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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

Sachan V. | KUMAR B. | KUMAR A.rawal J" target="_blank"> KUMAR A.rawal J. | KUMAR A. | SAXENA A.

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Different livestock sectors as beef industries get benefit from the production of male animals while dairy industries get benefit from the milk production by the female animals. Therefore, it is obvious need to pro-duce the animals of desired sex which can be achieved by predetermining the sex of conceptus at the time of conception i. e. pre determination of sex may be of great economic importance. Control of the sex ratio by sex prediction of the of pre implanted embryo would be beneficial not only in relation to the aspect of management, production and breeding programmes of livestock but also in diagnosing the genetic disorders at prenatal stage. Pre-implantation sexing of embryos not only improves efficiency of embryo transfer but also facilitate the transfer of embryos of desired sex. Sex-sorted sperm is a one of the technique fulfilling the requirement but it is well expensive and less efficient. Another concept of getting genetically improved animals of desired sex is embryo sexing. Embryo sexing has great potential to maximize the efficiency of dairy production through controlling the sex ratio of domestic species. There are many methods to deter-mine the sex of embryo categorized as invasive and non-invasive techniques with varying efficiency and merits.

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Al Fatah M. Abd

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Provide a healthy diet is one of the major health challenges in the world to maintain health and nutritional status of populations. In this reason, new control strategies such as probiotics have been applied as prophy-lactic and therapeutic instead of antibiotics. In the same line, probiotics have antagonistic effects to various microorganisms proposed in several mechanisms including improvement of gut epithelial barrier function, competition on adhesive receptors, competition on available nutrients, antibacterial effects, degradation and neutralization of toxins and immunomodulatory effect. Furthermore, probiotics have significant impacts on biochemical parameters and could be used as substitutional supplements do health benefits including hypo-cholesterolemia and reduction of blood glucose. Probiotics have been explained to hypocholesterolemia and hypoglycemia through several mechanisms. Moreover, the use of probiotics in feeds enhances the protein utility in feedstuff. Thus, this review was attempted to spot generally insight on the modes of action of pro-biotics and its importance biochemically.

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Meat productions from sixteen local Portuguese cattle breeds represent high economic and cultural value for local populations. Among these, Minhota is one of the most important on meat aptitude located on the northwest of the country. This breed is used for high-quality meat. This study describes the influence of slaughter age, corresponding veal (6 months) and beef (9 months) and sex, reared in a traditional production system, on intramuscular fatty acid composition of the longissimus muscle and nutritional quality. Samples of the longissimus thoracis (LT) muscle were analysed for fatty acid composition of intramuscular fat from 41 Minhota breed animals. Unweaned veal (22) and beef (19), corresponding to males (n=25) and females (n=16) were analysed. Both groups of animals were reared in a traditional production system. The meat from the Minhota breed is a valuable source of polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA), particularly the C-20 and C-22 n-3 fatty acids in the human diet. A low n-6: n-3 ratio show that fat in this breed has a good nutri-tional value. The differences in fat composition from veal and beef could be attributed to the fact that ma-ternal suckling is more important in the youngest animals.

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The objective of this study was to evaluate the best level of inclusion of cactus pear in the ensiling of ele-phant grass Brazil seeds (BRS) capiaç u (Pennisetum purpureum), its effects on fermentative characteristics; and nutritional value. Experimental treatments consisted of BRS capiaç u grass silage with five levels of inclusion of cactus pear (0, 5, 10, 15 and 20% inclusion as fresh basis) during ensiling. A completely ran-domized design with five treatments and six replicates was used. The inclusion of cactus pear in BRS ca-piaç u grass silage did not alter the pH of the ensiled mass (P=0. 18), mean of 3. 8. The marginal variation between the highest cactus pear inclusion dose and the control group (without cactus pear) for effluent was 50. 33%, mean of 1. 06% for each percentage unit of cactus pear inclusion. The ash content (P=0. 79), total carbohydrates (P=0. 30), total digestible nutrients (P=0. 79), neutral detergent insoluble protein (P=0. 66) and ether extract (P=0. 42) did not change with the inclusion of cactus pear, being the averages of 8. 01, 2. 53, 3. 14, 11. 74, 80. 88 and 44. 69%, respectively. In vitro digestibility of dry matter (P<0. 01) and neutral deter-gent fiber (P<0. 01) increased linearly with the inclusion of cactus pear. The inclusion of up to 5% of cactus pear in silage BRS capiaç u grass improves the fermentation characteristics and the nutritional value of si-lage.

