One of the most important tools to determine strengths, weaknesses performance, identify opportunities and threats external public and private companies accepted the Tehran Stock Exchange, ranking them.Including the fundamental problems of existing methods Hits Co., the main focus them on single main indicators such as sales or income and their lack of comprehensiveness (Qodratyan & Rostami, 2004). In other words, instead of determining the best approach is Co., the largest and most massive they are determined. This article seeks to solve the above problem by providing key indicators and effective rating scheme for the company is. Recommended index ranking company scheme after the comprehensive study of research literature, to explain more comprehensive and accurate indicators rather than more financial main components also have been used. These components include: internal processes, customer, development and innovation, human resources, management, organization and structural aspects of content and knowledge management. Comprehensive study of literature research and interviews with expert’s Exploration, 216 performance indicators for evaluation and ranking were extracted.Considering the multiplicity of indicators and to facilitate involved in explaining and determining their overall index is indicator groups or accounting and financial indicators of non-financial or non accounting class were classified.Using the Delphi technique, the first questionnaire, questions and that expression identified the indicators are designed to poll the importance index and gain consensus about them among the country’s professional society was distributed. After collecting data, the second in question questions we have raised the priority of each of the indicators included in the first round and voters agree or disagree response to the declared priority. Finally, the financial index of 88 financial indicators 104-fold and the number of 98 indicators of non-financial indicators Non-Financial 112 for triple stars scheme of public and private companies accepted the Tehran Stock Exchange was obtained.