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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Rural youth have a major role in development of the agricultural sector. According the crucial importance of rural youth in agricultural jobs, the purpose of this research was to study the effects of barriers to rural youth tendency to engage in agricultural jobs in villages of Qasr-e Shirin, Kermanshah Province.All young aged between 15 to 29 in rural Qasr-e Shirin formed the statistical population of this descriptive correlation research (N=4230). The sample size was determined using Cochran formula and samples were selected by multistage cluster sampling method. The face and content validity of questionnaire was approved using the panel related faculty members. Pre-test and calculating theta coefecient was used to measure the reliability (q=0.83). Applying Mann-Whitney test showed tendency to agricultural jobs by young members of mobile social network, was significantly lower than the non-members. Result of ordinal regression analysis showed that three variables, including worthiness feeling in the village, age and tendency towards rural area had a positive impact on tendency of youth to engage in the agricultural sector. But the educational level had a negative impact. Using factor analysis method, put obstacles to rural youth tendency toward agricultural jobs summarized into six factors including low attractiveness of agriculture and the lack of adequate employment facilities, higher productivity of non-agricultural jobs and arduous of agricultural work, negative attitude to the village and possibility of obtaining a higher position in the city, not proper grounds for farming, lack of welfare, health and recreational facilities in villages and higher profitability of capital in city.

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Extension, education and agricultural advisory services, that has been done by the public sector, for failing to perform their assigned functions, the lack of cost effectiveness and performance has been widely criticized while organizations and NGOs providing agricultural extension services can play an important role in increasing agricultural services for the beneficiaries of Agriculture. This study is an applied research using a descriptive and also considered as a quasi - experimental research. The main objective of this study is the identification of factors affecting expert's attitude of the public sector toward privatization of agricultural extension and education services. The population of this study was all 200 agricultural experts in public sector of Khuzestan province.Using the Cochran formula, the number of population sample determined 126. The data collection instrument in this study was a questionnaire; on the other hand, questionnaire validity was assessed as desirable by used of expert panel method, and questionnaire reliability was estimated.92 by used of cronbach's alpha. As a result, the attitude of experts in the privatization of agricultural extension and education service was high. Based on the results of path analysis, the obstacles and limitations of the private sector in providing services to farmer's most direct effect, the impact of privatization of agricultural extension and education services in reducing the indirect costs of agricultural production most indirect effect and the role of private agricultural services in the acceptance of the service by customers "have the greatest impact on attitudes to privatization of agricultural extension and education services.

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Today this has been accepted that entrepreneurship education success is depended on reinforcement of students' entrepreneurial self-efficacy beliefs. In other words entrepreneurial self-efficacy beliefs are precursor for business startup behavior or business development, particularly for reduction of nascent entrepreneur’s fear of failure. The main aim of Empirical research was assessment the composed structures of Entrepreneurial self- efficacy among agricultural students. This Empirical research is applied research which its data was gathered through survey method. Non experimental research as well as descriptive – correlation approach is best description for research type. Senior and junior undergraduate agricultural students composed research population (N=730).120 convenient questionnaires were gathered as result of Cochran formula. Validity was treated through face validity, convergence and construct validity and reliability was considered by Cronbach’s alpha and composite reliability amount.Structural Equation Modeling using confirmatory factor analysis was dominant method which shows for sustainable entrepreneurship in higher education, seven dimensions have central role. Systems thinking competence (STC), Embracing diversity and interdisciplinarity (EDI), Foresighted thinking (FTC), Normative competence (NC), Action competence (AC), Interpersonal competence (IC) and Strategic management competence (SMC), confirmed as dominant competencies that must be considered in entrepreneurship education. From the perspective of strategic management competenciesindicated Skill acquisition in this field to a form that can be programmed to achieve sustainability among students through the relevant mechanisms established It could improve matters related to entrepreneurship in the students' attitude stability. In addition to increasing students' action competence be analyzed social and environmental issues and challenges with Its emphasis updating curriculum on the curriculum and its contents attention should be given in the form of university extension programs Embracing diversity and interdisciplinarity was also determined In order to Paydray entrepreneurs' success and stability of business for budding entrepreneurs is subject to their interdisciplinary thinking In fact, the interdisciplinary analysis of the issues surrounding without having a vision is not possible About the importance of systems thinking skills competency was determined adorable important role in explaining the relationship between sustainability and entrepreneurship So this is through education relevant to students in higher agricultural education system, especially in terms of analyzing the different conditions occur in the form of a command and problem solving techniques to be strengthened. It seems concentrate on these competencies for in agricultural education with aim to fostering nascent entrepreneur, could result on sustainable entrepreneurship.