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The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of a new experimental complex in diets of lactat-ing cows. The scientific and economic experiments were conducted in conditions of a large industrial com-plex for milk production from cows of Holstein breed (Russia). Four groups of Holstein cows (third calv-ing), 20 animals each, were formed to conduct an analog method research. The cows in the control group were fed with a basal diet. The cows in other groups were fed with the experimental complex at various doses. All indices have been determined by wide-known methods, such as extracting, capillary electropho-resis, chromatography, quantitative titrimetry, atomic-emission spectrometry and others. To synthesize milk, the organisms of cows in experimental groups spent more digested nitrogen on the average by 14. 85%; nitrogen excreted from the bodies of cows with urine was less on average by 4. 13%. The increase in milk production averaged 3. 8%. In comparison with the control group, the cows of experimental groups had higher content of dry matter in milk on average by 0. 4%; fat by 0. 17%; and protein by 0. 1% (including α-lactalbumin by 31. 8% and β-lactoglobulin by 36. 6%). The milk protein in experimental groups contained more essential amino acids on average by 9. 83%, and the milk fat contained more unsaturated fatty acids on average by 1. 46%. The milk in experimental groups was noted for a high content of vitamins (on average by 16. 3%, compared with the control group), in particular B2 by 10. 8%, B9 by 28. 6% and D3 by 39. 8%. In addition, the weight fraction of trace elements in milk has been found to increase, i. e., calcium by 17. 3%, iodine by 36. 4%, potassium by 20. 6%, magnesium by 18. 5%, manganese by 66. 7%, phosphorus by 20. 3% and silicon by 54. 2%. The increase in the milk productivity of cows and higher fat content in milk made it possible to increase the sale profit of 1 ton of milk on average by 12% and increase the level of profitability of production by 6. 5%. The study performed has reliably proved that the proposed premix promoted nutri-ent availability and digestibility, improved digestibility of feeds and their effective consumption, improved blood hematology, increased milk production and improved the milk composition, which led to an increase in the profitability of production.

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The present study aimed to evaluate the effects of agroforestry system on the feeding behavior of dairy cows in the Brazilian Amazon region. Nineteen cross breed dairy cows (14. 0± 3. 30 kg/d of milk yield and 450± 40. 1 kg body weight) were used. The following treatments were evaluated: A) animals were main-tained in opened pasture of Brachiaria brizantha during all the day; B) animals were kept in forage peanuts (Arachis pintoi) during the morning (between 07: 00 and 1200 h) and in muvuca, a type of agroforestry ar-rangement, afternoon (between 12: 00 and 23: 00 h); and C) animals were maintained in forage peanuts dur-ing the morning (between 07: 00 and 11: 00 h) and in opened pasture of Brachiaria brizantha during the afternoon (between 12: 00 and 23: 00 h). Behaviors of grazing, ruminating, and resting was monitored every ten minutes, and the hourly index was analyzed as repeated measures in a 3 × 3 latin square design study. Between 07: 00 and 09: 00 h, animals maintained in opened pasture showed higher grazing and lower rumi-nating index than those animals kept in forage peanuts. During the hottest period of the day, animals main-tained in opened pasture showed a higher grazing index. Animals of A and C treatments showed a higher grazing index than those of B treatment, between 15: 00 and 17: 00 h. Animals maintained in muvuca had increased grazing index, resulting in lower ruminating and resting, at the end of the day. As a whole, the agroforestry system stabilizes the grazing and ruminating index and increases the grazing index during the hottest period of the day.

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The present study was conducted to evaluate the effects of using raw or microwave irradiated safflower seed on dry matter intake, milk production and composition, milk fatty acid profile, blood parameters, and nutrient apparent digestibility in early lactation cows. Nine multiparous Holstein cows at early lactation were randomly assigned to one of three treatments based on 3 × 3 balanced latin square design. Dietary treatments included whole linted cottonseed (control), 40 g/kg DM raw safflower seed (RSS), and 40 g/kg DM microwave irradiated safflower seed (MSS). Results showed no significant effect of dietary treatments on milk production, milk fat, protein, and lactose content, and dry matter intake. Feeding RSS and MSS diets increased milk long chain fatty acids, C18: 1 trans, C18: 2, and polyunsaturated fatty acid concentra-tions, while milk C16 fatty acid (P<0. 05) decreased. The cis-9, trans-11 conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) concentration tended to be higher in cows fed MSS diet. It was concluded that there are no negative impacts of raw and microwave irradiated safflower seed supplementation on lactation performance, while milk qual-ity was meliorated by increasing unsaturated fatty acid concentrations.

