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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Background: Identifying the needs and priorities of accountable education is an important issue for providing needs based training and empowering students in responding to the real needs of the community. The present study was conducted to identify and prioritize accountable educational needs in Gonabad University of Medical Sciences. Methods: This is a qualitative research. The participants in this study were selected through purposive sampling. The participants consisted of faculty members (18 people) as well as experienced managers and experts in healthcare centers and hospitals (16 people). A four-stage framework was conducted for this study. The stages included the provision of the initial list of accountable education needs, evaluation of the initial list by the experts, provision of the final list of needs for prioritization, and identification of appropriate solutions to meet the priorities obtained. Results: Results of the prioritization of accountable education areas indicated road accidents as first priority with the highest mean score. Medical ethics and stress management were respectively the second and third priorities. Conclusion: Identifying the priorities of accountable education may result in optimal use of limited resources in order to functionalize the education provided to students and also to be used in research.

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Background: One of the most important issues is the best method to teach embryology course to medical students. Small group discussion (SGD) were used to working together, integral to learning developing intellectual skills and interactive learning experience. Methods: The 72 medical students were equally randomized to the SGD (group I) and usual lecture based teaching (LBT), (group II) in general embryology course. The position of both groups changed in systems-base embryology. A pre-test and two of posttests (beginning; midterm for general embryology; final for systems-base embryology) were used to assess embryology knowledge of students with using an independent t-test. The questionnaire were designed to collect the attitudes of the students about the SGT. Results: Results showed no significant difference of the mean score between the two groups from the pre-test. The mean score of the SGD group compared to the LBT group significantly increased in general embryology (17. 9± 2. 2, n=33 vs. 15. 3± 1. 1, n=35) and in system-base embryology (17. 5± 1. 2, n=31 vs. 14. 3± 3. 2, n=32). Based on the questionnaires data, SGT was useful for effective interactivity (87. 85%) and interpret the congenital disease. Students interested to use of the SGD in other course (86. 47%) and they agreed (87. 8%) traditional teaching methods are better for learning embryology. Conclusion: The SGT creating more collaboration, good performance, active participation, improves the anatomy knowledge and attitudes of medical students. Result suggested we will use of this teaching strategy in our university.

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Background: Because of the importance of community health and the growing need for health care Health organizations have expanded their scope and with an entrepreneurial approach seeking to upgrade their performance. Knowledge is the most important capital of organizations and key factor in economics. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of knowledge management on organizational entrepreneurship through learning capacity. Methods: This research was an applied type, and in terms of method, it was a descriptive survey. The statistical population of the research was the Hospital health staff of Guilan province in 2016, the statistical sample estimated 370 by Morgan table. This research was conducted with three standard knowledge management questionnaires, organizational entrepreneurship and learning capacity with structural equation modeling and smartpls2 software. The reliability of the research tools were calculated Organizational Entrepreneurship 0. 88, Knowledge Management 0. 93, and Learning Capacity 0. 85, respectively. Results: Knowledge management 0. 46 and organizational learning capacity have positive effect on organizational entrepreneurship. Also, knowledge distribution 0. 94 and knowledge storage 90% and interaction with environment 0. 84 and participatory decision-making 0. 82 were identified as the most important factors of knowledge management and organizational learning capacity. Conclusion: Managers are encouraged to pay attention to organizational learning capacity and knowledge management skills to increase organizational entrepreneurship. Improvement and attention to knowledge management and the expansion of organizational learning capacity can strengthen entrepreneurship. Therefore, health managers and policymakers should consider these issues.

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Background: The aim of current study was to identify the most suitable strategies for faculty development and improving educational potential of faculty members in medical sciences. Methods: The study was cross-sectional. First, using the literature and with the help of experts, a list of all suitable strategies for faculty development was extracted. Then the questionnaire was created based on that list and after determination of its reliability and validity using retest method (correlation coefficient=0. 87) was distributed among 96 faculty members of the faculty of Medicine in the target university whom were selected using random sampling method. The results were then analyzed using descriptive and analytical methods. Results: The strategies of workshops, observation the excellence performance, short courses and fellowships had the maximum average scores (2. 59, 2. 51, 2. 42 and 2. 33), and monitoring the performance of the faculty with the average score of 1. 67 was determined to be the lowest average. The results showed that workshop solutions, short-term training courses and Fellowship are related to the faculty members' age groups. (P-Value<0. 05). Conclusion: The results showed that most suitable strategies for improving the educational performance of faculty members included workshops, short-term training courses, fellowships and observation on the best performance.

