude for each of the samples was measured. The results show that grain weight has highest correlation with the biological yield (0. 97**). In this study, also using the Kriging (Gaussian models, spherical, circular and exponential models) and average inverse distance (IDW) maps of the biological yield and grain weight was determined. The results of the interpolation showed that kriging method (Gaussian model) with a minimum error (RMSE=0. 98 for biologic yield and RMSE=0. 97 for grain weight) was the best model for preparation of these parameters in the study area. Also the results of biologic yield map showed that areas locating in the North West of the study area had the highest yield.

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In order to evaluate quantitative and qualitative properties of three sugar beet cultivars (HI1059, Palma and Merac), an experiment was conducted as randomized complete block design with four replications at Agricultural Research Center Safiabad in 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 growing seasons. The analysis of simple variance examined showed that in first year among varieties for the bolting, sugar content, alkalinity and white sugar content traits there significant difference, whereas in the second year of potassium, molasses sugar and white sugar content traits were significant differences. The result of the compound analysis in both years the effect year on bolting, sodium, potassium, amino-nitrogen, molasses sugar, white sugar content and extraction coefficient of sugar traits was significant. The result mean bolting (%) in the first year showed that in the HI1059 and Palma cultivars were 32. 6% and 51. 4%, respectively and in cultivar Merac, did not bolting happen, Whereas in the second year due to the weather moderation and absence of long cold any of the cultivars did not bolt. HI1059 cultivar of the most traits was higher than other cultivars. Depending on the climatic conditions experiment and the cultivation of sugar beet cultivar, there was differences in the number of plants bolting and the degree of their impact on formation and sugar molasses.

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Valibeigi A. | ADAVI Z.

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order to eliminate or reduce the use of chemical inputs. In order to evaluate the effect of application of nitrogen fertilizer and growth promoting rhizobacteria on fennel on yield and yield component, a factorial experiment conducted on the basis of completely randomized block design with three replicates at Agricultural Research Station of Ilam in the spring of 2015. Experimental treatments were seed inoculation with biofertilizer (Azospirillum/Azotobacter) at two levels (seed inoculation and non inoculation) and nitrogen chemical fertilizer at four levels (0, 40, 80 and 120 kg/ha-1). With increasing N consumption from 0 to 120 kg/ha-1 of the recommended, significantly increased plant height, number of branches per plant, number of umbels per plant, number of seed per umbel, 1000-seed weight, biological yield and seed yield up to 15. 4, 14. 7, 13. 8, 11. 6, 12. 9, 18. 3 and 16. 5 percent, respectively. Also, in comparison with non-inoculation treatment, inoculation treatment increased number of branches per plant, umbels per plant and 1000-seed weight up to 16. 2, 15. 5 and 11. 5 percent, respectively. Mean comparisons for interaction of N fertilizer × biofertilizer indicated that the treatment of seed inoculation with consumption of 40 kg/ha-1 recommended N, produced the highest seed yield. On the other hand, this treatment in addition to produce satisfactory yield, considerably decreased nitrogen fertilizer consumption which could be a step toward healthy production and sustainable agriculture.

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Nitrogen and phosphorus are the most important mineral elements needed by plants that are essential for growth and development of crops. In order to study yield, nitrogen nutrition index (NNI), Chlorophyll index and nitrogen concentration of wheat in different regimes nutrition, a factorial experiment based on a randomized complete blocks design with four replications was done at a research field in Golestan Province during growing seasons 2014-2015 and 2015-2016, The experimental factors were three net nitrogen fertilizer rates of 0, 75 and 150 kg N ha-1 and five net phosphorus fertilizer rates of 0, 20, 40, 60 and 80 kg P ha-1 that in stage make ready of field, before from planting, tillering and stem elongation was divided, According to the results, traits under study in each three stage of planting, tillering and stem elongation had significant effect and follow from simple linear regression model, as in each level nitrogen from different levels phosphorus, with increase rate of consumed phosphorus, traits under study were prospered from increasing trend and the maximum traits were recorded with 80 kg P ha-1 that yield was not showed significantly difference analysis with consumption of 60 kg P ha-1, Also The results this experiment showed that on the basis of results of table correlation between traits is very strong relation between nitrogen nutrition index(NNI), chlorophyll index and nitrogen available to plant, so is offered with due attention to deficiency phosphorus fertilizer in field of Golestan Province, in management fertilizer in addition on nitrogen, phosphorus must be considered, also is offered in order to reach to maximum yield is consumed a least 60 kg P net ha-1.