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Holstein calves were fed pelleted starter diets with crude protein (CP) concentrations of 18%, 22% and 24% per dry matter (DM) containing soybean meal (SBM) (SBM18, SBM20 and SBM24), respectively, for 10 weeks from 14 days of age. Another diet with a CP concentration of 18% per DM was tested using com-mercial xylose-soybean meal (XSB; Yasminomax) instead of SBM. Each diet was fed to 24 calves and the feed consumption, nutrient intake, body weight (BW) gain, skeletal growth and selected blood metabolites were determined. Weaned animals were kept under observation for economic characteristics such as post-weaning (days 84 to 196) weight gain, withers height, weight at first heat, number of services per pregnancy and milk yield during first lactation. The average daily starter consumption was highest in calves fed SBM20. The average BW gain and total DM intake were highest in calves fed SBM20. Feed efficiency was highest in calves fed SBM24, but protein efficiency was highest in calves fed SBM20. A decreased blood glucose and increased blood insulin concentrations were observed in calves fed SBM18. Blood urea N and blood glucose were highest in calves fed SBM24. The service rate, age at first parturition and milk yield varied according to diet (P<0. 001).

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The serum proteinograms of 10 female Holstein calves fed milk either through conventional (COV) or step-down (STP) milk feeding methods at different ages were evaluated. Calves fed using the COV method were fed colostrum during the first 24 hours that they stayed with their respective mothers and received transition milk for another 2 days and later, and then milk at four liters/day for 59 days. Calves fed using the STP method were fed colostrum and then milk as follows: Six liters of milk/day from days six to 25 after birth, four liters of milk/day from days 26 to 45, and two liters of milk/day from days 46 to 59 after birth. Blood sampling was performed at 7, 21, 28, 42, 49 and 56 days of age. For calves fed using either of the two milk feeding methods, the serum concentration of albumin increased, while the serum concentration of β-globulin decreased with increasing calf age. Calves fed using the COV method had higher serum total pro-tein, globulin, β-globulin, and γ-globulin concentrations, while the concentrations of A/G, α 1-globulin, and α 2-globulin were higher for calves in the STP group. These results are important for establishing the serum protein profile of calves, which is significantly influenced by milk feeding methods and calf age.

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In the northwest of Mexico, a desert zone, new alternatives are required to satisfy the needs of food in goats; evidence indicate that feeding with Salicornia bigelovii forage, could be a contribution to goat ob-taining system. Regarding to this halophyte, the information related to its use as a forage supplement in Sonora desert is very limited, specifically in goats. The goal of this study consist to analyze to Salicornia bigelovii about nutritional composition as a forage in pregnant goats, evaluating the weight of goat kids at birth, their average weight gain daily, the weight at weaning, as well as milk production goats from moth-ers. The diet was based on Salicornia and Alfalfa (Treatment 1: fully fed (100% Salicornia bigelovii) (96% dry matter, 14% crude protein, 17% crude fiber and 45% nitrogen-free extract). Treatment 2: fed totally (100%) with alfalfa (90% dry matter, 18% crude protein, 24% crude fiber and 52% nitrogen-free extract), 20 experimental units per treatment were analyzed. The daily dry matter provided to each experimental unit (dry matter/goat/daily) was 600 g. The results indicate that hay-based forage of Salicornia can used as a forage ingredient, but is not essential in Creole goat’ s diet, since it benefited positively the growth of goat kids and milk production. It is important to carry out evaluations with the halophyte Salicornia in different variables of obtaining goats, by using diets based on other forage species alternatives such as salty grass and coquia, among and other native species.

