Introduction and research Aim: Nowadays attention to environmental issues in Planning, activities and development Proceedings in cities, can be an effective step to improve the environment conditions and the improvement of quality of life of citizens. Consequently economic conditions, social, cultural, political, there is challenges facing environmental of Iran Country that investigate and identify It can cause determine solution for the management and improvement of the environment the country.Research method: It is an applied research and the method descriptive-analytic. The purpose of this study is to the Investigate of environmental Dimensions and status of urban environment in the development plans of the country.Results: This study is an overview of the status of the environment in development programs of the country, the urban environment in these programs is emphasized. What is apparent by studying development plans of the country, is paying attention to the status of the environment in the process of Legislations program.conclusions: Factors such as lack of coordination in performance, lack of necessary infrastructure, parallel managements, lack of drafted executive regulations in good time and overtaking of economic considerations over the needs of environment conservation lead to reduce the effectiveness of materials Legislation enacted in programs has been. Well as the duty conservation of urban environment in development plans and urban management, has undergone of inconsistencies and neglect of numerous. Therefore decision about to organizing and reform the status quo with the help of new laws, an issue that should to strengthen in real position of urban management, urban development, development plans and explaining the duties of each of the elements involved in preserving the urban environment ranging from Soviets, Municipalities, public institutions, private sector and others to be considered further. Other necessity of changing the mechanism for monitoring and evaluating the performance of environmental programs to create a centralized system In the Environmental Protection Agency and its data Complete by other devices is the relevant.