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In order to study the effects of different sowing dates and plant densities on some growth traits of Anise (Pimpinella anisum L. ), a field experiment was done at Agricultural College of Shahid Chamran University in 2016. Experimental design set as a split plot on Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. Main plot was sowing dates in three levels (11Nov, 28 Nov and 11 Dec) and sub plot was different plant densities at three levels included: (30, 40 and 50 plant/m2). The result showed that sowing date, plant densities and interactions had significant effect on most under study traits. The highest plant height (86. 08 cm), leaf area (0. 124 m2), number of umbel per plant (6. 20), lateral umbel/plant (150. 21), grain yield (678. 29 kg/ha), essential oil yield (13. 64 kg/ha), and harvest index (10. 05%) were obtained at 28 Nov sowing date and the highest biological yield (6812 kg/ha) was observed at 11 Nov. Late sowing caused to decrease all traits except 1000 seeds weight, whereas the highest 1000 seeds weight (1. 23 gr) was obtained at 11 Dec. Plant density had also significant effect on all traits in which the highest plant height (83. 95 cm), leaf area (0. 119 m2), umbel number/plant (6. 38), lateral umbel/plant (151. 14), grain yield (724. 94 kg/ha), essential oil yield (14. 32 kg/ha), and harvest index (10. 71%) were revealed at 40 plant/m2 density and the highest 1000 seeds weight(1. 118 gr) and biological yield (6786. 66 kg/ha) were observed at 50 plant/m2 density. The lowest values were revealed at 30 plant/m2 densities. Overall, the highest grain yield (859. 87 kg/ha) and essential oil yield (19. 91 kg/ha) were obtained at 28 Nov and 40 plant/m2 and the lowest grain yield (388. 28 kg/ha) and essential oil yield (3. 49 kg/ha) were observed at 11 Dec and 30 plant/m2.

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This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of auxin and cytokinin spraying in different growth stages on grain composition of maize (KSC 704) under drought stress condition during 2013 growing season at Seed and Plant Improvement Institute, Karaj, Iran. The experiment was carried out in three separate environments included non-drought stress environment, drought stress in the vegetative stage and drought stress in the reproductive stage. In each environment, foliar application of cytokinin in three stages (control, V5 – V6 and V8-V10) and foliar application of auxin in three stages (control, silk emergence and 15 days after that) was laid out as a factorial design based on randomized complete block design with three replications. The results showed that the maximum protein (10. 93%) and soluble sugar (5. 80%) in grain were obtained under drought stress in the productive stage whereas the maximum starch (77. 37%) and grain dry mater (90. 83%) were obtained in non-stress condition. Foliar application of cytokinin in V8-V10 stage, increased convert starch to soluble sugar on the other hand, foliar application of auxin in silk emergence stage caused converting hexose sugars to starch, increasing the sink capacity (grain endosperm) for receiving more starch and also increasing the grain dry mater.

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Solar radiation effects on crop growth and development. Dry matter production by crop has often a positive relationship with radiation absorption and radiation use efficiency. Therefore, in order to evaluate radiation absorption and use efficiency for wheat cultivars, a split-plot experiment based on the randomized complete block design with three replications was conducted in Kermanshah weather climate under 2015-2016. The experiment treatments were four levels of nitrogen fertilizer rate (90, 180, 300, 360 kg. ha-1 of urea) as main-plot and four wheat cultivars (Parsi, Zare, Pishgam and Orum) as sub-plot. The evaluated traits were included leaf area index, radiation absorption, crop growth rate, relative growth ratio, leaf dry weight, stem dry weight, total dry weight, radiation use efficiency and grain yield. The results showed that Pishgam cultivar in comparison with other cultivars had the most satisfying in terms of evaluated characteristics under nitrogen fertilizer rate treatments. By increasing the rate of urea fertilizer from 90 to 360 kg. ha-1, maximum leaf area index, radiation absorption, crop growth rate, relative growth ratio, leaf dry weight, stem dry weight, total dry weight and grain yield were improved. The most (8950 kg. ha-1) and the lowest (1264 kg. ha-1) grain yield weight were observed for Pishgam cultivar in 360 kgurea. ha-1 treatment and for cultivar variety in 90 kgurea. ha-1 treatment, respectively. The results also showed that the highest and the lowest radiation use efficiency were related to Pishgam cultivar (1. 59 g. MJ-1) in 360 kgurea. ha-1 treatment and Orum cultivar (0. 67 g. MJ-1) in 90 kgurea. ha-1 treatment, respectively. Rising of nitrogen fertilizer by improvement of photosynthesis rate and crop growth rate caused to pick up dry matter accumulation and finally increased wheat radiation use efficiency.

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Chickpea is the third most important pulse crop in the world, grown widely across Asia and the Middle East. In order to study the effect of on-farm hydropriming and two bio-fertilizers on emergence rate and yield characteristics of irrigated chickpea cultivar arman, a factorial experiment was conducted in a randomized complete blocks design with three replications at Agricultural Research Station of Kermanshah in the spring of 2016. The factors consisted of starter nitrogen (0, 25 and 50 kg/ha from sources urea) bio-fertilizer (Mycorrhizae, Azotobacter, both of them and no-application) and priming (priming and no-priming). Results showed that priming increased emergence percent by 7. 6 and emergence rate by 19. 8 in conjunction with mycorrhizae and 50 kg/ha nitrogen fertilizer compared with no-primed, no-nitrogen and no bio-fertilizer. Highest biological and grain yield were 823. 7 and 304 g. m-2 respectively that produced by primed seeds with application of two bio-fertilizers simultaneously at 50 and 25 kg/ha of nitrogen respectively that were 147 and 250 (1. 47 and 2. 50 times) percent more compared to their controls in own nitrogen fertilizer levels. In this study, the highest harvest index and number of pods/m2 were achieved in priming treatment with application of two bio-fertilizers simultaneously and nitrogen fertilizer consumption of 25 kg/ha. The application of hydropriming seed with application of two bio-fertilizers simultaneously can be consider as a suitable way to replace part of chemical fertilizers.