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The study was conducted to investigate the fatty acid profile of intramuscular fat in longissimus lumborum (LL) of three genotypic groups: Qazvinian native (Q, n=10), crossbred Qazvinian native × Saanen breed (QS, n=10) and backcrossed Qazvinian native × Saanen breed (QSS, n=9) male kids. All of kids were weaned at 75-days-old and then fed with a diet consisted of concentrate (70%) and alfalfa hay (30%). The kids were slaughtered with an average age of 130 days and immediately samples of LL muscle were col-lected. Data were analyzed through one-way ANOVA using the generalized linear model (GLM) proce-dure. The total differences among genotypic groups were evaluated by a canonical discriminant analysis (CDA). The concentration of intramuscular fat (g/100g meat, Q=0. 94, QS=2. 01 and QSS=1. 05) and satu-rated fatty acids (SFA; Q=40. 87, QS=43. 25 and QSS=36. 9), polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA; Q=12. 99, QS=13. 89 and QSS=22. 41), total conjugated linoleic acids (CLA, Q=2. 1, QS=2. 32 and QSS=1. 02) and desirable fatty acids (Q=73. 63, QS=67. 18 and QSS=74. 87) as g/100 g total fatty acids between genotypic groups were significant (P<0. 05). Furthermore, the PUFA: SFA and linoleic (C18: 2 n-6): alpha-linolenic acids (C18: 3 n-3) ratio in genotypic groups were significant (P<0. 05). The genotypic groups were separated by CDA, based on their meat fatty acids profile. Results demonstrated that crossbreeding could significantly change the intramuscular fatty acids profile. Therefore, it can be concluded that the fatty acids profile in crossbred kids are better than that of native Qazvinian kids. In these experimental conditions, results of the present study demonstrated that crossbreeding could be a suitable strategy for producing meat with higher concentration of unsaturated fatty acids with beneficial properties for health of consumers.

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This experiment investigated the effects of different doses of Bacillus subtilis spore as a probiotic on the immune response, intestinal morphology and ileal dry matter digestibility in broiler chicks exposed to stress induced by corticosterone (CORT). Two hundred and eighty-eight one-day-old Ross 308 male broiler chicks were randomly assigned to six treatments in a completely randomized factorial design with and without CORT injection and 3 levels (0, 0. 8×106, and 1. 6×106 cfu/g) of B. subtilis spore supplementation. At 7 to 9 days of age (for 3 days), the chicks received one of the subcutaneous injections of CORT or corn oil (as control) at 2 mg/kg BW twice a day. The same injections were repeated at 25 to 27 days of age. Cor-ticosterone injection led to significant (P<0. 05) changes in intestinal morphology including villus height, ratio of villus height to crypt depth, and dry matter digestibility (as measured by TiO2 marker). These same parameters, however, increased in the experimental chicks relative to the control as a result of probiotic supplementation. Heterophil/lymphocyte ratio increased (P<0. 05) as a result of corticosterone injection but exhibited no significant effect of probiotic supplementation. While corticosterone injection decreased lym-phocyte density in the medulla of the bursa of Fabricius, this adverse effect was reversed by probiotic sup-plementation, which was more effective at a 1. 6 × 106 concentration than at 0. 8 × 106. As a general conclu-sion, it may be claimed that administration of B. subtilis-based probiotic alleviates certain negative effects of the stress induced by the corticosterone injection.

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Two experiments were conducted to determine: first, the best time of excreta collection after force feeding of broilers to yield the maximal amount of excreta, and second, nitrogen-corrected true metabolizable en-ergy contents of some poultry feedstuffs including yellow corn, soybean meal, corn gluten meal, canola meal and poultry by-product meal by a new precision-fed chick assay using 3-week-old broiler chicks. In experiment one, thirty-five 21-d-old male broiler chicks, with the same body weight were randomly as-signed in to 7 experimental groups with 5 birds per each. Seven experimental treatments were designed with different excreta collection times. All chicks were precision-fed with 10 g of corn-soybean meal (60: 40) mixture. Excreta were collected at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14 h after precision feeding. In experiment two, thirty 21-d old male broiler chicks with 5 chicks per each feed ingredients were precision-fed by 10 g of experimental feedstuffs and 5 chicks fasted for determining endogenous energy losses. The maximum time of excreta collection for 3-week-old male broiler chicks was approximately 12 h after precision feed-ing. The average nitrogen-corrected true metabolizable energy values of yellow corn, soybean meal, corn gluten meal, canola meal and poultry by-product meal, were 3527. 55, 2572. 4, 4183. 25, 1806. 38 and 2678. 06 kcal/kg, respectively. In conclusion, nitrogen-corrected true metabolizable energy values of feed-stuffs can be determined in 3-week-old broiler chicks by using a precision-fed assay. This research suggests using energy values obtained on young broiler chicks in formulating diets for the same birds.

