In traditional medicine, brain has been known as cerebrum which has several functions. Cerebral functions are resulted from functions of ventricles, where animal spirit is converted to carnal (bodily) spirit that is the origin of sense, movement, thinking, delusion and memory.In traditional medicine, lateral ventricles are substitute for inferior ventricle, third ventricle is substitute for medial (central) ventricle and forth ventricle is substitute for posterior ventricle.Brain is divided to inferior and posterior parts. Inferior brain includes inferior ventricles i.e. lateral ventricles and quintet lobes of frontal, occipital, temporal and insula; medial (central) part is composed of third ventricle, limbic system, thalamus, hypothalamus and pons; and posterior cerebrum includes posterior ventricle which is substitute for cerebellum.Regarding the higher functions of cerebral ventricles, it seems, not only the structure and their spaces, but also the cerebral tissue which surrounded them play an important role in their functions.The other parts of cerebrum are as the entrance or exit for cerebral ventricles, so that any disorder or obstruction in ventricle, vessels or canals could lead to diseases such as headache, epilepsy, infarction, stroke, etc.