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Educational (Academic) burnout is the mental inadequacy and boredom feeling that students show against chronic stress due to lack of necessary resources for doing their assigned duties and tasks. The Statistical Population consisted of 1250 student who study in agriculture and natural resources Discipline at Razi University in 2016-2017 year academic that 300 person were selected by use of Krejcie and Morgan table, using random stratified sampling method. Maslach Demographic -Educational information and Educational boredom inventory was used for data collection. Validity and reliability of this scale with Cronbach's alpha was confirmed for inefficiency, incertitude (doubts) and emotional boredom subscales as 0.72, 0.76 0.71 respectively. For identifying factors influencing on educational burnout, the ordinal regression was performed with use of SPSS v.16software. According chance ratio statistics, possibility for impact of students gender on educational burnout was 3.23, possibility for impact of academic field variables, average grade and time of courses in educational indifference dimension was 1.45, 1.26 and 2.34 respectively, possibility for impact of educational field variables and average in emotional boredom dimension was 1.52 and 1.16, and in educational inefficiency dimension was 1.35 and 2.45 times more than when we don’t consider these variables. Average had protective role against educational boredom and studying at none diurnal courses was among risks factors for educational burnout. Ordinal regression analysis show that four variable namely average, field, academic session and gender affected on measuring possibility for estimate of academic burnout in students.

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This Study Aimed At Survey Effective Factors On Professional Competency Development In Extension Educators Of Forest, Rangeland And Watershed Management Organization To Providing Good Conditions For Improvement Professional Competencies Of Extension Educators Who Work In Natural Resources Sector By Provide Suggestions To Change Training Programs. The Statistical Population Were The Extension Educators Of Forest, Rangeland And Watershed And Its Dependent Educational Centers That They Were 85 Persons. Data Have Been Analyzed By Using Frequency, Percentage, Mean, Exploratory Factor Analysis And Multiple Regression. The Results Showed That Five Components Such As Needs Assessment And Curriculum Design, Classroom Management, Teaching Technology, Assessment And Professional Characteristics Of Teachers Has A Significant Impact On The Professional Competency Development For Extension Educators In Total, 82% Of The Variance In The Dependent Variable Explained. Classroom Management Factor Had Greatest Importance Among The Factors To Explains Of The Total Variance Factors Affecting Professional Development.

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Psychological capital is a core construct consisting of the positive psychological resources of efficacy, hope, optimism, and resilience (flexibility). Previous research has consistently linked psychological capital to personal capabilities including entrepreneurial traits. Further research need to explore the ways in which psychological capital can be developed through education and its relationship with development of entrepreneurial traits of students. The main objective of this research was using of canonical correlation analysis (CCA) to find relations between psychological capital and entrepreneurial traits of agriculture students.This research carried out by survey method. The statistical population of this study consisted of all agricultural students of the Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources (N=2265).The sample size (n=225) was determinate by Cochran's formula and respondents was selected by proportionate stratified random sampling technique. Data was gathered by a questionnaire, consisted of Index of Psychological Capital Questionnaire (Luthans et al., 2007) and Measurement Instrument of Personality Characteristics of Iranian's Entrepreneurs (Kordnaeij et al., 2007). Formal validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by an expert panel (including faculty members of agricultural education and entrepreneurship).Reliability of main indexes of the questionnaire was determined based on Theta (q) reliability coefficient (0.82, 0.86). Using SPSS and SAS software, the gathered data was analyzed. The results showed that the most of students (64 %) are weak and very weak in terms of entrepreneurial traits. Also, more respondents (46 %) have moderate level of psychological capital, 24% in low and very low and nearly 30 %had high or very high. Calculated correlation coefficients revealed a significance positive relationship between psychological capital dimensions and Entrepreneurial Traits. The CCA indicated that there are two important pairs of canonical variables between psychological capital and entrepreneurial traits of agriculture students with correlations of 0.51 and 0.30 respectively.

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Entrepreneurial skills are identified as a socity priority, because of their impact on people’s economic, personal and social lives. The purpose of this research is to investigate factors affecting agricultural educators’ entrepreneurial skills at Sari agricultural technical two-years colleges. Methodologically, this research is a casual-relation and applied study. The statistical population, comprised 531 agricultural educators at Agricultural Technical Colleges in Sari. According to the Cochran formula, a sample size of 230 was selected using stratified random sampling method. The data collection tool was researcher- made questionnaire, content validity of which was approved by agricultural extension experts at Sari Islamic Azad University and its reliability was estimated to be 0.90 using ordinal theta coefficient.SPSSWin16 used to process data. The analysed results showed that approximately, 63.5% of respondents ranked their entrepreneurial skills at high level and 13% considered it at intermediate level. Results indicated that variables; number of in-service course, family size, personality factors, educational factors, management factors and entrepreneurial spirit had a significant positive correlation (P=0.01) with entrepreneurial skills. Also economic factors have a significant positive correlation (P=0.05) with entrepreneurial skills. So, these variables have positive impact on development of educators’ entrepreneurial skills. Based on ordinal regression findings, five variables including; number of educational course, family size, personality factors, management factors and entrepreneurial spirit were influencing on the probability of estimating the educators entrepreneurial skills level.