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Change in sex ratios for broiler chickens, has many economic benefits of the poultry industry. The gonads in chick embryo at an early stage have the potential to convert to both sexes (male and female). Sexual differentiation is due to aromatase expression in the left gonad in 5-6 days of the embryonic period and the production of estrogen from testosterone. Administration of aromatase inhibitors prevents the synthesis of estrogen in genetically female birds and produce males with female genotype. In this study, the effects of in ovo injection of 0. 1 mg mushroom extract, nettle extract and fadrozole hydrochloride as aromatase inhibitors on the fifth day of incubation period on hatchability, embryo mortality and performance of hatching chicks were examined. The results of this experiment showed that there were no significant differences in hatchability, embryo mortality during incubation and the weight of hatching chicks. Daily feed intake and body weight gain in chickens hatched from mushroom extract and fadrozole hydrochloride groups were higher than the two other groups (P<0. 05). Also, in ovo injection of a mushroom extract, nettle extract or fadrozole hydrochloride had no effect on the dressing percentage and internal organ weights.

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This study evaluated effects of three products of dietary organic acids (Acidomix® AFG; Activate® AD and Lacplus) on protective immunity against coccidiosis. Two hundred and eighty 1-day broiler chickens were randomly divided into 8 groups by 5 replications (7 birds per replicate), comprising 2 controls (nega-tive=N; positive=P) and 6 supplemented organic acid groups (1% AFG, 1% DA, 1% Lacplus; 2% AFG, 2% DA and 2% Lacplus). With the exception of N control (uninfected), all 7 groups were orally challenged with 8 × 105 sporulated oocysts of Eimeria tenella at day 12 post-hatch. Samples of blood, spleen and ceca were collected on day 22 and 35 post-hatch. Body weight gain, fecal oocyst shedding, lesion score, mortal-ity rate and pH of the ceca were assessed. ELISA was used to detect Cluster of T cell differentiation (CD4+, CD8+) molecules and reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was employed for detec-tion of pro-inflammatory chemokine (IFNγ-) and cytokines expression (IL-8, IL-15 and IL-17). The result revealed that supplementation of organic acids significantly increased body weight gain, improved feed conversion ratio (FCR), reduced lesion scores and oocyst index (P<0. 05) compared to P control (infected non-supplemented). The mortality rate was higher in P control. The pH of ceca was significant (P<0. 05) and maximum was observed in P control. Chicks fed 2% DA and 1% Lacplus had greater percentages of CD4 T-cell molecules, but had decreased CD8 T cell molecules, suggesting a protective function of these T-cell subsets in innate immune response against E. tenella infection. The cecal and splenic chemokine and cytokines mRNA expression encoding IFN-γ , IL-8, IL-15 and IL-17 showed higher levels of transcript compared to N and P controls, indicating the organic acid products might have exerted their protective ef-fects by improving their production. It is concluded that the Activate® DA at 2% and Lacplus 1% levels at both 22 and 35-days post-hatch have shown best anticoccidial effects.

