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تاویل از کلیدواژه های اصلی در مکتب فلسفی اصفهان است و عبدالرزاق لاهیجی نیز یکی از چهره های سرشناس این مکتب به شمار می آید. تاویل برای این حکیم متاله، فراتر از روشی برای مواجهه با متون وحیانی است. تاویل در آثار او، دو معنای اصلی دارد: تاویل عقلی و تاویل شهودی - عقلی. تاویل نخست، تاویل متون وحیانی و تاویل نظری موجودات تا شناخت حضرت حق را شامل می شود. تاویل متون وحیانی برای حل تعارض متن با عقلانیت صریح و قطعی یا برای کشف مراتبی از عمق معنا که در پس معنای ظاهری نهفته است، صورت می پذیرد و این دو رهیافت تاویلی ازنظر لاهیجی دو شیوه متفاوت از تاویل به شمار می آید. تاویل شهودی - عقلی فراروی عملی از ماسوی برای رسیدن به خدا است، در مقابل فراروی نظری از آنها برای شناخت خدا. لاهیجی اولی را سلوک باطن و دومی را سلوک ظاهر می نامد.مبارزه با ظاهرگرایی دینی را باید رسالت فرهنگی – اجتماعی این حکیم عارف دانست که برخاسته از دیدگاه نظری او درباره تاویل است. با توجه به رواج تصوف منفی در زمانه فیاض، او در نظر دارد ضمن تحلیل و تبیین معنای حقیقی عرفان، از ترویج تصوف مبتذل جلوگیری کند.

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رویکردهای نوین در مواجهه با متن، سبب تحولات بزرگی در فهم و تفسیر متون مقدس شده است. این رویکردها اسلام را در برگرفته که دینی متن محور است و باعث پیدایش دیدگاههای نو در شناخت و فهم قرآن شده است. یکی از این دیدگاه ها پژوهش ادبی قرآن است که با تحولات نظریه و نقد ادبی نوسان های فراوانی پیدا کرده است. این نوع از پژوهش، وحی ازنظر مومنان یعنی الهی بودن آن را نادیده می گیرد که نتیجه آن باعث دورشدن از شناخت مومنانه دین و ادبی شدن فهم آن می شود. پژوهش حاضر با رویکرد توصیفی تحلیلی و انتقادی – مقایسه ای به مساله روش فهم و تفسیر قرآن از دیدگاه علامه طباطبایی، صاحب تفسیر ارزشمند المیزان (نماینده یکی از روش های فهم سنتی) و نصر حامد ابوزید، متفکر نام آشنای مسلمان (نماینده روش فهم جدید) می پردازد تا همانندی ها و ناهمانندی های میان نظریات این دو متفکر را در این باره آشکار کند، زیرا آرا این دو متفکر در تقابل با هم است و مقایسه آنها راهگشای جستجوگران در کشف حقیقت خواهد بود. یافته های این پژوهش نشان می دهند اصول فکری این دو اندیشمند درباره مبانی فهم قرآن، بسیار دور از هم و متفاوت است، البته ریشه این اختلاف عمیق را باید در بینش و نحوه نگرش آن دو به انسان و جهان و خلقت آن دو دانست. اساس پروژه نصر حامد ابوزید، نوسازی اندیشه دینی با تاویل (تفسیر به رای) است. روش فهم او ناظر به واقعیات خارج از وحی است و بیشتر به فهم تاریخی با روش های پوزیتویستی گرایش دارد. او معنا را نزد مفسر می داند و امکان داوری میان تفاسیر مختلف را نمی پذیرد. همچنین تلاش می کند برای فهم قرآن آن را عرفی سازد. بر اساس مبانی هرمنوتیکی ابوزید که از روش پژوهش ادبی ناشی می شود، اصل دین و ماهیت وحی دگرگون می شود. حال آنکه علامه طباطبایی روش فهم قرآن را از توصیه های شارع برداشت می کند و برای فهم صحیح قرآن پدیدارشناسانه می اندیشد. او فهم معتبر قرآن را در گرو قدسی شدن انسان می داند. ازنظر او، معنا همان مراد مولف است و امکان داوری میان تفاسیر مختلف وجود دارد.ازنظر علامه، ایمان به هدایت ابدی قرآن با نگرشی خاص به جهان و خالق آن امکان پذیر است. ایمان چیزی از جنس عقل نیست و نباید توقع داشت انسان به صرف هدایت عقل به همه آنچه پیامبران رسیده اند، برسد.دیگر اینکه درجات بالای ایمان با شهود، ممکن است و شهود فقط با تزکیه و تامل به همراه راهنمائی انبیاء ممکن است. با عقل محض، فهم بسیاری از حقایق قرآن به دست نمی آید، یعنی چیزی که ابوزید در تلاش است به آن برسد.

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Comparative Theology

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In this essay, an attempt is made to reflect on the relation between philosophy and Humanities, with a new look and attention to its hermeneutical foundations. The assertion of this study is that there is every kind of branch of knowledge that exists in the philanthropists, which is based on a metaphysical and philosophical look that is based on a hermeneutic foundation. Hence, for Humanities, there is no possibility of spontaneity in philosophy and metaphysics. According to the relation that man has with understanding and in general, "hermeneutics", we have spoken about the pluralism in the field of philosophy and metaphysics, and we showed how different disciplines Which is in the field of humanism, must inevitably be based on a general and profound view that reveals itself in the domain of excellence, which is metaphysical knowledge. At the end of this paper, we have shown how, based on this hermeneutical foundation, the possibility of the emergence of "special metaphysics", based on the ideas on the relation between philosophy and Humanities, and the points that can exist in the relation between metaphysics and scholars of Humanities, It is possible to speak and how the holiness in such a situation (according to our indigenous, national, religious, and cultural needs) is matured and perfected, and we have also pointed out that how can one find a way through the relations that can exist between philosophy and Humanities.

