Tabriz city, the center of Azerbaijan, a part of Central Iran province, in the northwest of Iran, is a seismotectonically active region, surrounded the study area. This region for which and probabilistic hazard analysis are performed, is sited between 44o, 32´- 48o, 00´E and 37o, 20´-39o, 00´N. The active fault map of the region is prepared as the first step. For this purpose, all active faults are recognized and their seismic and rapture parameters are determined. Correlation of fault orientation and earthquake epicenter distribution showed that there is a close relationship between them. Preparing the epicentral distribution map and calculating the seismogenic layer depths in the region are performed, the second step, using historical and instrumental earthquake catalog. Afterwards, for seismic hazard analysis, the seismic parameters of study region are determined and seismic zones classification is done using Arc GIS software. Maximum earthquake, seismic parameters, and occurrence rate are determined for each seismic zone. The probabilistic hazard analyses are performed using 3 different attenuation relationship, resulted in seismic hazard curves for Tabriz city, and seismic hazard maps with return periods of 50, 75 and 475 years for study area.