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Crowing-type chicken is one of the important chicken breeds in Indonesia. This study was conducted to investigate the crowing characters of Pelung chicken and the effect of exon 7 FoxP2 gene polymorphism in mute chicken. Chicken were obtained from local breeder. Pelung chicken crowing and morphology charac-terizations were conducted in Cianjur, West Java, Indonesia. Chicken breeding (♀ broiler×♂ Pelung and ♀ Pelung×♂ F1), DNA extraction and FoxP2 gene amplification were conducted at the Faculty of Biology, Gadjah Mada University. Results showed that the crowing duration was approximately 8. 435 ± 1. 647 s, consisting of 1. 104 ± 0. 210 s first syllable, 5. 532 ± 1. 274 s second syllable, and 1. 858 ± 0. 969 s third sylla-ble. Cross-breeding between Pelung and broiler chicken resulted in chicken progeny all of which were of non-crowing-type. Our breeding results indicated that long crowing traits followed recessive autosomal inheritance. Sanger sequencing revealed an identical exon 7 sequence in mute and normal crowing-type chicken. Therefore, crowing is an important character for determining chicken breed purity, and our bio-acoustic analysis was applicable in chicken show.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The quality of eggs and the hatching traits of two slow-growing lines – La Belle (LB) and Bresse Gauloise (BB) reared under conventional or alternative system with pasture access were compared. The birds of both lines in the study were at the age of 27-37 weeks. Two-way ANOVA was used to assess the effect of the rearing system as well as the line on the quality characteristics of the eggs and hatching traits of the LB and BB lines. Both factors affected to a different extent the examined traits. The effect of the rearing system was much stronger than that of the line in regard to the quality of the eggs. The birds reared on pasture had increased weight (P<0. 001) of the eggs and its components-yolk, albumen and shell (P<0. 001), however the alternative system decreased significantly the colour (P<0. 001) of the yolk. The influence of the line was more pronounced in terms of the hatching traits, however it often interacted with the rearing system. Gener-ally, the fertility of the eggs of the BB line dramatically decreased when reared conventionally (P<0. 001), as did their hatchability when expressed as percentage of the total number of the eggs (P<0. 001). On the other hand, the hatchability of the fertilized eggs was positively affected by the alternative system (P<0. 001) and higher in the BB linе displaying their higher adaptability in comparison with the LB line.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The objective of this study was to search for single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-type polymorphisms in the dopamine D1 receptor in West Azerbaijani native chicken and look for their association with egg pro-duction and body weight traits of chickens by polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformation poly-morphism (PCR-SSCP). For this purpose 180 blood samples were taken from native chickens in a poultry breeding station in West Azerbaijan, Iran. DNA was extracted from blood samples using the salting-out procedure. Specific primers were designed for PCR amplification of the 283 base segment of the dopamine D1 receptor gene. In order to demonstration of gene polymorphism, Single-stranded conformation poly-morphism followed by sequencing was performed. Four samples from each banding pattern were sent for sequencing. The polymorphism was found in the D1 receptor gene (G123A). We detected three genotypes in DRD1 gene. The frequencies of three genotypes were 0. 42 (AA), 0. 49 (AG), and 0. 09 (GG), respectively. The analysis of variance was performed using of SAS software. The Result shows that there was a signifi-cant relationship between genotypes of dopamine D1 receptor gene with egg production traits. This finding indicates that the dopamine D1 receptor gene was polymorphic and could be a candidate locus or linked to a major gene that influences reproductive traits in chickens.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli K99 is one of the dominant pathogens associated with diarrhea of calves. Immunoglobulin Y (IgY), has been used as an inexpensive alternative to antibiotics for the prevention and therapy of several bacterial infections. The study aimed to prepare IgY antibodies against E. coli K99 and to investigate its in vitro effectiveness. E. coli K99 was grown in the tryptic soy broth, and the bacterial sus-pension was inactivated by formaldehyde. Thirty White Leghorn hens allocated to control and treatment groups. 1 mL of the prepared bacterial suspension or sterilized physiological serum emulsified with Freund’ s complete adjuvant was injected at two weeks interval to the hens in treated or control group. The total IgY was purified with polyethylene glycol (PEG) 6000 from egg yolks (EY). Purified IgY fractions were processed for protein concentrations by Bradford assay. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was used to analyze purified IgY fractions. An indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent as-say (ELISA) method was used to measure the specific IgY titers in serum and EY. The ability of non-specific and anti-E. coli K99 IgY antibody at 100 and 200 mg/mL concentration was evaluated by growth inhibition assay in vitro. According to the ELISA data, total IgY concentration in serum and EY of control was relatively constant, while increased in the treatment group (P<0. 05). The level of binding activity of specific IgY in serum and EY increased in immunized hens (P<0. 05). Specific IgY had the highest activity for bacterial inhibiting growth at the level of 200 mg/mL. These results suggested the prepared IgY antibod-ies could inhibit E. coli K99 in vitro growth.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The aim of the study was to estimate the impact of antibiotic doxycycline on the spring development of the bee colonies, worker bees’ bodies chemical composition, development of hypopharyngeal glands and some physicochemical parameters of honey. The experiment was conducted during the spring stimulating feeding at apiary of Research Center of Stockbreeding and Agriculture, Smolyan, Bulgaria. Two groups of bee colonies were formed – control and experimental. The control group was fed with sugar solution (sugar/water 1: 1) and experimental group with the addition of antibiotic doxycycline at a dose of 500 mg/L in sugar solution. Significantly lower values were obtained for the strength of the bee colonies and the amount of sealed worker bee brood fed with doxycycline than the control group. Strong correlations were found between the amount of sealed worker bee brood and the quantity of bee pollen and the quantity of honey and bee pollen in the both groups. From this study, it was concluded that development of hypo-pharyngeal glands was not positively affected after application of antibiotic doxycycline at a dose of 500 mg/L. Based on the results obtained there is no difference in physicochemical parameters of honey samples from the control and experimental group. In all cases testing for doxycycline residues in honey samples from the experimental group was relevant and high. Therefore, the authors do not recommend doxycycline in the beekeeping.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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