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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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To study the effects of different levels of plant density, chemical fertilizer and municipal waste compost on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of silage corn (Sc 704), on experiment was done in a factorial Split plot at RCBD with 3 treatments and 3 replications that the treatments included density with 2 levels (80 & 100 ton/ha), chemical fertilizer with 3 levels (N60 P30, N120 P60, N240 P90 kg/ha) and compost with 4 levels (0, 20, 30, 40 ton/ha) in 2010 as second crop in research farm of Karaj Islamic Azad University. Traits included total yield, plant height, stem diameter, fresh weight, dry weight and dry matter percentage of plant component. Density levels on stem diameter, fresh weight of cob and stem, grain dry matter percentage, dry matter of grain, leaf and stem, protein percentage, percentage of ADF and DMD of ear skin at %1 of statistical level, and DMD of cob, grain fresh weight, grain protein percentage, WSC percentage of grain at %5 of statistical level, were significant. Chemical fertilizers on stem diameter, corn weight, fresh weight of cob, protein percentage of grain, leaf and stem, ADF and DMD of ear skin and leaf at %1 of statistical level, and total yield, fresh weight of grain and ear skin, cob dry matter, protein percentage of cob and ear skin, WSC of ear skin and grain dry matter percentage at %5 statistical level, were significant. Waste compost levels on grain yield, WSC of stem and DMD of leaf, were significant. The interaction between levels of fertilizers and plant density was showed that plant height, grain protein content and DMD percent of leaf at 1% of statistical level, as well as WSC of grain and stem protein percentages at 5% of statistical level, were significant. Analysis of variance showed that dry cob and WSC of stem content than the 5% level of statistical interaction of fertilizer and compost, were significant. But the percentage of ADF and DMD of stem were significant at the 1% statistical level. The interaction of plant density, fertilizer and waste compost in the plant height, DMD and ADF of stem, ADF and DMD of skin were significant. The interaction of compost and plant density was not significant for any treat.

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One of the biological methods to increase production in agriculture, use of soil beneficial microorganisms which may be of different methods to increase plant growth and yield. An experiment was conducted under field condition to evaluate the effects of pure or combinations of biofertilizers on essence and oil content of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.), during year 2012. A randomized complete block design with three replications was used. Treatments included: 1-Nitroxin, 2-Nitragin, 3- 4- Biophosphor, 5 Super Nitro Plus -, 6- Super Nitro Plus+Pseudomonas fluorescens, 7-Nitroxin+Biophosphor and 8-control. The results showed biofertilizers did not have significant effects on percentage of oil and essences of black cumin grains but increased yield of oil and essences of black cumin grains. Highest and lowest grain yield was obtained Super nitro plus and control treatments, respectively. However differences between biofertilizer treatments were not significant in this regard. Essence yield is a function of grain yield and percentage of essence, so any changes in the grain yield or percentage of essence, essence yield is affected. Increased grain yield and increased essence yield of Black cumin and grain yield and essence yield a high correlation (R2=0.895) had. Generally biofertilizer application, alone or in combination with each other to improve the yield of black cumin, had a positive effect and with respect to necessity cultivation of medicinal plants in agricultural systems, seems biofertilizer are a good alternative to chemical fertilizers.

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In order to evaluate the effect of soil application of humic acid and fluvic acid on yield and yield component of barley (Hurdeum vulgare L.), an experiment was conducted in 2012 at Research Greenhouse of Faculty of Agriculture, Islamic Azad University, roudehen branch. A randomized completely block design with three replications was used with factorial combination of humic acid concentration (0, 0.5, 1, and 2 g/kg) and fluvic acid (0, 0.5, 1, and 2 g/kg). Results showed that humic acid and fluvic acid significantly increased dry matter of stem, leaf and spike. also humic acid and fluvic acid imposed a significant effect on grain yield (P≤0.01), biomass (P≤0.01) and 1000-grain weight (P≤0.05) but there were no significant effects on harvest index did not have significant effect. The highest biological weight belonged to 1 g/kg humic acid and 1 g/kg fluvic acid treatment. Generally, application of humic acid and fluvic acid improves yield and yield component of barley.

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This study was conducted on experimental lysimeters of Azad University, Shahr-e-Qods Branch. In this experiment, we had 15 lysimeters, that were planted Mentha spicata in 1 to 5 lysimeters were irrigated by domestic wastewater and primary drainage water were accumulated. The 6 to 9 lysimeters were planted Mentha piperita were irrigated by primary drainage water and then, were accumulated secondary drainage water and we have irrigation 10, 11 and 12 lysimeters by secondary drainage water that were planted Mentha aquatica. In order to compare plants characteristics, in 13 (Mentha spicata), 14 (Mentha piperita) and 15 lysimeters (Mentha aquatica) were irrigated by agronomical water. In the agronomical water irrigation condition the highest of biological yield, flowering shoot yield and essential oil percentage were 6712 kg/ha, 935 kg/ha and 0.98% respectively. But highest biological yield (8346 kg/ha), flowering shoot yield (879 kg/ha) and essential oil percentage (1.12%) were obtained under irrigation by drainage water. Evaluation of accumulation of different elements in mint shoot showed that accumulation of elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and protein were increased under irrigation by drainage water.