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An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of different levels of Urea and compost to the yield and yield components of rice (Oryza sativa cv. Hashemi) in Roudsar city in 2015. The experimental design was split plot in a randomized complete blocks design with three replications. Experiment factors consisted of 3 levels of urea fertilizer including: control (0), 50 and 100 kg Urea/ha-1 and compost in 4 levels was including: control, 5, 10 and 20 ton ha-1. Results of Experiment showed that Urea rates had significant effect on 1000 seed weight. Compost had significant effect on plant height, number of panicle m-2, number of panicle in plant, number of grain in per panicle grain yield and 1000 seed weight. Also interaction of different levels of Urea and compost was significant on plant height, 1000 seed weight, and grain yield. Maximum rice yield (6667 kg/ha) was observed in 100 kg Urea/ha and 10 ton compost/ha, that shows it could be reduced in N fertilizer with compost usage. Integrating Urea and compost is necessary to obtain maximum yield in rice.

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To evaluate the consequences of ultrasonic waves radiation and 24-epi-brassinolide foliar application for reduction of water deficit stress on qualitative properties of red beans (Akhtar), a trial was conducted in two sites as split factorial in complete randomized block design with three replications. Experiment factors included irrigation of main terrace at three levels of normal irrigation, mild stress and severe stress respectively (60, 90 and 120 mm evaporation from evaporation pan) and ultrasound waves treatments (in two levels of nonuse and use of seeds irradiation) and 24-epi-brassinolide foliar application (in two levels of foliar application and nonuse of foliar application in two stages) which were located in sub-terraces. This trial was conducted simultaneously in two sites, one in the field located in Agricultural Research Center in Shahrood and the other in bean farm, 40 km off Shahrood city in 2015, to assess the impact of the implementation testing wad performed for combined analysis. The evaluated properties included Number of pods per plant, Number of seed per pod, hundred seed weight, seed yield, Biologic yield and Harvest index. The results showed a significant decrease, number of seed per pod (33 percent), hundred seed weight (25 percent), seed yield (53 percent), and biologic yield (52 percent), with severe water stress compared to normal conditions. However 24-epi-brassinolid foliar application (between 7-19 percent) and use of ultrasonic waves (between 6-15 percent) in both normal and stress conditions increased these traits. Thus it could be stated that irradiation of ultrasonic waves and 24-epi-brassinolide foliar application for cultivating beans play important role in increment of competitive strength of plant in water deficit condition.

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Distribution of plant species in rangeland ecosystems is affected by ecological factors. This research was carried out to determine the effect of some ecological factors on distribution of Vitex pseudonegundo, a medicinal plant in Kohgiluyeh va Boyer Ahmad province. Vector base topographic map of the area was obtained and entered into GIS program. Height, slope and aspect maps were generated by creating DEM image. Evaporation, temperature and precipitation maps of the area were similarly created. 5 sites selected, and then in per site, 3 quadrats with the size of two by two meters were randomly plotted. Canopy cover percentage and the plant number and height of Vitex were estimated in each quadrat. In each quadrats, soil samples were collected to measure, soil properties including organic carbon, texture, EC, pH, N, P and K contents. Results showed that the lowest plant growth was distuributed at the altitude of 550 meter in Lishter, and the highest at 850 meter in Khan Ahmad region. The chase tree plant was distributed in precipitation range of 480 to 640 mm, and temperature range 20 to 25 Cₒ . Vitex grew in loamy-sandy soils with C= 1/41 (%), pH= 7/44, N= 0/122 (mg/kg), P= 67/25 (mg/kg) and K= 254 (mg/kg). Considering the variations in the proportion of each component, it could be concluded that silt, electrical conductivity (EC), evaporation, precipitation, height, % sand, temperature, Humidity and soil potassium and phosphorus contents are the most important factors in the distribution of chase tree.

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In order to study the effects of planting date and zinc sulphate on two varieties of soybean as a split factorial design in a randomized complete block design with three an experiment was carried out in the region of Ilam. Factors examined include the original invoice date three plant Persian date 15, 25 July and 5 August and sub-plots sulfate treatment process includes foliar application the pod is early, early flowering and non-foliar application and sub-sub plots included L. 17, M. 7 was. Results showed that the combination of zinc and planting date on grain yield and protein was significant. The interaction between planting date and Verities was significant on grain yield, oil and protein. The highest grain yield of 1662 kg per hectare production to the M7 and culture in the history of Persian date 15 July and in foliar application at flowering stage, respectively. Most oil and protein content in the M7 and killed on 5 August respectively. L17 in the entire history of the cultures that produce less oil content. In both treatments, the highest oil content and protein in cultured on 5 August, respectively. The results of this experiment showed that the yield and production of oil and protein M7 is better and foliar application on yield and grain quality had a positive effect, as well as the delay in the cultivation of oil content and protein content increases.

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