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Background: The dramatic increase in the number of general practitioners and their limited job situations has increased the desire to continue studies in specialized fields. However, different fields are not desired in the same way. Therefore, to plan for the guidance of general practitioners towards fields needed for the society, understanding the motives for choosing a field is necessary. The present study is aimed to investigate the incentives affecting the selection of specialty field in the students of medicine of Mashhad University of Medical Sciences. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 243 interns. In this study, the medical school graduation questionnaire was used. After collecting the data, they were first coded into fields and then in four groups of surgery, internal medicine, diagnostics medicine, and psychiatry and analyzed using SPSS software version 19 and Chi-square and Mann-Whitney tests. Results: In this study, the five most popular fields were radiology, cardiovascular, ophthalmology, pathology, and dermatology, respectively. Fields with the least interest were infectious diseases, oncology and internal medicine. There was a significant difference between the desired field and sex (p = 0. 003). Among factors affecting the choice of specialty, good income had the highest mean, which was significantly different between men and women (p = 0. 011). Conclusion: Currently, it seems that students are more concerned with issues such as income and the ease of study than they are concerned with their interests and academic qualities and competencies.

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Background: One of the important elements of medical education is morning report. The method of a morning report depends on the addressed group and its purpose. The aim of this study was to evaluate the educational quality of morning report sessions from the perspective of Mashhad’ s pediatric interns. Methods: The population included pediatric interns of Mashhad University of Medical Sciences. Data were collected by a researchermade questionnaire. The questionnaire included the interns' attitudes towards the general medicine’ s morning report as compared with those of residents. The credibility of the questionnaire was estimated by experts and its reliability was calculated by Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0. 93. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistical methods (mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (one-sample T-test) using SPSS 19. Results: Investigating 14 items showed that, apart from the mental relaxation item in which t=1. 372 was not significant at α = 0. 05, the interns recognized all the items as appropriate. According to them, these sessions provide more opportunity for content presentation, question and answer, creating satisfaction, more discussion in different fields, more education and usefulness, and provide further evaluation of interns. Conclusion: Based on the findings of this study, from the perspective of pediatric interns, the condition of general medicine’ s morning reports in hospitals is favorable.

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Background: Considering the importance of the two variables of stigma and empathy in the patients care with psychiatric disorders and the impact of cultural conditions, there is evidence that these two variables have mutual effects. This study's objective was to determine the relationship between stigma and empathy towards psychiatric disorders among nursing students. Methods: Descriptive correlational method was used in this study. The sample consists of 155 nursing students who were attending mental health training at Mashhad Ibn-Sina Psychiatric Hospital; they were selected as available. The data collection tools was Jefferson Nurses' Empathy Questionnaire and the Kassam opening minds scale for Health Care Providers (OMS-HC). Data analysis was performed using descriptive and analytical statistics. Results: Pearson correlation test showed that there was a significant linear relationship between the stigma total mean score (r=0. 23, p=0. 004) and subscale of stigma social responsibility (r=0. 29, p<0. 001) with empathy total mean score. The results of multiple regression analysis showed that only the stigma social responsibility subscale had a negative and significant correlation with the empathy total score. Conclusion: The results showed that there is an inverse relationship between social responsibility of patients with psychiatric disorders and empathy. Therefore, it is recommended that educational interventions considered in accordance with society culture in order to promote empathy and reduce stigma in nursing students.

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Background: Curriculum design and development are among the key components of medical education. Today, the dominant approach to curriculum planning is the competency-based approach. However, despite the emphasis posed by the medical education scientific community on this approach, medical education in both undergraduate and graduate levels in Iran continues to be delivered traditionally. As it is highly important for infectious diseases specialists to acquire the necessary competencies for the treatment of patients with infectious diseases, this study aimed to identify and present such competencies through localizing the competencies laid down by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) of the United States. Methods: This study built on ACGME competencies as its point of departure. The Delphi method was used to extract the required items (i. e., competencies) into a questionnaire. When the content and face validity as well as the reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed, copies of the questionnaire were distributed among faculty members, specialists and residents. The items were prioritized according to the scores given by the participants. Results: According to the results of this study, one general rotation and ten specialized rotations were defined for infectious diseases residents. In each rotation, the expected competencies are enlisted. These competencies are categorized differently in competency-based curricula for the infectious diseases specialty residency programs. Conclusion: According to characteristics of a competency-based curriculum, accountable physicians can be assuredly expected to be trained according to the requirements of the community in case they are trained within such a program.

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