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An experiment to investigate the effect of dual-use chemical herbicides Total, Asrt, Apyrvs and Shovalieh And evaluate their performance with conventional herbicides Topic+Granstar on pishtaz wheat yield, and Yield component Resistance occurred in the region of Ilam, Ilam Chardavel was implemented in the 2011-2010 crop year. Experiment in a randomized complete block design with 6 treatments and 6 replications. Experiment treatments included: Control without the use of herbicides, Apirous with consumption doze of 26.6 gr per hectare, Shavaleieh with consumption doze of 400 gr per hectare, Asert with consumption doze of 2.5 liter per hectare, Total with consumption doze of 40 gr per hectare, Topic+Grainstar with consumption doze of 8 liter+25 gr per hectare. Sitogit was used with Apirous, Shavaleieh and Total by 2 per 1000, According results of this Experiment the highest and lowest broadleaf weed control treatments, respectively, was owned the total and Apyrvs, The highest and lowest elongated leaf weed control treatments respectively belonged total Asrtand a total of the highest and lowest total control of broadleaf weeds and leaves were elongated was owned total treatment and the asrt treatment. Wheat in total treatment had maximum and Asrt Treatments lowest yield, seed weight and harvest index. Therefore according to the continued use of a mixture of two herbicides topic+Granstar caused biotype resistant is to this herbicides in weeds in the province, Therefore, the results of this experiment in order to reduce the resistant biotype harmful effects on the environment and reduce can be arranged Shavaleieh of the total herbicides and two herbicide mixtures suitable for topic+Granstar know.

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In this study the isolate of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici was provided from Tehran plant protection institute and used differential hosts for identification of race 1 this fungus. Root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita, was recovered from infested tomato fields and after identification of species and race 2, it increased on tomato seedlings cv. Rutgers. In this study six-leaves seedlings of tomato cultivars, Bony best, Falat, Mobile (sensitive to fusariosis) and Walter (resistant to fusariosis), were transplanted to pots containing 1000g of sterilized sandy loam soil. Experiment was conducted in completely randomized design with 32 treatments and four replications. Treatments were as follows: control, nematode (alone), fungus (alone), fungus+nematode (simultaneously), and fungus+nematode (earlier two weeks). Pots were inoculated with (1000 and 2000) J2 of the nematode and/or (1×106) spore of fungus according to the treatments. Pots were arranged in glasshouse benches with the temperature of 25-27°C and natural light. Experiment was terminated after 10 weeks and fallowing growth parameters were determined i.e., fresh weight of root and aerial part, seedling height and percentage of cholorotic and necrotic leaves. The highest and the lowest of seedling height were obtained on Walter and Mobile respectively, the highest and the lowest of root fresh weight were obtained on Walter and Bony best respectively, the highest and the lowest of aerial part fresh weight were obtained on Walter and Falat respectively, and the highest and the lowest of percentage of chlorotic and necrotic leaves were obtained Bony best and Walter respectively. On comparison of treatments, the highest and lowest of root fresh weight were obtained on fungus+nematode2000 (earlier two weeks) and fungus+nematode1000 (simultaneously) respectively, and the highest and the lowest of percentage of chlorotic and necrotic leaves were obtained on fungus+nematode2000 (simultaneously) and fungus+nematode1000 (simultaneously), respectively. The data of seedling height and aerial part fresh weight were not different (p≤0.05).

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Germination and seedling establishment are one of the most important stages of plant growth cycle which influenced by different abiotic stresses especially salt stress. In order to evaluate the effect of salinity and ascorbic acid on germination properties of fennel (Foenicolum vulgare), an experiment was conducted using a factorial based on completely randomized design with 4 replication at Laboratory of payame noor University, bagher shahr branch. The studied factor included: ascorbic acid at 4 levels including control, 10, 20 and 30 mM, and four salinity levels according to electrical conductivity by adding NaCl to distilled water (control, 5, 10 and 15 dS/m). According to results, The highest MGT, germination percentage and radicle length observed at 20 mM ascorbic acid treatment, however, increased in salt concentrations decline the germination properties. There were strong correlation between germination rate and Caulicle length. Positive effect of pretreatment with ascorbic acid was obvious in 10 ds/m salt concentrations. Generally, seed priming with ascorbic acid could improve germination properties of this species in the presence of salinity.

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In order to evaluate the effect of sowing date and seed rate on yield of oilseed radish (Raphanus sativus L.) trap crop a strip plot experimental design based on randomized complete block design (RCBD) in three replications was conducted in 2011. The vertical plot (SD) consisting 3 levels of sowing date: 20 July (After wheat harvest) (SD1), 8 August (SD2) and 6 September (SD3). The horizontal plot comprising 4 different levels of seed rate 5 (D1), 10 (D2), 15 (D3) and 20 (D4) kg.ha-1. The results drive from the experiment showed that the effect of sowing date on leaf dry weight, shoot dry weight, total dry weight and Root/Shoot was significant at 0.05 probability level. Maximum leaf dry weight gained at 20 July and 8 August sowing dates (respectively 287.751 and 280.656 gr.m-2). The highest shoot dry weight was obtained in 8 August sowing date (579.058 gr.m-2). The greatest total dry weight was obtained in 20 July and 8 August sowing dates (respectively 639.370 and 475.080 gr.m-2). The least Root/Shoot (0.29) gained at 8 August sowing date. The effect of seed rate (plant density) was only significant on inflorescences dry weight at 0.05 probability level. The most inflorescences dry weight was obtained from 10 and 15 kg.ha-1 seed rate. The interactions of sowing date and seed rate (plant density) was significant on leaf dry weight at 0.05 probability level and also was significant on shoot dry weight at 0.01 probability level. The greatest leaf dry weight gained at sownig date 8 August (306.1-316.4 gr.m-2) at seed rate 5, 10, 15 kg.ha-1 and sowing date 6 September at seed rate 20 kg.ha-1. The most shoot dry weight (621.3-655.6 gr.m-2) obtained in sowing date 8 September at seed rate 5, 10, 15 kg.ha-1.

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