Introduction: When the lesson plan is performed correctly in the classroom, the value of this program and the time spent for it are exactly clarified.The aim of this study is to survey the coordination of theoretical lessons teaching for the students of dentistry in the ninth term in comparison with the lesson plans presented in 1388.Methods: A copy of all lesson plans offered in the ninth term, 1388, with a compact disk of classroom teaching were given to ten sharp students who were active in class participation.According to what they learned in the classes and also listening to the CDs, they addressed the presence or absence of the topics presented in the lesson plans. The collected data were statistically described based on mean frequencies of addressed topics.Results: lesson plans of 5 courses, from the 7 theoretical courses offered, were accessible. It was found that the coordination rate of lesson plans in comparison with the teachers’ presentation in the pediatrics course was 96.25%, in oral surgery 74.8%, in restorative dentistry 81%, in endodontics 92.33% and in orthodontics was 98.66% Conclusion: The courses of pediatrics, endodontics and orthodontics had ‘excellent’ coordination, but restorative dentistry and oral surgery had 'good' coordination. Also the coordination of lesson plans and presented teaching was not perfect.