One of the debates in Theory of Knowledge (Epistemology) is the influence of non-epistemic factors, in particular the Sin, on the knowledge. Such a view has been prevalent in classical thought. In 3500 ago, Hindus believed that nonepistemic Factors affect on knowledge. In Christianity Paul was saying “do not commit the sin and you would know the real better”. Although in modern times there were many philosophers who believed in this fact but this was William James who for the first time declared that our beliefs are not merely caused by arguments and such factors as self-suggestion, love, hate, fear, hope and etc. can affect on our knowledge. Holy Quran also debates issues such as the nature of knowledge, its forms, the way one can have access to it and the epistemic and non-epistemic factors of knowledge. For Quran one of the main factors of knowledge is the sin which can affect on the way of obtaining the knowledge either the acquisition of knowledge by ourselves or having the access to it by grace. What can be seen is that according to Quran sin in many ways has effects on our knowledge especially on the divine sciences. For example sin sometimes causes imperfect knowledge, distortion, oblivion and also the lack of deep deliberation.