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Comparative Theology

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This article describes and criticizes two distinct scientific and philosophical views on creation of the World.In the final summation, a way is suggested for linking of these two views and answering to the title of the articles's question.Modern scientific theories predict a great many physical universes in which, depend on any random initial conditions, could be different laws of physics and different paths of evolution. We just happen to be in a very small fraction of these universes where some suitable conditions for coming and evolving of the life so far as the consciousness are satisfied. Whereas in the first philosophy, the coincidence has not any place in the creation of the World; there has always been the eternal origin of the World, and the creation is based on the intellection of incorporeal entities.

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Comparative Theology

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Identification and understanding of meaningfulness of life events is one of the most fundamental issues in the quality of human life and its positive changes which also has always had an important role in his mental health and life satisfaction. This study by surveying meaningfulness of life events in Quran and unity-oriented psychology, aims to achieve a conceptual structure, so that effective artistic practices and programs could be designed on its basis to be used in the psychological interventions.

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Comparative Theology

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According to Muslim philosophers thought of the divine agent, issues from the One except one. It discusses the history of philosophy from the first principle to Pre-Socratic era. They hold that one thing, everything comes and used about natural agents. But Muslim philosophers inspired by the teachings of Plotinus, the"al-Wahid" principle of a pseudo-Greek philosophy adopted and it is without placing it among the philosophical issues, determining criteria, it is God's divine agent. Muslim philosophers to prove "al-Wahid" principle the argument presented which can be criticized. This article aims with regard to the historical development of this discussion; we review how it is from the Greek context to Islamic philosophy and criticism from the Muslim philosopher's viewpoint.

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Comparative Theology

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The good and evil forces have been considered as the two magnets of human life. By establishing civilizations and cultures, the advent of opposite forces in the human being life paved the way for proposing various ideas and opinions, particularly ideas on the philosophy of creation and existence of a creator and worshipping the creator. Since human being is a two-dimensional creature (spiritual and physical), he needs for worshiping as one of his divine nature's requirements....

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Comparative Theology

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Philo of Alexandria was the philosopher, theologian and Great Jewish mystic in the first century. He has had great influence on afterwards philosophers, especially Muslim ones; Because he was the first philosopher who integrated philosophy and religion, he could be considered as the founder of religious philosophy. In the present investigation, Philo's viewpoint of The position of Human in the system of creation and the relationship between God and Human are stated. Mullasadra's viewpoints of the same subjects are reviewed as well, because there are resemblances in their methods and beliefs; although they belong to different times and religions. The philosophical theories of Philo and Mullasadra are formed by Reason, Revelation and Gnosticism....

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Comparative Theology

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From the perspective of Islamic mysticism, a spiritual seeker who has reached the advanced degrees of mysticism is capable of doing extraordinary deeds by the permission of God. These deeds are interpreted as "wonders"; although, scholars of natural sciences have considered such things impossible or against nature. In his book "Isharat va Tanbihat", Ibn-e-Sina has tried to prove these deeds through rational and philosophical view. Relying on his medical and philosophical information, Ibn-e-Sina believed in the interplay of body and soul on each other and in this way he has likened the saints' wonders and the mystics' unordinary deeds to the ordinary affairs and he has proved them. He believed that the mystics have a spiritual knowledge with which they reach the Truth and discover the realities. In mysticism, this is called "wonder".

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Comparative Theology

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Hermeneutic is a major keyword in philosophical school of Isfahan and Abd al-Razzaq Lahiji is a prominent figure in this school. Hermeneutics for this theologian is beyond a method of confronting revealed scriptures. According to his works, Lahiji’s view toward his hermeneutics could be categorized in three groups for investigation: 1. Intellectual hermeneutics 2. Intuitive-intellectual hermeneutics 3. Intuitive hermeneutics....

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Comparative Theology

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Religious symbols and elements are integral and sacred part of one religion that sometimes play central role in religious ceremonies and while they are symbols of worshiped God, they are a link between other symbols, too. Barsom is among sacred religious symbols and elements that has a strong presence in both religious and historical texts and ancient motifs and this subject help us while we study the texts and motifs comparatively, we can deal with this question what evolution, this Barsom has experienced in history of ancient Iran. According to Zoroastrian texts, Barsom was cluster or branches of sacred plant or tree of houm or pomegranate which was being used by Zoroastrian person in religious ceremony and in order to praise and worship the Creator and gods and for endowments that allow human and animal life.

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Comparative Theology

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New approach in dealing with the text caused a great change in understanding and interpretation of all sacred texts. These approaches have encompassed the Islam that is Text-based and these led appearances of new point of views in interpretation of the Quran. One of the theses viewpoints is the literary study of the Qur' an that it has found wide swings with the alteration of the theory and literary criticism. This type of study ignore the revelation in terms of believers, that means being divine that result of this is moving away from understanding the religion faithfully and being its understanding literary....

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