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The main purpose of this research was to study affecting factors on students’ entrepreneurial intention with emphasis on mediating effect of attitude toward entrepreneurial behavior. The statistical population of the research contained of all M.Sc. students in agriculture faculty of Zanjan University in 2015- 2016 academic year (N=489). According to Bartlett et al. (2001) table, a sample size of 220 was selected using a stratified random sampling method (n=220). Data were collected using the standard questionnaires (after adjusting the questions with the field of research). Content validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by a panel of experts. Construct validity and composite reliability of the research instrument were tested by estimating the measurement model and they were satisfactory after making necessary corrections. Data was analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) multivariate technique and the Bootstrapping method was used for testing mediating effect. The results showed that two variable of perceived behavior control ( r-value=0.001, b =0.808) and social norms (r-value=0.001, b=0.374) had a positive and significant effect on students’ entrepreneurial intention. In addition to this, the results indicated that sum of indirect effect of perceived behavior control (r-value=0.001, b =0.237) and social norms (r-value=0.001, b =0.210) on students’ entrepreneurial intention through the variable of attitude toward entrepreneurial behavior was significant and the three the variables explained 64 percent of variances of the students’ entrepreneurial intention.

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The hope to select a suitable job among graduates is one of the important factors in ensuring their effectiveness and future success.The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of career aspirations through individual learning on the career choice of agricultural students after their graduation. The Statistical Society was 180 students of higher education Center of Imam Khomeini (RA) in eight different educational fields in the academic year of 2015-2016, which by using Cochran's formula, 120 members of these students were selected by random choice that was in accordance with the base of the educational fields, and then the data were collected and analyzed. Standardized questionnaires were used to collect the data, and the content validity of the research instrument was confirmed by experts and specialists.The reliability of the research tools was obtained by using ordinal theta coefficient in the range (0.71 to 0.91). Spearman analysis coefficient, logistic regression and the path coefficients were used for the relationship between variables, and the SPSS and AMOS software were used for the importance of direct and indirect impact of standard errors. The results show, there is a significant positive relationship with career choice and career aspirations of individual learning. The research results show that, however, career aspiration has a significant and positive relationship with the Career choice and individual learning, but the Career aspirations has no significant and direct impact on the career choice, However, by the way of individual learning with the path coefficient of 0.49, there will be a positive and significant effect on career choice.

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Requisite to improve agricultural graduates employment field was that universities and colleges that providing this training will become entrepreneur. This study was aimed to develop a pattern to establish an entrepreneurial university of agriculture and natural resources. The research method was descriptive- correlational. The statistical population consisted of 305 agricultural and natural resources faculty members at Agricultural and Natural Resources universities of Iran. Stratified random sampling method was used to select 170 faculty members. Gibb's entrepreneurial university questionnaire of along with a researcher-made questionnaire with numerical range of zero to ten were used to collect data. Data processing tools were soft wares were SPSS20 and AMOS20.The Exploratory, confirmatory factor analysis and correlation tests were used. The result of the exploratory factor analysis showed that "organizational communication", "teaching- learning", "curriculum planning", "distinguishes of an entrepreneurial university of agriculture and natural resources compared with an entrepreneurial university in other fields" and "process activities" are some of the constituting components of an entrepreneurial agriculture and natural resources university. All components of the study, both in processes and strategic parts, had significant relationship. Also, the viewpoints of faculty members abou the importance of each component in order to create entrepreneurial university of agriculture and natural resources, showed that although the upstream documents have been paid serious attention to entrepreneurship, but senior managers of the Ministry, especially educational managers did not support entrepreneurship sufficiently. Therefore, to create entrepreneurial university of agriculture and natural resources equipping educational managers to information, skills and insights necessary to manage such universities according to their differentiation with other universities is essential. The results of confirmatory factor analysis, also showed that Gibb's entrepreneurial university model was approved in the studied population and among studied components, exchange and transfer of knowledge has the highest correlation (0.83) with the ability to create entrepreneurial university

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