The beauty issue has been incorporated into the foundation of all human beings, so the recognition of beauty and the pursuit of beauty is rooted in our soul, and in fact, man needs to be in relation to beauty. Therefore, without the beauty of the soul, it remains in the darkness and the violence of matter and in the domination of the quantities, the work of beauty with humanity is in fact attracting his attention. He is refreshed and meaningful in order to break down from quantity and to deal with qualities until his life. And in fact, the relationship between truth and meaning with beauty is explained in this way, because beauty is an expression of perfection or truth. In this article, we try to use the analytical and descriptive method and library studies to define the truth and beauty and the relation between two of the views of Islamic thinkers. Finally, the expression of these concepts and, in fact, the manifestation of content and truth in the body of Islamic architecture Check in. It is also possible to achieve perfection with care in a beautiful work, in addition to the fact that the sensation of human aesthetic is saturated. This is evident in the architecture of the Islamic era despite the long years of their creation due to the deep link between the artist and the eternal meanings and facts. Therefore, as far as the relationship between the three concepts (truth, beauty and art) goes further and deeper, a better and more useful understanding of beauty and perfection will arise, making the human a beautiful and humane art, as well as the ability to create works Beautiful and perfectionist, containing absolute truth.