Out of the arguments on the Gnostic recognition and knowledge, monism hasmostly attracted the attention Gnostics and sufis. From the first believer of thisnotion, that is Bayazid Bassami, to other sufis, there are various works andstatements and speeches left which are on the tongues of everyone here and there.The greatest reviver of the idea of monism is Mohyeddin Arabi who convertedSufism into a kind of philosophy and mingled it with the Alexandrian and PlatonicHikmat and eshaereh?. His followers tried to explain his Gnostic theories, beliefs, and behavior through interpreting his works especially Fosoolol Hekam.OtherGnostics such as Rumi, Iraqi, Hafiz, and Jami were some outstanding examples ofsuch beliefs.Mowlana Shams Maghrebi was one of the compassionate movahhedan andsufis whose religion was monism and his behavior was his shohood?. Has wasexpert to elme zaher and baten, having no dependence and bound-free so that thispaper seeks to explore the various aspects of monism in his view.